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Super easy way to animate numbers.

animation anime numeric-animation vue

Last synced: 26 days ago
JSON representation

Super easy way to animate numbers.




# animated-number-vue

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> A simple vue animated number for Vue2, using [anime](

> Live demo [here](


## Usage

$ npm install animated-number-vue
# OR
$ yarn add animated-number-vue


import AnimatedNumber from "animated-number-vue";

export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
value: 1000
methods: {
formatToPrice(value) {
return `R$ ${value.toFixed(2)}`;


[View demo here](
[![Edit animated-number-vue](](

## Props

Following `props` are used while initialization

> Note : Only `value` is a required prop. Others are optional

| Prop Name | Type | Description |
| --------------------- | ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| value `(required)` | [ Number, String] | number that will be animated |
| duration `(optional)` | Number | the duration of animation |
| round `(optional)` | Number | remove decimals by rounding the value |
| delay `(optional)` | Number | the delay of animation |
| easing `(optional)` | String | you can found all valid values [here]( |

#### Callbacks props

Execute a function at the beginning, during or when an animation or timeline is completed.

| Names | Types | Arguments | Info |
| ----------- | -------- | ------------------ | -------------------------------------------------- |
| formatValue | Function | value `Number` | A function that will manipulate the animated value |
| update | Function | animation `Object` | Called at time = 0 |
| run | Function | animation `Object` | Called after delay is finished |
| begin | Function | animation `Object` | Called after animation delay is over |
| complete | Function | animation `Object` | Called only after all the loops are completed |

### Format Value

`formatValue()` is used to format the animatedValue.

### Update

`update()` is called on every frame while the instance is playing.

### Begin

`begin()` is called once after the delay is finished.

Check if the animation has begun with `myAnimation.began`, return `true` or `false`.

### Run

`run()` is called every frame after the delay is finished.

### Complete

`complete()` is called once after the animation is finished.