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vue-raven automatically reports uncaught JavaScript exceptions triggered from vue component

exceptions plugin raven-js sentry-plugin vuejs

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vue-raven automatically reports uncaught JavaScript exceptions triggered from vue component




# VueRaven

[![npm (scoped with tag)](](

> VueRaven automatically reports uncaught JavaScript exceptions triggered from vue component, and provides a API for reporting your own errors. The captured errors will be reported to the sentry where you can get an overview of your application. If you do not already have a [Sentry account](, creating your account will be the first step to using this package.

## Installation

npm install --save vue-raven
# or
yarn add vue-raven

## Usage

To get started, you need to configure VueRaven to use your [Sentry DSN](

### Bundler (Webpack, Rollup)

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRaven from 'vue-raven'

Vue.use(VueRaven, {
dsn: ''

### Browser


Vue.use(VueRaven, {
dsn: 'https://<key><project>'

const app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
// ...


> Only these settings allow VueRaven capture any uncaught exception.

## Options

| Option | Type | Default | Info |
| ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| dsn | `String` | `null` | The Data Source Name |
| public_dsn | `String` | `null` | If value omitted it will be generated using dsn value, by removing private key part. |
| public_key | `String` | `null` | Will be ignored if dsn provided. |
| private_key | `String` | `null` | Will be ignored if dsn provided. |
| host | `String` | `` | Will be ignored if dsn provided. |
| protocol | `String` | `https` | Will be ignored if dsn provided. |
| project_Id | `String` | `null` | Will be ignored if dsn provided. |
| path | `String` | `null` | Will be ignored if dsn provided. |
| disableReport | `Boolean` | `false` | Disable all reports. |
| disableAutoReport | `Boolean` | `false` | Disable auto report. |
| environment | `String` | `production` | Sentry's environment. |

## Reporting Errors

### Disable auto report

By default vueraven will report the errors captured automatically, but you can disable using the `disableAutoReport` option:

import Vue from 'vue'
import VueRaven from 'vue-raven'

Vue.use(VueRaven, {
dsn: ''
disableAutoReport: true,

### Report errors manually

In some cases you may want to report erros manually, for this you will have the [reven-js]( api available at the instance of the component.

// my-component
export default {
methods: {
// ...
async saveUser() {
try {
await* data */)
} catch (err) {


import {Raven} from 'vue-raven';

// my-component
export default {
methods: {
// ...
async saveUser() {
try {
await* data */)
} catch (err) {

## Live demo

We create a small [example]( so you can see the plugin in action.



## License
