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Vue.js component for lazyloading YouTube videos.


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Vue.js component for lazyloading YouTube videos.




# vue-lazy-youtube-video

![Vue.js logo plus YouTube logo](./assets/img.jpg)

> 1.x documentation can be found [here](

- [vue-lazy-youtube-video](#vue-lazy-youtube-video)
- [Features](#features)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Via NPM](#via-npm)
- [Via Yarn](#via-yarn)
- [Directly in browser](#directly-in-browser)
- [Initialization](#initialization)
- [Styles](#styles)
- [As a global component](#as-a-global-component)
- [As a local component](#as-a-local-component)
- [As a plugin](#as-a-plugin)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Demo](#demo)
- [API](#api)
- [Properties](#properties)
- [Events](#events)
- [Methods](#methods)
- [Slots](#slots)
- [FAQ](#faq)
- [Tests](#tests)
- [Unit](#unit)
- [TypeScript support](#typescript-support)
- [Development](#development)
- [Build](#build)
- [Powered by](#powered-by)
- [Inspiration](#inspiration)
- [License](#license)

## Features

- reduces initial load size by ~1.1MB per video
- built with a11y in mind – fully accessible via keyboard and to screen readers
- `.webp` thumbnail format for modern browsers that support it, with `.jpg` fallback for browsers that don't
- fully customizable through `props` and `slots`

## Installation

### Via NPM

$ npm install vue-lazy-youtube-video --save

### Via Yarn

$ yarn add vue-lazy-youtube-video

### Directly in browser


// as a plugin
// as a component
Vue.use('LazyYoutubeVideo', VueLazyYoutubeVideo.default)


## Initialization

### Styles

import 'vue-lazy-youtube-video/dist/style.css'

### As a global component

> ⚠️ It must be called before `new Vue()`.

import Vue from 'vue'
import LazyYoutubeVideo from 'vue-lazy-youtube-video'

Vue.component('LazyYoutubeVideo', LazyYoutubeVideo)

### As a local component

import LazyYoutubeVideo from 'vue-lazy-youtube-video'

export default {
name: 'YourAwesomeComponent',
components: {

### As a plugin

> ⚠️ It must be called before `new Vue()`.

import Vue from 'vue'
import { Plugin } from 'vue-lazy-youtube-video'


## Usage



## Demo

[![Edit vue-lazy-youtube-video](](

## API

### Properties

The list of available `props` (with their types, default values and descriptions) is listed below:


| Property | Required | Type | Default | Description |
| -------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `src` | `true` | `string` | | ``'s `src` attribute in `[VIDEO_ID]` format. URL can contain any `query` part, but notice that `autoplay=1` is always appended |
| `alt` | `false` | `string` | `Video thumbnail` | Value of the `alt` attribute of the thumbnail `` element |
| `buttonLabel` | `false` | `string` | `Play video` | Value of the `aria-label` attribute of the play `` element. Improves a11y |
| `aspectRatio` | `false` | `string` | `16:9` | Aspect ratio of the video. This prop helps to save proportions of the video on different container sizes. Should match the `number:number` pattern |
| `previewImageSize` | `false` | `string` | | Size of the thumbnail, generated by YouTube. Available variants: `default`, `mqdefault`, `hqdefault`, `sddefault`, `maxresdefault`. [More info][1] |
| `thumbnail` | `false` | `{ jpg: string, webp?: string }` | | Custom thumbnail object, which should contain two keys: `webp` and `jpg`. Value of the key is the path to the custom thumbnail image |
| `iframeAttributes` | `false` | `object` | `{ allowfullscreen: true, frameborder: 0, allow: 'accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture' }` | Custom attributes that will be assigned to the `` element |
| `webp` | `false` | `boolean` | `true` | Whether or not try to load `.webp` thumbnail in favor of `.jpg`. Note that old videos may not have generated `.webp` thumbnail |
| `autoplay` | `false` | `boolean` | `false` | Whether or not to play video as soon as component mounts into the DOM |
| `thumbnailListeners` | `false` | `Record` | | Listeners that will be attached to the preview thumbnail |
| `enablejsapi` | `false` | `boolean` | `false` | Include [`'enablejapi=1'`][2] parameter to the generated `src` attribute of the `` element. This will allow you to listen to the `init:player` event as well as access the `YT.Player` instance via the `getPlayerInstance` method. **Make sure** you have injected the proper YouTube [``]( tag or passed the `injectPlayerScript` prop |
| `playerOptions` | `false` | `Partial` | `{}` | Options the will be passed to the [`YT.Player`][3] constructor |
| `injectPlayerScript` | `false` | `boolean` | `false` | Will auto inject the proper YouTube [``][4] when `enablejapi` is passed and there is no `window.YT.Player` |
| `parameters` | `false` | `YT.Parameters` | `{}` | [YouTube Parameters][5] that will be injected into the generated `` `src` attribute |

### Events

| Name | Payload | Description |
| --------------- | -------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `'load:iframe'` | `{ iframe?: HTMLIFrameElement }` | Happens when native' `` element `load` event fires |
| `'init:player'` | `{ instance: YT.Player }` | Happens when the `YT.Player` instance is instantiated |

### Methods

| Name | Type | Description |
| ------------------- | --------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `getPlayerInstance` | `() => Nullable` | Returns an instance of the `YT.Player` when the `enablejapi` prop is passed and the `YT.Player` is initialized (check `'init:player'` event), in other cases returns `null` |

### Slots

Component provides some `slots`.

The list of available slots is listed below:

| Slot | Description |
| -------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `button` | Slot gives an ability to provide custom play button |
| `icon` | Slot gives an ability to provide custom icon of the play button |

> ⚠️ **Note**, that when `button` slot is passed and this slot contains ``, ones should not to forget to add `aria-label` (if this button contains only icon) and `type="button"` attributes. Also, if that button do not contain `.y-video-button` class, all default styles will be lost, so style concerns it's up to developer.

### FAQ

**Question**: How to play/pause/stop a video?

**Answer**: Pass the `enablejapi` prop and then listen to `'init:player'` event to get an instance of the `YT.Player`. All the available instance methods you can find [here]( Hint: You can also get a player instance via the `getPlayerInstance` method.




import { InitPlayerEventPayload } from 'vue-lazy-youtube-video'
// ...
methods: {
onPlayerInit(payload: InitPlayerEventPayload) {
// ...

## Tests

You can run unit tests by running the next command:

npm run test

### Unit

Jest is used for unit-tests.

[`Jest`]( and [`VueTestUtils`]( is used for unit tests.

You can run unit tests by running the next command:

npm run test:unit

## TypeScript support

Component is completely built and tested using TypeScript.

Here is the list of the types you can use:

// import type {} TypeScript 3.8 +
import {
} from 'vue-lazy-youtube-video'

## Development

1. Clone this repository
2. Install dependencies using `yarn install` or `npm install`
3. Start development server using `npm run dev` script

## Build

To build the production ready bundle simply run `npm run build`:

After the successful build the following files will be generated in the `dist` folder:

├── vue-lazy-youtube-video.common.js
├── vue-lazy-youtube-video.esm.js
├── vue-lazy-youtube-video.js
├── vue-lazy-youtube-video.min.js
├── style.css
├── style.min.css
├── style.simplified.css
├── style.simplified.min.css

## Powered by

- [`Vue`](
- [`Rollup`]( (and plugins)
- [`Babel`](
- [`Jest`](
- [`Vue Test Utils`](
- [`TypeScript`](
- [`PostCSS`](

## Inspiration

Inspired by [Vadim Makeev]( Vadim created a comprehensive tutorial in which he shows how to lazyload YouTube videos properly.

## License
