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Vue / Vuex plugin providing a unified path syntax to Vuex stores

state-management utility vuejs vuex

Last synced: 26 days ago
JSON representation

Vue / Vuex plugin providing a unified path syntax to Vuex stores





## Overview

Pathify makes working with Vuex **easy**, with a **declarative**, **state-based**, **path syntax**:


Paths can reference any **module**, **property** or **sub-property**:


Pathify's aim is to simplify the overall Vuex development experience by abstracting away Vuex's complex setup and reliance on manually-written code. The path syntax does the heavy-lifting, with a small set of helper functions used to directly access or wire up components to the store.

## Examples

**Get** or **set** data without **syntax juggling** or worrying about **implementation**:

store.set('loaded', true)

Reach into **sub-properties** and **arrays**:

store.get('[email protected]')
store.set('[email protected]', 'Vuex Pathify')

Set up **one or two-way** data binding on **any** store value without **bloat** or **fuss**:

computed: {
products: get('products'),
category: sync('filters@category')

Wire **multiple** properties (or sub-properties) using **array**, **object** and **wildcard** formats:

computed: {
...sync('filters@sort', [

...sync('filters@sort', {
sortOrder: 'order',
sortKey: 'key'


Use **variable expansion** to dynamically reference store properties:

computed: {
product: get('products@items:index')

Set up mutations – **including sub-property mutations** – in a single line:


## Results

In practical terms, Pathify results in:

- less cognitive overhead
- zero store boilerplate
- one-liner wiring
- cleaner code
- lighter files

The [code comparison]( demo demonstrates reductions in lines of code of between **2 and 14 times** (or more) depending on store size and setup.

To see the principles behind such radical code reduction, check out the [Pathify 101](

## Next steps

Get started:

- [Installation](
- [Documentation](


- [Simple demo](
- [Main demo](
- [Nuxt demo](