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🔒A simple invisible Google reCAPTCHA component focused solely on programmatic invocation.

google invisible programmatic recaptcha v2 vue

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🔒A simple invisible Google reCAPTCHA component focused solely on programmatic invocation.




# vue-programmatic-invisible-google-recaptcha

A simple invisible Google reCAPTCHA component focused solely on programmatic invocation.

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### Demo

[View demo](

[View on npm](

[View on GitHub](

### Install

# npm
npm i vue-programmatic-invisible-google-recaptcha

# yarn
yarn add vue-programmatic-invisible-google-recaptcha

Or you can include it through the browser at the bottom of your page:



### About

This is a simple component that helps deal with an invisible Google reCAPTCHA that you intend to invoke programmatically. There are a few plugins that help with Google's reCAPTCHA, but this one is focused on the invisble version with a programmatic invocation only. Due to its nature, reCAPTCHA can be a little complex - so that is what is driving the narrow scope here. Library supports easy multiple reCAPTCHAs on the same page.

Here's a breakdown of the steps you go through when using this library:
- Load the Google reCAPTCHA library using the provided `script` tag.
- Whenever you'd like, invoke the reCAPTCHA using `this.$refs.invisibleRecaptcha1.execute()` method (replacing `invisibleRecaptcha1` with the `ref` name you set).
- Google will either decide to show a challange or not. Either way, you'll get the `recaptchaToken` in the registered `recaptcha-callback` event. Make sure to register for that.
- Use that token to verify in your backend.
- Call the method again if you'd like to get a new token.

### Usage Example

import VueProgrammaticInvisibleGoogleRecaptcha from 'vue-programmatic-invisible-google-recaptcha'
Vue.component('vue-programmatic-invisible-google-recaptcha', VueProgrammaticInvisibleGoogleRecaptcha)


submitButtonClicked() {
// Do whatever you want here (probably some validation). After
// that's done (or passed your expectations) you can then invoke the reCAPTCHA.

recaptchaCallback (recaptchaToken) {
// Use the `recaptchaToken` to pass to your backend to verify the token'/enter', {recaptchaToken: recaptchaToken}).then((result) => {

Note - I find it to be a good idea to allow the user to reset their reCAPTCHA on their own if they're experiencing an issue. This component exposes a function for this. To do this, give them a button with the following code in the click function: `this.$refs.invisibleRecaptcha1.reset()`. This will reset the reCAPTCHA and hopefully get them passed the issue they're having.

### Props

| prop | type | description | required | default |
| ref | String | Unique String gives you control over the component | Yes |
| sitekey | String | Public key given to you by Google. | Yes |
| elementId | String | Unique String for the `id` of the element. Allows for multiple seperate reCAPTCHAs | Yes |
| badgePosition | String | Pass `'left'` to show badge on left side of screen. | No | `'right'` |
| showBadgeMobile | Boolean |`true` to show badge on mobile. `false` to hide badge on mobile. | No | `true`
| showBadgeDesktop | Boolean |`true` to show badge on desktop. `false` to hide badge on desktop. | No | `true`

### Methods

Note - call these methods through the `ref` you set up with your component. Example: `this.$refs.invisibleRecaptcha1.execute()`.

| method | parameters | description |
| execute | none | Used to gather the token. If Google decides that the user needs to complete a test they'll do it here. |
| reset | none | Used to reset the reCAPTCHA instance. |

### Events

| event | parameter value | description |
| recaptcha-callback | String | This even gets emitted when the token has been aquired. You can then use this token to verify the user on your backend. |

### Development

``` bash
# install dependencies
npm install

# serve with hot reload
npm run watch

# run the tests
npm run test

# build demo page
npm run build:example

# build library
npm run build:library

# build everything and run tests
npm run build

### Other

Go ahead and fork the project! Submit an issue if needed. Have fun!

### Thank You

Thanks to Google for their [reCAPTCHA]( library.

### License


Packaged with a mixture of [vue-lib-template]( and [vue-sfc-rollup](