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Routing and navigation for your Vue SPA. Vue3.0 单页应用导航管理器

cache page stack translation vue vue-navigation vue-router vue-spa vue3

Last synced: 26 days ago
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Routing and navigation for your Vue SPA. Vue3.0 单页应用导航管理器




# vue-page-stack

**This is the version of Vue3.0, Vue2.0 please click [this link](**

[![npm version](](

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A Vue3 SPA navigation manager,cache the UI in the SPA like a native application, rather than destroy it.

## Example


[demo code](

## Features

- 🐉 Extend on vue-router, original navigation logic remains the same
- ⚽ `push` or `forward` renders the page and the newly rendered page is stored in Stack
- 🏆 `back` or `go(negative)` when the previous pages are not re-rendered, but read from the Stack, and these pages retain the previous content state, such as form content, scrollbar scroll position, etc.
- 🏈 `back` or `go(negative)` removes the unused pages from the Stack
- 🎓`replace` will update the current page in the Stack
- 🎉 The activated hook function is triggered when going back to the previous page
- 🚀 Support for browser backward and forward events
- 🐰 Provides routing direction changes and can add different animations when going forward and backward

## The difference between VuePageStack and KeepAlive

- 🌱 VuePageStack does not provide `include`, `exclude` and `max` parameters, because VuePageStack wants to achieve a complete page stack management, only in order in and out
- 🪁 KeepAlive will keep caching the page after it has been cached, and VuePageStack will help destroy the extra pages based on the page stack hierarchy
- 🧬 KeepAlive enters (not returns) the same route page and continues to reuse the previously cached page, while VuePageStack re-renders the page

## Installation and use

### Installation

pnpm install vue-page-stack

### use

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import VuePageStack from 'vue-page-stack';

const app = createApp(App);

// vue-router is necessary
app.use(VuePageStack, { router });

// App.vue


## API

### install

use `Vue.use` to install `vue-page-stack`

app.use(VuePageStack, options);
// example
app.use(VuePageStack, { router });

Options description:

| Attribute | Description | Type | Accepted Values | Default |
| --------- | ------------------- | ------ | ------------------- | -------------- |
| router | vue-router instance | Object | vue-router instance | - |
| name | VuePageStack name | String | 'VuePageStack' | 'VuePageStack' |
| keyName | stack-key name | String | 'stack-key' | 'stack-key' |

you can customize VuePageStack's name and keyName

app.use(VuePageStack, { router, name: 'VuePageStack', keyName: 'stack-key' });

### forward or backward

If you want to make some animate entering or leaving, `vue-page-stack` offers `stack-key-dir` to judge forward or backward.

// App.vue
watch(route, to => {
if (to.params['stack-key-dir'] === 'forward') {
} else {


## Notes

### keyName

Why is the parameter `keyName` added to the route? To support the browser's backward and forward events,this is important in webApp or wechat.

### Changelog

Details changes for each release are documented in the [release notes](

### Principle

Getting the current page instance refers to the `keep-alive` section of `Vue`.

## Thanks

The plug-in draws on both [vue-navigation]( and [vue-nav](,Thank you very much for their inspiration.

## Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](




