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Like jQuery's slideUp/slideDown/slideToggle, but for Vue!

component slidedown slideup vue vue2 vuejs

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Like jQuery's slideUp/slideDown/slideToggle, but for Vue!




# vue-slide-up-down

Like jQuery's [`slideUp`]( / [`slideDown`]( / [`slideToggle`](, but for [Vue](!


## Installation

npm i vue-slide-up-down

import { createApp } from 'vue'
import SlideUpDown from 'vue-slide-up-down'

const app = createApp({ ... })
app.component('slide-up-down', SlideUpDown)

> [!NOTE]
> Version 3 of this package is only compatible with Vue 3. If you're still on Vue 2, install the previous version with `npm i vue-slide-up-down@2`

## Usage


Always show this

Only show this if "active” is true


The component takes four props:

- `active` (Boolean, required): Whether to show the component (`true`) or not (`false`)
- `duration` (Number, optional): How long the animation is supposed to be, in milliseconds. Defaults to `500`.
- `tag` (String, optional): Which HTML tag to use for the wrapper element. Defaults to `div`.
- `use-hidden` (Boolean, optional): Whether to apply the `hidden` attribute to the element when closed. Defaults to `true`. This hides the component from the screen and from assistive devices. The internal elements of the component are completely invisible, and can't be focused (by a keyboard or assistive device). (This is probably what you want!)

If you really need to, you can set this property to `false` to _not_ use the `hidden` attribute. For example if you want to have a `min-height` on your component and not actually transition to a height of `0`.

**⚠️ Be aware that this can create accessibility issues**, specifically for users with a keyboard or screen reader. Even though the component may _appear_ hidden, focusable elements within the component are still able to be accessed through keyboard navigation.

The component emits four events:

- `open-start`
- `open-end`
- `close-start`
- `close-end`



### Custom `transition-timing-function`

If you want to use a different timing function, add some CSS for your `` element. (See `demo/index.html` for a full example.)


.wobbly-accordion {
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(0.195, 1.65, 0.435, -0.6);

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