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Vue composition-api composable components. i18n, validation, pagination, fetch, etc. +50 different composables

breakpoint composition-api hooks pagination tailwindcss typescript utility-library validation vue vue-next vue3 vuejs

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Vue composition-api composable components. i18n, validation, pagination, fetch, etc. +50 different composables




# vue-composable

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Out-of-the-box ready to use composables

- **🌴 TreeShakable**
- **🧙‍♂️ Fully Typescript**
- **💚 Vue 3 and 2 support**
- **🔨 Vue Devtools support**

## Introduction

This library aim is to be one stop shop for many real-world composable functions, with aggressive tree-shaking to keep it light on your end code.

## Installing

# @vue/composition-api

# install with yarn
yarn add @vue/composition-api vue-composable

# install with npm
npm install @vue/composition-api vue-composable

# vue 3

# install with yarn
yarn add vue-composable

# install with npm
npm install vue-composable

## Documentation

Check our [documentation](

### Composable

### Event

- [Event]( - Attach event listener to a DOM element
- [Mouse Move]( - Attach `mousemove` listener to a DOM element
- [Resize]( - Attach `resize` listener to a DOM element
- [Scroll]( - Attach `scroll` listener to a DOM element
- [onOutsidePress]( - Execute callback when click is outside of element

### Dom

- [Mouse distance from Element]( - Distance in pixels from an element center

### Date

- [useNow]( : Return reactive custom timer with specified refresh rate
- [useDateNow]( : Returns reactive `` with custom refresh rate
- [usePerformanceNow]( : Returns reactive `` with custom refresh rate

### Format

- [format]( - Reactive string format
- [path]( - Retrieve object value based on string path

### Breakpoint

- [MatchMedia]( - reactive `MatchMedia`
- [Breakpoint]( - reactive `breakpoints` based on `window.innerWidth`
- [Chrome]( - reactive chrome breakpoints
- [TailwindCSS]( - reactive TailwindCSS breakpoints

### MISC

- [sharedRef]( - cross-tab reactive `ref`
- [VModel]( - helper to wrap model update into a `ref` `[vue3 only]`
- [injectFactory]( - same as [inject]( but allows you to have a factory as default value
- [interval]( - self-remove `setInterval` on unmount
- [lockScroll]( - `lock-scroll` component
- [refDebounced]( - debounces the update value of a `ref`

### Storage

- [WebStorage]( - Reactive access to `Storage API`, `useLocalStorage` and `useSessionStorage` use this
- [storage]( - uses `localStorage` or on safari private it uses `sessionStorage`
- [localStorage]( - Reactive access to a `localStorage`
- [sessionStorage]( - Reactive access to a `sessionStorage`

### Pagination

- [Pagination]( - Generic reactive pagination controls
- [Array Pagination]( - Array pagination

### Validation

- [Validation]( - model based validation inspired by [vuelidate](

### i18n

- [i18n]( - Simple i18n implementation with API inspired by [vue-i18n](

### Intl

- [dateTimeFormat]( - Intl.DateTimeFormat
- [numberFormat]( - Intl.NumberFormat
- [currencyFormat]( - CurrencyFormat with Intl.NumberFormat

### Promise

- [Promise]( - `Promise` reactive resolve and reject
- [promiseLazy]( - Sugar for [usePromise]( `lazy:true`
- [Cancellable Promise]( - Allow to cancel promises
- [Retry]( - Provides functionality to retry `promise`

### Meta

- [Title]( - reactive `document.title`

### State

- [Timeline]( - Tracks variable history
- [Undo]( - Tracks variable history, to allow `undo` and `redo`
- [valueSync]( - syncs variables value, across multiple `ref`s

### Web

- [Fetch]( - reactive `fetch` wrapper
- [WebSocket]( - reactive `WebSocket` wrapper
- [IntersectionObserver]( - reactive `IntersectionObserver`
- [NetworkInformation]( - reactive `NetworkInformation` wrapper
- [Online](<[composable/web](>) - reactive `navigator.onLine` wrapper
- [PageVisibility]( - reactive `Page Visibility API`
- [Language]( - reactive `NavigatorLanguage`
- [BroadcastChannel]( - reactive `BroadcastChannel API`
- [Geolocation API](
- [CSS variables]( - reactive `CSS variables`
- [Worker]( - `Web Worker API`
- [WorkerFunction]( - Webworker Function, offload a function to webworker
- [share]( - WebShare API
- [Clipboard]( - Clipboard API

### External

> New packages needed

- [Axios]( - [@vue-composable/axios]( reactive `axios` wrapper client
- [makeAxios]( - [@vue-composable/axios]( wrap your `axios` instance
- [useCookie]( - [@vue-composable/cookie]( `js-cookie` wrapper

## Information

This is a monorepo project, please check [packages](packages/)

## Devtools

There's some experimental devtools support starting from `1.0.0-beta.6`, only available for `vue-next` and `devtools beta 6`.

- [devtools beta chrome](

### Install plugin

To use devtools you need to install the plugin first:

import { createApp } from "vue";
import { VueComposableDevtools } from "vue-composable";
import App from "./App.vue";

const app = createApp(App);
// or
app.use(VueComposableDevtools, {
id: "vue-composable",
label: "devtool composables"


### Component State

To add properties to the component inspector tab

const bar = "bar";
type: "custom composable" // change group

const baz = () => "baz";
useDevtoolsComponentState({ baz });
// no duplicates added by default
useDevtoolsComponentState({ baz });

const the = 42;
useDevtoolsComponentState({ the });
// to allow multiple same key
useDevtoolsComponentState({ the }, { duplicate: true });

// use a devtools api list directly
interface StateBase {
key: string;
value: any;
editable: boolean;
objectType?: "ref" | "reactive" | "computed" | "other";
raw?: string;
type?: string;
key: "_bar",
type: "direct",
value: "bar",
editable: true
key: "_baz",
type: "direct",
value: "baz",
editable: false

// raw change
useDevtoolsComponentState((payload, ctx) => {
key: "_bar",
type: "raw",
value: "bar",
editable: true
key: "_baz",
type: "raw",
value: "baz",
editable: false

### Timeline events

To add timeline events:

const id = "vue-composable";
const label = "Test events";
const color = 0x92a2bf;

const { addEvent, pushEvent } = useDevtoolsTimelineLayer(

// adds event to a specific point in the timeline
data: {
// data object
meta: {
// meta object

// adds event with `time:`
data: {
// data object
meta: {
// meta object

### Inspector

Allows to create a new inspector for your data.

> I'm still experimenting on how to expose this API on a composable, this will likely to change in the future, suggestions are welcome.

id: "vue-composable",
label: "test vue-composable"
// list of nodes, this can be reactive
id: "test",
label: "test - vue-composable",
depth: 0,
state: {
composable: [
editable: false,
key: "count",
objectType: "Ref",
type: "setup",
value: myRefValue

## Typescript

`[email protected]` is not supported, the supported version can be checked on [package.json](./package.json), usually is the latest version or the same major as `vue-3`

## Contributing

You can contribute raising issues and by helping out with code.

Tests and Documentation are the most important things for me, because good documentation is really useful!

I really appreciate some tweaks or changes on how the documentation is displayed and how to make it easier to read.

Twitter: [@pikax_dev](

## Build

# install packages

# build and test for v2
yarn build --version=2
yarn test:vue2

# build and test for v3
yarn build
yarn test

### New composable

1. Fork it!
2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b feat/new-composable`
3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'feat(composable): add a new composable'`
4. Push to the branch: `git push origin feat/new-composable`
5. Submit a pull request

## License

