
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A Trie-based vue router with the ability of managing history.state.

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

A Trie-based vue router with the ability of managing history.state.




# vue-pilot
A Trie-based vue router with the ability of managing history.state.

## Install

npm install vue-pilot

## Features
* Small (8kb after gzipped).
* Ability of managing history.state.
* Decoupling UI layout from URL segments.
* Dispatching route without changing URL.
* Typed query and params.

## Table of Contents
- [vue-pilot](#vue-pilot)
- [Install](#install)
- [Features](#features)
- [Table of Contents](#table-of-contents)
- [Constructor](#constructor)
- [PathRouter](#pathrouter)
- [HashRouter](#hashrouter)
- [\](#routerview)
- [\](#routerlink)
- [Location object](#location-object)
- [path](#path)
- [external](#external)
- [query](#query)
- [hash](#hash)
- [fullPath](#fullpath)
- [url](#url)
- [state](#state)
- [hidden](#hidden)
- [appearPath](#appearpath)
- [Matched route object](#matched-route-object)
- [path](#path-1)
- [query](#query-1)
- [hash](#hash-1)
- [fullPath](#fullpath-1)
- [url](#url-1)
- [params](#params)
- [meta](#meta)
- [Routes definition](#routes-definition)
- [APIs](#apis)
- [router.current](#routercurrent)
- [router.start()](#routerstart)
- [router.normalize()](#routernormalize)
- [router.url()](#routerurl)
- [router.push()](#routerpush)
- [router.replace()](#routerreplace)
- [router.dispatch()](#routerdispatch)
- [router.setState()](#routersetstate)
- [router.go()](#routergo)
- [router.back()](#routerback)
- [router.forward()](#routerforward)
- [router.captureLinkClickEvent()](#routercapturelinkclickevent)
- [router.on()](#routeron)
- [](#routeroff)
- [Events](#events)
- [beforeChange](#beforechange)
- [Arguments](#arguments)
- [Returns](#returns)
- [beforeUpdate](#beforeupdate)
- [afterChange](#afterchange)
- [Dependencies](#dependencies)
- [License](#license)

## Constructor

### PathRouter

import Vue from 'vue'
import { PathRouter } from 'vue-pilot'


const router = new PathRouter({
routes: [
// see routes definition below

base: '/app/',
origin: ''

const app = new Vue({
// inject the router instance

// ...


`base`: `String`. defines the base path of the app. If you want the root path not end with slash,
you can set the base without ending slash, like '/app'. Defaults to `''`.

`origin`: `String` | `Array`. Let `` treats absolute URLs with `origin` as in-app links.

### HashRouter

import Vue from 'vue'
import { HashRouter } from 'vue-pilot'


const router = new HashRouter({
routes: [
// ...

`HashRouter` doesn't have `base` option.

## \

The `` is a functional component that renders the matched component.

It has a `name` property. The default value is `default`.




## \

Open new tab


external link

The `` is a navigation component, it normally renders an `` element.

* `to`: `Location` object, or `path`/`fullPath` of the `Location` object, or an absolute URL.
* `action`: `String`. `push`, `replace`, or `dispatch`. Defaults to `push`.
* `tag`: `String`. The HTML tag name. Defaults to `a`.

`` will have `active` class if it equals to the current path.

## Location object
A location object is used for changing the current address.
It can be used in ``, `router.start(location)`, `router.push(location)`, `router.replace(location)`, `router.dispatch(location)`, etc.

A string URL can be converted to a location object by [router.normalize()](#routernormalize).
And a location object can be converted to a URL string by [router.url()](#routerurl).


### path

Router internal path, which has stripped the protocol, host, and base path.

### external

If `path` is started with protocal, or `external` is `true`,
`path` is treated as an external path, and will be converted to an internal path.

### query
`Object` | `String` | `Array` | `URLSearchParams` | `StringCaster`

`query` accepts the same parameter types as [URLSearchParams](
constructor. Or it can be a [StringCaster]( object that wraps a `URLSearchParams` object.

### hash

A string containing a `#` followed by the fragment identifier of the URL.
If `HashRouter` is used, the fragment identifier is followed by the second `#` mark.

### fullPath
`String`. Read-only.

path + query string + hash

### url
`String`. Read-only.

An external relative URL which can be used as `href` attribute of ``.
It is the same as `router.url(location)`.

* `PathRouter`: base + path + query string + hash
* `HashRouter`: # + path + query string + hash

### state

The state object is a JavaScript object which is associated with the history entry.
See `state` parameter of [history.pushState()]( for details.

### hidden

Indicate whether it is a hidden history entry. see [router.push()](#routerpush) for detail.

### appearPath

If `hidden` is `true` and `appearPath` is set, the location bar will show this address instead.

## Matched route object
A matched route object contains the information of the matched route.
It contains some same properties as the `Location` object, and some extra properties.
It's provided by the hook functions as the `to` and `from` parameter.


### path

Same as `location.path`.

### query

A [StringCaster]( object that wraps a `URLSearchParams` object.

### hash

Same as `location.hash`.

### fullPath

Same as `location.fullPath`.

### url

Same as `location.url`.

### params

A [StringCaster]( object that wraps a plain object.
The plain object is collected from the path segments.
See [Routes definition](#routes-definition) below for details.

### meta

A object collected from the route definiton. See [Routes definition](#routes-definition) below for details.

## Routes definition

const routes = [
name: 'aside', // will be mounted into
component: { /* component definition */ }

path: '/basic',

// Definition without `name`.
// The component will be mounted into
component: { /* component definition */ }

// Return promise to define async components
{ path: '/async', component: () => import('./Component.vue') },

path: '/prop',

// Pass some props to the component
props: { foo: 'hello' },

component: {
props: ['foo'],
// ...

// Use `:paramName` to define params
// More pattern syntax, see
path: '/article/:id',

// props can be a factory function, it receives the current route object as the first argument.
props: route => ({
foo: route.query.string('foo'),

component: {
props: ['articleId', 'foo', 'bar'],
// ...

// Setting key attribute of the .
// It will re-create the component instead of reusing it when key changes.
// So you needn't to watch the prop changes.
// See
// If key is a function, the returned value will be the key
key: route =>'id')

// param with regex
path: '/date/:year(\\d+)-:month(\\d+)',
component: VFoo,
props: route => ({ foo:'year'), bar:'month') })

// Define hooks
path: '/login',

// beforeEnter hook will be called before confirming the navigation.
// See global `beforeChange` event for details.
// Function | Array
// `this` refers to the router instance.
beforeEnter(to, from, action, router) {


component: {
// in-component beforeRouteLeave hook.
// Will be called before route leave.
// See global `beforeChange` event for details.
// Function | Array
// `this` refers to the vue component instance.
beforeRouteLeave(to, from, action, router) {


// ...

// Use array to group definitions
// Router view definitions in array will override outer definitions which has the same name.
name: 'aside',
component: { /* ... */}

// In this layout, the default will mount a component that has nested s
component: {
props: ['activeTab'],

// Define two child s
template: `


// Define some meta
meta: { activeTab: 'main' },

// route.meta.activeTab is "foo" when path is "/foo"
props: route => ({ activeTab: route.meta.activeTab })

// Define child s
children: [
name: 'footer',
component: { /* ... */ }

path: '/foo',
component: { /* ... */ },

// Parent route meta and child route meta will be merged together.
// If child route meta has same keys as parent, it will override parent ones.
meta: { activeTab: 'foo' }

// Override footer
name: 'footer',
component: { /* ... */ }

path: '/bar',
component: { /* ... */},

// meta can be a factory function
meta: route => ({ activeTab: route.query.string('active') })

// Define a catch-all route
path: '(.*)',
component: {
template: '

404 Not Found


## APIs
Most of the APIs are proxied to [spa-history](

In the vue instance, you can get the router object from `this.$router`.

### router.current
The current [matched route object](#matched-route-object).

### router.start()

router.start(URL string | location)

Starts the router.

In browser, if URL/location is not given, the default value is the current address.

### router.normalize()

router.normalize(URL string | location)

converts the URL string or unnormalized location object to a normalized object.

if URL/location.path is started with protocal, or `location.external` is `true`, `location.path` is treated as an external path, and will be converted to an internal path.

// PathRouter with base '/foo/bar/'
path: '/home',
query: new StringCaster(new URLSearchParams('a=1')),
hash: '#b',
fullPath: '/home?a=1#b',
state: {}

// same result as above
path: '/foo/bar/home?a=1#b',
external: true

// same result as above

// same result as above
path: '/home',
query: {
a: 1
hash: '#b'

// HashRouter
// same result as above

The `query` property can be of type `Object`, `String` or `Array`. see [URLSearchParams()]( for detail.

### router.url()

router.url(URL string | location)

Converts an internal URL string or location object to an external relative URL which can be set as `href` attribute of ``.

path: '/home',
query: {
a: 1
hash: '#b'

// or

HashRouter: #/home?a=1#b
PathRouter(with base: '/foo/bar/'): /foo/bar/home?a=1#b

### router.push()

router.push(URL string | location)

Pushs the location onto the history stack. `beforeChange` event will be fired.


path: '/home',
query: {
a: 1
hash: '#b'

// PathRouter, complete URL

// HashRouter, complete URL

You can push a location with state.

path: '/home',
state: {
foo: 1,
bar: 2

And you can push a hidden location, which will not change the value of browser's address bar. the hidden location is stored in `window.history.state`

path: '/login',
state: {
foo: 1

// '/login' won't show in the location bar
hidden: true,

// optional. if set, the location bar will show this address instead
appearPath: '/buy'

### router.replace()

router.replace(URL string | location)

Replaces the current history entry with the location specified.

### router.dispatch()

router.dispatch(URL string | location)

Dispatchs the route without changing the history. That is, the location of browser's address bar won't be changed.

### router.setState()


Sets state of the current route. the state will be merged into `router.current.state`

### router.go()

router.go(position, { silent = false, state = null } = {})

Counterpart of `window.history.go()`. Returns a promise which will be resolved when `popstate` event fired.

`silent`: if true, `beforeChange` event won't be fired.

`state`: if set, the state object will be merged into the state object of the destination location.

### router.back()


Alias of `router.go(-1, options)`

### router.forward()


Alias of `router.go(1, options)`

### router.captureLinkClickEvent()


Prevents the navigation when clicking the `` element in the container and `href` is an in-app address,
`router.push()` will be called instead.




### router.on()

router.on(event, callback, { once = false, beginning = false })

Adds a callback function that will be called when the specified event fires.

If `once` is `true`, the callback function will be removed after

If `beginning` is `true`, the callback function will be inserted at the beginning of the callback array,
so it will be called first.


```js, callback, { once = true })

Removes the specified event callback.

## Events

### beforeChange

router.on('beforeChange', function(to, from, action, router) {
// ...

The `beforeChange` hook will be called before confirming the navigation.
`this` refers to the router instance.

#### Arguments
* to: Route object. The route will be changed to.
* from: Route object. The current route.
* action:
- push: router.push() is called.
- replace: router.replace() is called.
- init: "to" is the initial page, at this stage, "from.path" is null.
- pop: user clicked the back or foraward button , or router.go(), router.back(), router.forward() is called, or hash changed.
- dispatch: router.dispatch() is called.
* router: the router instance

#### Returns

The hook can return one of the following values, or a promise that resolves with one of the following values,
to control the navigation:

* true | undefined: The navigation is confirmed.
* false: Prevent the navigation.
* null: Do nothing.
* location: Redirect to this location.
You can override the history manipulate action by providing location.action property, values are: 'push', 'replace', 'dispatch'.

### beforeUpdate

router.on('beforeUpdate', function(to, from, action, router) {
// ...

The `beforeUpdate` hook will be called after the history has been changed but before updating the ``s.
`this` refers to the router instance.

Returning `false` or a promise that resolves with `false` can prevent to update the ``s.

### afterChange

router.on('afterChange', function(to, from, action, router) {
// ...

The `afterChange` hook will be called after ``s have been updated.
`this` refers to the router instance.

## Dependencies
- [URL](
- [Object.assign()](
- [Element.closest()](

You can use [@babel/polyfill]( and
[dom4]( to meet the requirements.

Or use the []( service:


## License