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A plugin that can automatically bind Vue-router query to Vue instance.

props query route stateful-route validation vue vue-router

Last synced: 26 days ago
JSON representation

A plugin that can automatically bind Vue-router query to Vue instance.




# vue-route-props

Automatically bind vue-router query to vm, APIs are mostly same as the Vue props.

[![npm version](](

## Install

npm install vue-route-props
yarn add vue-route-props

## Why

In order to make route `stateful`(e.g, let user to copy one route, and paste in another tab), in this way you need to pass `query` instead of [params]( vue-route-props is implemented it which is much of the same in [vue props](

## Usage

[![Edit vue-route-props](](

import Vue from "vue";
import VueRouter from "vue-router";
import * as VueRouteProps from "vue-route-props";


new Vue({
routeProps: {
optional: {
type: String,
default: "an optional routeProp with default value",
required: {
required: true,
type: String,
multiple: {
type: [String, Array, Object],
validator: {
validator(value) {
return value === "with custom validator";

## API

### vm

#### Prop Types

In order to keep values' type, you need to **ALWAYS** use `JSON.stringify` to insert query:

query: {
willBeString: 0, // wrong, there will be an error occurs
willBeNumber: JSON.stringify(0), // expected, the willBeNumber is bind with 0 now

### Options

#### Inspect mode

Since we bind routeProps to vm's root instead of data/computed, and so on, You cannot use the vue-dev-tools to inspect what value it is.

In order to inspect routeProps, you can enable inspect mode. we will log all routeProps when it is updated.

Vue.use(VueRouteProps, {
inspect: true,

new Vue({
routeProps: {
prop: {
type: String,
default: "a default value",


[VueRouteProps info]: {
prop: "a default value"

### Debug mode

In general, we log errors while environment is not in production mode. you can override it with debug mode.

Vue.use(VueRouteProps, {
debug: true,