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A Cross-browser storage for Vue.js and Nuxt.js, with plugins support and easy extensibility based on Store.js.

browser-storage cookie cookies cross-browser expiration localstorage marquez nuxt nuxt-module storage storage-functionality vue vue-plugin

Last synced: 26 days ago
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A Cross-browser storage for Vue.js and Nuxt.js, with plugins support and easy extensibility based on Store.js.




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# Vue.js Warehouse

A Cross-browser storage for **Vue.js** and **Nuxt.js**, with plugins support and easy extensibility based on **Store.js**.

This plugin will **pick the best available browser storage**, and automatically **falls back to the first available** storage that works.

*Read this in other languages: [English][documentation], [EspaΓ±ol][documentation-es]*

## Features

* Backed by the great library [Store.js][storejs]
* Support for multiple Storages (localStorage, cookies, etc.)
* Basic key/value storage functionality (`get/set/remove/each`)
* Easy integration with Vue.js
* Support for Nuxt.js
* Get notified with Vuex when the stored values change

## Why use this plugin

Some reasons why you could consider to use this plugin:

* Use a **fallback Browser storage** method in case the user's browser has limitations. Safari in Private mode can deny writing data in localStorage.
* Easy extensibility with **Plugins**. Support for expiring stored values at a given time, declare default values, etc.
* A **consistent API** across browsers for a key/value storage functionality.
* Easy definition of **alternative Storage methods**. For example: you could reuse a Vue Component, that relies on a storage method, in the user's browser (using **localStorage**) or a mobile app (using **NativeScript application-settings** module) just by changing the storage method without modifying the internal logic of the component.
* **Synchronization** of stored values changes with **Vuex**.

## Installation

This module is distributed via [npm][npm-homepage] which is bundled with [node][node-homepage] and should be installed as one of your project's `dependencies`:

npm install --save store vue-warehouse


yarn add store vue-warehouse

## Example of use

Suppose you want to use **localStorage** by default and **cookies** as an alternative in case your user's browser doesn't allow any interaction with **localStorage** (Safari Private mode). Besides, you want to define **defaults values** and an **expiration date** for all the data that is going to be saved.

### Configuration for Vue.js

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueWarehouse from 'vue-warehouse'
import VueWarehouseSync from 'vue-warehouse/sync'

import VuexStore from './vuex/store' // vuex store instance
import VueWarehouseStore from 'store' // vue-warehouse store instance

VueWarehouseSync(VuexStore, VueWarehouseStore)

Vue.use(VueWarehouse, {
store: VueWarehouseStore,
plugins: [
require('store/plugins/expire'), // Expire stored values at a given time
require('store/plugins/defaults') // Declare default values
storages: [
require('store/storages/localStorage'), // localStorage support
require('store/storages/cookieStorage') // cookies support

### Configuration for Nuxt.js

modules: [
vuex: true,
plugins: [
storages: [

### API Usage

// Define defaults values
this.$warehouse.defaults({ user: { name: 'John Doe' } })

// Change current user with an expiration date of 2 hours starting from now
const expiration = new Date().getTime() + (3600 * 2000)
this.$warehouse.set('user', { name:'Marie Doe' }, expiration)

// Get current user value

// Get current user expiration

// Remove current user
this.$warehouse.remove('user') // return the default value -> { name: 'John Doe' }

// Clear all keys

// Loop over all stored values
this.$warehouse.each(function(value, key) {
console.log(key, '==', value)

### Vuex State

The last change made to the **browser store** (localStorage, cookie, etc.) are synced with the Vuex state:

// Store current user
this.$warehouse.set('user', { name: 'John Doe' })

// Update the user
this.$warehouse.set('user', { name: 'Marie Doe' })

// get state values
store.state.warehouse.action // action performed -> set
store.state.warehouse.key // key affected -> user
store.state.warehouse.value // stored value -> { name: 'Marie Doe' }
store.state.warehouse.oldValue // last value -> { name: 'John Doe' }

## Documentation & Support

- πŸ“„ If you want extra details of how to configure and use this plugin, the full documentation is available at [][documentation].
- 🐞 For Bug reports or Feature requests, use the [Issues section][issues].
- πŸ’¬ For **questions**, you can also use the [Issues section][issues].
- πŸš€ You may also want to **follow me** [on Twitter][twitter].

## Professional Support

This project is sponsored by me, a Full Stack Developer. If you require Professional Assistance on your project(s), please contact me at [][contact-page].

## Contributing

Please make sure to read the [Contributing Guide][contributing] before making a pull request.

## Code of Conduct

Everyone participating in this project is expected to agree to abide by the [Code of Conduct][code-of-conduct].

## License

Code released under the [MIT License][license-page].

