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🐙 Web3 blockchain bindings for Vue.js (inspired by Vuefire and Drizzle)

dapp eth ethereum ethereum-blockchain ethereum-contract ethereum-dapp vue web3

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

🐙 Web3 blockchain bindings for Vue.js (inspired by Vuefire and Drizzle)




# VueWeb3 [![Build Status](]( [![npm package](](

> Vue.js bindings for Web3 1.0

## Installation

In module environments, e.g CommonJS:

``` bash
npm install vue web3@beta vue-web3

``` js
var Vue = require('vue')
var Web3 = require('web3')
var VueWeb3 = require('vue-web3')

// explicit installation required in module environments
Vue.use(VueWeb3, { web3: new Web3(web3.currentProvider) })

## Usage

``` js
let myContract = new web3.eth.Contract(MyContract, '0xbA911C4A817e69998Ffd3626d3c5366038e8480F')

var vm = new Vue({
el: '#demo',
web3: {
// can bind to calls
lastUpdated: {
contract: myContract,
method: 'getLastUpdated',
arguments: []
// can also bind to events
transfers: {
contract: myContract,
event: 'OwnershipTransferred',
options: {
fromBlock: 2

If you need to access properties from the Vue instance, use the function syntax:

var vm = new Vue({
el: '#demo',
web3: function () {
return {
lastUpdated: {
contract: myContract,
method: 'getLastUpdated',
arguments: [this.$store.state.user.uid]

⚠️: This function will get executed only once. If you want to have automatic rebind (pretty much like a computed property) use a `$watch` and call `$unbind` and then `$bindCall` or `$bindEvents`

``` html

{{ lastUpdated }}

  • From {{ transfer.previousOwner }} to {{ transfer.newOwner }}


The above will bind the Vue instance's `lastUpdated` and `transfers` to the respective Web3 data sources.

Alternatively, you can also manually bind to Web3 with the `$bindCall` or `$bindEvents` instance methods:

``` js
let myContract = new web3.eth.Contract(MyContract, '0xbA911C4A817e69998Ffd3626d3c5366038e8480F')
vm.$bindCall('user', { contract: myContract, method: 'getUser' })
vm.$bindEvents('transfers', { contract: myContract, event: 'OwnershipTransferred' })

// References are unbound when the component is destroyed but you can manually unbind a reference
// if needed

## Error: The current provider doesn't support subscriptions: MetamaskInpageProvider

In order to get updates from the blockchain, this library requires a provider that supports `subscriptions`. MetaMask does not currently inject a provider with this support, this is being tracked via metamask-extension/2350.

Thankfully, we can [create our own provider](]):

``` js
var provider = new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('wss://')

Until MetaMask's provider supports subscriptions, you can have a `write` web3 instance with MetaMask's provider and a `read` web3 instance which uses the WebsocketProvider.

## Contributing

Clone the repo, then:

$ npm install # install dependencies
$ npm test # run test suite with coverage report
$ npm run dev # watch and build dist/vue-web3.js
$ npm run build # build dist/vue-web3.js and vue-web3.min.js

## License
