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Persist and rehydrate your Pinia state between page reloads.

async localforage localstorage pinia plugin storage vue

Last synced: 26 days ago
JSON representation

Persist and rehydrate your Pinia state between page reloads.




# pinia-plugin-persistedstate-2

Persist and rehydrate your Pinia state between page reloads.

This project use [SemVer]( for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.

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## ✨ Features

- 🎨 Configurable globally and in every store.
- 💪 Type Safe
- 📦 Extremely small

## 🚀 Getting Started

### Installation

#### Package Manager

# npm
npm i pinia-plugin-persistedstate-2

# yarn
yarn add pinia-plugin-persistedstate-2

# pnpm
pnpm add pinia-plugin-persistedstate-2

#### CDN



You can find the library on `window.PiniaPluginPersistedstate_2`.

### Usage

All you need to do is add the plugin to pinia:

import { createPinia } from 'pinia'
import { createPersistedStatePlugin } from 'pinia-plugin-persistedstate-2'

const pinia = createPinia()
const installPersistedStatePlugin = createPersistedStatePlugin()
pinia.use((context) => installPersistedStatePlugin(context))

#### Storage

The default storage is `localStorage`, but you can also use other storage, e.g., using [localForage](

// ...
import localforage from 'localforage'

// ...
storage: {
getItem: async (key) => {
return localforage.getItem(key)
setItem: async (key, value) => {
return localforage.setItem(key, value)
removeItem: async (key) => {
return localforage.removeItem(key)

#### Serialization and Deserialization

Serialization and deserialization allow you to customize the state that gets persisted and rehydrated.

For example, if your state has circular references, you may need to use [json-stringify-safe]( to prevent circular references from being thrown:

// ...
import stringify from 'json-stringify-safe'

// ...
serialize: (value) => stringify(value),

#### Migrations

During updates, we may change structure of stores due to refactoring or other reasons.

To support this feature, this plugin provides the `migrate` function, which will be called after `deserialize` but before actually overwriting/patching the store:

// ...
const store = defineStore(
() => {
return {
// oldKey: ref(0),
newKey: ref(0),
persistedState: {
overwrite: true,
migrate: (state) => {
if (typeof state.oldKey === 'number') {
return {
newKey: state.oldKey,

return state

#### SSR

##### Nuxt.js

Follow [Pinia - Nuxt.js installation steps](

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
// ... other options
buildModules: [
// Nuxt 2 only:

##### With localStorage (client-only) (nuxt@2 example)

Create the plugin below to plugins config in your nuxt.config.js file.

// nuxt.config.js
export default {
// ... other options
plugins: ['@/plugins/persistedstate.js'],

// plugins/persistedstate.js
import { createPersistedStatePlugin } from 'pinia-plugin-persistedstate-2'

export default function ({ $pinia }) {
if (process.client) {

##### With cookies (universal) (nuxt@3 example)

// plugins/persistedstate.js
import { createPersistedStatePlugin } from 'pinia-plugin-persistedstate-2'
import Cookies from 'js-cookie'
import cookie from 'cookie'

export default function ({ $pinia, ssrContext }) {
storage: {
getItem: (key) => {
// See
if (process.server) {
const parsedCookies = cookie.parse(ssrContext.req.headers.cookie)
return parsedCookies[key]
} else {
return Cookies.get(key)
// Please see, on how to handle JSON.
setItem: (key, value) =>
Cookies.set(key, value, { expires: 365, secure: false }),
removeItem: (key) => Cookies.remove(key),

## 📖 API

For more details, see [type.ts](./src/type.ts).

### Common Options

- `persist?: boolean`: Defaults to `true`. Whether to persist store.

- `storage?: IStorage`: Defaults to `localStorage`. Where to store persisted state.

- `assertStorage?: (storage: IStorage) => void | never`: Perform a Write-Delete operation by default. To ensure `storage` is available.

- `overwrite?: boolean`: Defaults to `false`. Whether to overwrite initial state when rehydrating. When this flat is true use `store.$state = persistedState`, `store.$patch(persistedState)` otherwise.

- `merge?: (state: S, savedState: S) => S`: Defaults to `(state, savedState) => savedState`. A function for merging state when rehydrating state.

- `serialize?: (state: S): any`: Defaults to `JSON.stringify`. This method will be called right before `storage.setItem`.

- `deserialize?: (value: any): any`: Defaults to `JSON.parse`. This method will be called right after `storage.getItem`.

- `filter: (mutation, state): boolean`: A function that will be called to filter any mutations which will trigger setState on storage eventually.

#### IStorage

- `getItem: (key: string) => any | Promise`: Any value other than `undefined` or `null` will be rehydrated.

- `setItem: (key: string, value: any) => void | Promise`

- `removeItem: (key: string) => void | Promise`

### Plugin Options

> Supports all [common options](#Common-Options). These options are the default values for each store, you can set the most commonly used options in the _plugin options_, and override/extend it in the _store options_.

// plugin options goes here

### Store Options

> Supports all [common options](#Common-Options).

() => {
const currentValue = ref(0)
const increment = () => currentValue.value++

return {
persistedState: {
// store options goes here

- `key?: string`: Defaults to `store.$id`. The key to store the persisted state under.

- `includePaths?: (string | string[])[]`: An array of any paths to partially persist the state. Use dot-notation `['key', 'nested.key', ['special.key']]` for nested fields.

- `excludePaths?: (string | string[])[]`: Opposite to `includePaths`, An array of any paths to exclude. Due to deep copying, `excludePaths` may cause performance issues, if possible, please use `includePaths` instead.

- `migrate?: (value: any) => any | Promise`: The `migrate` function enables versioning store. This will be called after `deserialize` but before actually overwriting/patching the store.

- `beforeHydrate?: (oldState: S) => void`: This function gives you the opportunity to perform some tasks before actually overwriting/patching the store, such as cleaning up the old state.

### Store Properties

- `store.$persistedState.isReady: () => Promise`: Whether store is hydrated

- `store.$persistedState.pending: boolean`: Whether store is persisting

## 🤝 Contributing

Please read [](/ for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull
requests to us.

## 📝 License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE](/LICENSE) file for details