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📦Using a match function to automatic import your own Vue project's components

vue vue-automatic vue-automatic-import-loader webpack-loader webpack-plugin

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📦Using a match function to automatic import your own Vue project's components




# vue-automatic-import-loader

Using a match function to automatic import your own project's components

This repo copy from [vuetify-loader]( and remove the vuetify part.

## Introduction

**vue-automatic-import-loader** is a webpack plugin that automatically import SFC.

Here is the example:


This is a button component


will be automatically compiled to:


This is a button component

import BaseButton from '@/components/base/Button.vue'

export default {
components: {


## Run example project

$ git clone
$ cd vue-automatic-import-loader/dev
$ yarn install
$ yarn serve
Then you can see demo in http://localhost:8080/

## Usage

### Install package

$ npm install --save vue-automatic-import-loader
# or
$ yarn add vue-automatic-import-loader

### Vue CLI 3

in vue.config.js:

const VueAutomaticImportPlugin = require('vue-automatic-import-loader/lib/plugin')

module.exports = {
configureWebpack: {
plugins: [
new VueAutomaticImportPlugin({
match(originalTag, { kebabTag, camelTag }) {
* This function will be called for every tag used in each vue component
* It should return an array, the first element will be inserted into the
* components array, the second should be a corresponding import
* originalTag - the tag as it was originally used in the template
* kebabTag - the tag normalised to kebab-case
* camelTag - the tag normalised to PascalCase
* path - a relative path to the current .vue file
* component - a parsed representation of the current component
if (kebabTag.startsWith('base-')) {
return [
`import ${camelTag} from '@/components/base/${camelTag}.vue'`

### Nuxt.js

in nuxt.config.js:

import VueAutomaticImportPlugin from 'vue-automatic-import-loader/lib/plugin'

export default {
build: {
plugins: [
new VueAutomaticImportPlugin({
match(originalTag, { kebabTag, camelTag, path, component }) {
* This function will be called for every tag used in each vue component
* It should return an array, the first element will be inserted into the
* components array, the second should be a corresponding import
* originalTag - the tag as it was originally used in the template
* kebabTag - the tag normalised to kebab-case
* camelTag - the tag normalised to PascalCase
* path - a relative path to the current .vue file
* component - a parsed representation of the current component
if (kebabTag.startsWith('base-')) {
return [
`import ${camelTag} from '@/components/base/${camelTag}.vue'`