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Utilities for testing Vue.js components using Jest

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Utilities for testing Vue.js components using Jest




# vue-jest-utils [![Build Status](]( [![npm version](](
Utilities for testing [Vue.js]( components using [Jest](

While written in TypeScript (and thus including type definitions), it can also be used in a pure JavaScript environment.

Disclaimer: this project is currently very much work-in-progress. The motivating use case is simplifying snapshot testing using a combination of Vue.js, TypeScript, Jest, and html2jade. Additional functionality will be added as needed and breaking API changes may happen before releasing 1.0. Contributions are more than welcome.

## Usage
Install: `npm install --save-dev vue-jest-utils`

Note: Vue.js 2.0 and Jest must be installed as well.

To use Jest with Vue.js single-file components (`*.vue`) or TypeScript sources, follow the guide on [vue-typescript-jest](

For a complete example of a TypeScript/Tsify/Vue.js/Vueify/Pug setup supporting Hot Module Replacement and unit/snapshot testing with Jest, cf. [vue-typescript-component-example](

### Examples

#### JavaScript Test Example
const Vue = require('vue')
const VJU = require('vue-jest-utils')

const CounterJs = require('../src/counter-js.vue')

describe('counter-js.vue', () => {
it('should just work', () => {
const vm = new Vue({
el: document.createElement('div'),
render: (h) => h(CounterJs),
VJU.clickNthButton(vm.$el, 1)
VJU.clickNthButton(vm.$el, 3)
VJU.clickNthButton(vm.$el, 2)
// return a Promise that
// 1. calls vm.nextTick()
// 2. checks the snapshot of vm.$el using html2jade
return VJU.expectToMatchSnapshot(vm)

#### TypeScript Test Example

import Vue = require('vue')
import {expectToMatchSnapshot, clickNthButton} from 'vue-jest-utils'
import CounterTs = require('../src/counter-ts.vue')

describe('counter-ts.vue', () => {
it('should just work', () => {
const vm = new Vue({
el: document.createElement('div'),
render: (h) => h(CounterTs),
clickNthButton(vm.$el, 1)
clickNthButton(vm.$el, 3)
clickNthButton(vm.$el, 2)
// return a Promise that
// 1. calls vm.nextTick()
// 2. checks the snapshot of vm.$el using html2jade
return expectToMatchSnapshot(vm)

## Contributing
Contributions including bug reports, tests, and documentation are more than welcome. To get started with development:
``` bash
# once: install dependencies
npm install

# run unit tests in watch mode
npm test -- --watch

# lint & test
npm run prepublish

## License