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Vue data validation rules, very much inspired from Laravel validation

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Vue data validation rules, very much inspired from Laravel validation




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A Vue plugin that provides out-of-the-box data validation rules, very much inspired from Laravel validation system.

## Installation

npm i @primitivesocial/ps-validation

import PsValidation from "@primitivesocial/ps-validation";

## Basic Usage Example
The plugin provides a data property `validator` that creates a new instance of the validator.

In this simple example, we will demonstrate how to add a validation for `name` property before submitting the data using the method `submitData()`.

// Vue SFC
export default {
data() {
return {
name: '',
methods: {
submitData() {, { data: { name: name} });

- **First step define the validation rules needed**
export default {
data() {
return {
name: '',
// here we are adding the validation rules
validationRules: [
{ model: 'name', rules: 'required' },
- **Next we will setup the validator and validate our data before submitting it**
mounted() {
methods: {
submitData() {

if(this.validator.passes()), { data: { name: name} });

// You can also use .fails()
alert('Name is required');

And that's it! 🦄 🦄 🚀 🚀

## Error rendering & Customization
The plugin provides a helper `$error` to render the error in the Vue component template.
Each rule has a default error message.
{{ $error('name') }}


You can customize the error message when setting up the validator.
'name': 'The name field must not be empty.'
_Note: the key provided in the `setCustomMessages()` object parameter, is always set to: `data property` concatenated with `rule name`_

## Support for dot path annotations
You can validate deep nested properties inside your data object easily by adding dot path annotations.
data() {
return {
event: {
speaker: {
name: '',
validations: [
{model: '', rules: 'required'}
## Working With Rules
### Adding multiple rule
You can add multiple rule to the same property or model by separating them with `|`
{ model: 'age', rules: 'required | integer | min:18' }

### Available rules
- **required** _The field under validation must be present in the input data and not empty_
- **integer** _The field under validation must be an integer_
- **email** _The field under validation must be a valid email_
- **string** _The field under validation must be an string_
- **date** _The field under validation must be a date_
- **min:value** _The field under validation must have a minimum value. Numbers are only evaluated for now_
- **max:value** _The field under validation must have a maximum value. Numbers are only evaluated for now_
- **before_or_equal:date** _The field under validation must be a value preceding or equal to the given date_
- **after_or_equal:date** _The field under validation must be a value after or equal to the given date_
- **required_if:boolean** _The field under validation must be present and not empty if the boolean condition is true_
- **credit_card_number:cardType** _The field under validation must be a valid credit card number of the specified type_
- **credit_card_cvv** _The field under validation must be a valid credit card cvv_

*Available credit card types for validation: `Visa, MasterCard, Amex, VisaElectron`

// example of combined rules
data() {
person: {
is_student: false,
age: null,
registered_at: null,
card: {
number: null,
cvv: null,
type: 'Visa'
registration_ends: '10/31/2020',
validations: [
// age will be required only if is_student is true
{ model: 'person.age', rules: 'required_if:person.is_student | integer | min:18' } ,
// registered_at will be required, must be a date and before or equal to registration_ends date
{ model: 'person.registered_at', rules: 'required | date | before_or_equal:registration_ends' },
// credit card number and cvv validation
{ model: 'card.number', rules: 'credit_card_number:card.type' },
{ model: 'card.cvv', rules: 'credit_card_cvv' },

## Adding Custom rule
You can easily extend the validator by adding a custom rule using the method `extend(ruleName, function, errorMessage)`

mounted() {
function(value, arg) {
let regexp = /^[a-z_]+$/i;
return !!regexp.test(value);
'this field must contain only letters as well as underscores.'
data() {
return {
username: '',
validations: [
{ model: 'username', rules: 'string | alpha_dash' }

## Developer friendly
Along with the jest tests, the plugin provides helpful warning messages in the browser console in case something is missed by the developer.
Here are few examples:

When you try to validate without setting the rules to the validator
PsValidation debugger: You must specify the validation rules.

Or when you add a rule that doesn't exist or not defined.
PsValidation debugger: The rule wtv for the model noticeEvent.notifyDate is not defined. It will be ignored.

## Author & Contribution
Hey, I'm Elie Andraos, a web developer at [Primitive Social](
Pull requests are always welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
You can also [reach me out on twitter]( for any question!