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💅 A renderless Vue.js component for composing Facebook Login

component facebook login renderless vue

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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💅 A renderless Vue.js component for composing Facebook Login




## Install

npm install --save vue-facebook-login-component

## Usage

To use the component in your template, simply import and register with your component.

### Script

import VFacebookLogin from 'vue-facebook-login-component'

export default {
components: {

### Template



## Props

| Name | Type | Default | Note |
| ------------------ | ------- | ---------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| value | Object | `{ connected: false }` | Used for one-way V-Model. [ *** ] |
| app-id | String | None | Required. [ *** ] |
| version | String | `'v3.1'` | [ **, *** ] |
| options | Object | `{}` | [ *, **, *** ] |
| login-options | Object | `{ scope: 'email' }` | [ *, **, *** ] |
| button-style | Object | `{}` | [ * ] |
| loader-style | Object | `{}` | [ * ] |
| token-style | Object | `{}` | [ * ] |
| text-style | Object | `{}` | [ * ] |
| transition | Array | `[]` | Array of CSS transition values. Example:

`[ 'background-color 0.15s ease-in-out', 'padding 0.15s ease-in-out', ... ]`. |
| use-alternate-logo | Boolean | `false` | Use [Iconmonstr alternate Facebook logo]( |

[ * ] - Properties should be camel-case.

[ ** ] - See [Facebook]( for available values.

[ *** ] - Scope-component property.

## Slots

| Name | Default | Description |
| ------- | --------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| login | `'Sign in with Facebook'` |
| logout | `'Sign out with Facebook'` |
| working | `'Please wait...'` |
| logo | [Iconmonstr Facebook 1]( | See [Iconmonstr]( for more options. |
| before | `NONE` | Before all nested elements. |
| after | `NONE` | After all nested elements. |
| error | `'⛔ Network Error'` | Shown on SDK load failure. |

## Events

| Name | Payload | Description | Note |
| -------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | --------- |
| sdk-init | (sdk[Object]) | Returns an object with
Facebook SDK instance and [`scope`](#-sdk-init-event) object. | [ * ] |
| login | (response[Object]) | User attempted login. | [ * ] |
| logout | (response[Object]) | User attempted logout. | [ * ] |
| connect | Boolean | User is connected. | [ * ] |
| click | None |   | [ * ] |

[ * ] - Scope-component event.

### ⚠️ [Sdk-Init Event](#sdk-init-event)

You can use this event to grab the Facebook SDK instance, but **also** the underlying component `scope` object. Using this object, you can control the component empirically, similarly to how you would with `ref`. See example:



export default = {
data: () => ({
facebook: {
FB: {},
scope: {},
methods: {
handleSdkInit({ FB, scope }) {
this.facebook.scope = scope
this.facebook.FB = FB


## Scope component (Advanced Customization)

If props, slots and events do not satisfy your customization needs, you can use an underlying component called `v-fb-login-scope`. This component uses the render prop (known as "scoped-slot" in Vue) approach for composition. This means, it does not render **any** html or css, hence it has no added-value on its own. It only exposes a scoped-slot with attributes and methods that are committed as API.

### Props/Events

Refer to the [tables](#props-table-wrap) above for scope-component **specific** props/events.

### Scoped-Slot Scope (Attributes and Methods)

| Name | Type | Description |
| ------------ | -------- | ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| login | Function | Login handler. |
| logout | Function | Logout handler. |
| toggleLogin | Function | Toggles login/logout. |
| working | Boolean | SDK-initialization/login/logout is currently taking place. |
| connected | Boolean | User is logged in. |
| disconnected | Boolean | User is logged out. |
| enabled | Boolean | Button is enabled. |
| disabled | Boolean | Button is disabled. |

### Scope component example (for a full example see [source](


import { VFBLoginScope } from 'vue-facebook-login-component'

export default {
components: {


## Loading Facebook SDK

This component embeds the [Facebook SDK snippet](, so you don't have to do it yourself. However, if you want to embed it yourself, you can do so and the component will pick up the SDK instance instead.

## "Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined"

This package uses `async/await` syntax, which is based on [generators]( In short, if you target you'll have to add [regenerator-runtime]( to your dependencies. See this [issue]( for more details.

npm install --save regenerator-runtime

Then, import it at the topmost of your `main.js` (or a similar entry-point).

import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'

// of your imports

## IE support

Add [babel-polyfill]( to your dependencies.

## Development

Fork, clone and use the following scripts.

For component:

npm start

For documentation (includes a demo):

npm run docs

## Support

Please open an [issue]( for support.

## License

Copyright (c) 2018 by [MIT](