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Lightweight and simple to use vue component that highlights menu items as you scroll the page, also scrolling to target section when clicked.

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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Lightweight and simple to use vue component that highlights menu items as you scroll the page, also scrolling to target section when clicked.




# vue-scrollactive

This component makes it simple to highlight a menu item with an 'active' class as you scroll.

- Highlights items with a class as you scroll
- Scrolls to item's section on click
- Configurable easing scroll effect
- Emits events for full control

Make sure to check the [demo]( where you can play around with every option.

## Installation

Install using `yarn`

yarn add vue-scrollactive

or `npm`

npm install --save vue-scrollactive

then install the plugin

import VueScrollactive from 'vue-scrollactive';


Or if you wish to include it in a `script` tag, just download the source code from the latest release [here]( and include the `vue-scrollactive.min.js` file located in the `dist` folder in your page as a script:



If you're not running any transpiler like babel, you'll most likely need to install a Promise polyfill such as [this]( to support older browsers since this library depends on promises to work.

## Usage

The primary way to use the plugin is to wrap your menu in a `` tag (which will be your nav) and add a `.scrollactive-item` class in your `` tags as I show in the example below:


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You can follow whatever structure you wish, just make sure to set the `.scrollactive-item` class in the items you want to highlight and set its `href` with a valid element ID that you would like to track while scrolling.

The secondary way to use it is almost the same as the primary but instead of relying on `href` to find your sections you'll need to set a data attribute `data-section-selector` on your elements with the section selector you wish to have.


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As you can see this gives you more freedom to choose different tags and you can use whatever CSS selector you find necessary, but it's important to notice that `data-section-selector` takes precedence over `href`, so if you have a tag `` it will completely ignore the `#section-1` and use `#another-section` instead.

## Events

Scrollactive will emit an `itemchanged(event, currentItem, lastActiveItem)` event when an active menu item is changed to another. You can catch that event doing as the example below:


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// ...
methods: {
onItemChanged(event, currentItem, lastActiveItem) {
// here you have access to everything you need regarding that event
// ...

## Configuration

All options should be passed as a prop in the `` component as you can see in the example below:



Remember that all options are optional and you can check the default values below:

### Options

* Active class that will be applied to the active item.
activeClass: {
type: String,
default: 'is-active',

* Amount of space between top of screen and the section to highlight. (Usually your fixed
* header's height).
offset: {
type: Number,
default: 20,

* Amount of space between the top of the screen and the section to highlight when clicking a
* scrollactive item to scroll. It will use the value of the `offset` prop if none is provided
* here. Useful when you want to use the `offset` prop to make an item be active as soon as
* it shows on the screen but still scroll to the top of the section when clicking the item.
scrollOffset: {
type: Number,
default: null,

* The selector string of the scroll container element you'd like to use. It defaults to the
* window object (most common), but you might want to change in case you're using an element
* as container with overflow.
scrollContainerSelector: {
type: String,
default: '',

* Enables/disables the scrolling when clicking in a menu item.
* Disable if you'd like to handle the scrolling by your own.
clickToScroll: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,

* The duration of the scroll animation when clicking to scroll is activated.
duration: {
type: Number,
default: 600,

* Defines if the plugin should track the section change when clicking an item to scroll to
* its section. If set to true, it will always keep track and change the active class to the
* current section while scrolling, if false, the active class will be immediately applied to
* the clicked menu item, ignoring the passed sections until the scrolling is over.
alwaysTrack: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,

* Your custom easing value for the click to scroll functionality.
* It must be a string with 4 values separated by commas in a cubic bezier format.
bezierEasingValue: {
type: String,
default: '.5,0,.35,1',

* Decides if the URL should be modified with the section id when clicking a scrollactive
* item.
modifyUrl: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,

* If true the active class will only be applied when a section matches exactly one of the
* scrollactive items, meaning it will be highlighted when scrolling exactly inside the
* section. If false (default) it will always highlight the last item which was matched
* in a section, even if it is already outside that section (and not inside another that's
* being tracked).
exact: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,

* If true the active class will be applied to the first scrollactive-item before you scroll
* past it (even if you didn't reach it yet).
highlightFirstItem: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,

* Changes the scrollactive container component html tag.
tag: {
type: String,
default: 'nav',

* If true the screen will scroll down to the element in the URL when the component is mounted.
scrollOnStart: {
type: Boolean,
default: true,

## Contributing

Clone the repository and install the dependencies running `yarn`. After the dependencies are installed you should be good to run `yarn start` which will load up a server with the sandbox for you to play around.