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This CLI application is used to transform Excel file to JSON which is able to use by the plugin of Vue i18n

Last synced: 26 days ago
JSON representation

This CLI application is used to transform Excel file to JSON which is able to use by the plugin of Vue i18n





Excel Vue i18n

You can create [Vue i18n]( locale files from Excel via this CLI application


$ npm i -g excel-vue-i18n


This line will generate json locale files depend on their key values that exist in the excel file. The JSON file will be generated under the root /locale as default.

$ excelVueI18n -p myLangFile.xlsx

If you want to specify path
$ excelVueI18n -p file/myLangFile.xlsx

If you want to generate one single file that contains all locales information you can use `-s` option.
$ excelVueI18n -p file/myLangFile.xlsx -s true

If you use `-o` option with `-s` you can also specify genetared file name like this
$ excelVueI18n -p file/myLangFile.xlsx -s true -o myLocaleFile
then your genetared file name will be named as `myLocaleFile.json `under the root of `/locale`

> Note: When `-s` option didn't use `-o` option will be ignored because file names will be their lang codes

Specifying the folder path for the generated file(s) you can use `-f` option.
$ excelVueI18n -p myLangFile.xlsx -f langFolder
then your genetared file name will be named as `myLocaleFile.json `under the root of `/langFolder`


Usage: -p
Usage: -f
Usage: -s
Usage: -o

--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
-p, --path Source excel file path [string] [required]
-f, --folder The folder that the files will be created into it
-s, --singleFile When entered as true just one locale file will be
created [boolean]
-o, --outputFileName Output file name that will be named when single param
sent as true [string]