
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

Based on the docs to provide code prompt files for vue component library

attributes component-library components helper tags vetur vue web-types webstrom

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Based on the docs to provide code prompt files for vue component library




:warning: This library is no longer maintained.

With the [WebStorm]( support of [Volar](, you may no longer need this library.

It is more recommended that you use Volar's code prompt by improving the type declaration.

If you still need this library, you can continue to use it, but this library will no longer have new feature updates.


# components-helper

> Based on the documents to provide code prompt files for vue component library

Reference documents format reference test files


## Installation

``` sh
yarn add components-helper -D
# or
npm i components-helper --save-dev

## Usage

``` js
const { main } = require('components-helper')

// Options


then in package.json

``` diff
"scripts": {
+ "build:helper": "node helper/file.js"
+ "vetur": {
+ "tags": "config outDir/tags.json",
+ "attributes": "config outDir/attributes.json"
+ },
+ "web-types": "config outDir/web-types.json"

## Options


- [entry (required)](#entry)
- [fastGlobConfig](#fastglobconfig)
- [outDir (required)](#outdir)
- [name (required)](#name)
- [version (required)](#version)
- [space](#space)
- [separator](#separator)
- [reComponentName](#recomponentname)
- [reDocUrl](#redocurl)
- [reAttribute](#reattribute)
- [reVeturDescription](#reveturdescription)
- [reWebTypesSource](#rewebtypessource)
- [reWebTypesType](#rewebtypestype)
- [tags](#tags)
- [attributes](#attributes)
- [webTypes](#webtypes)
- [props](#props)
- [propsName](#propsname)
- [propsDescription](#propsdescription)
- [propsType](#propstype)
- [propsOptions](#propsoptions)
- [propsDefault](#propsdefault)
- [events](#events)
- [eventsName](#eventsname)
- [eventsDescription](#eventsdescription)
- [slots](#slots)
- [slotsName](#slotsname)
- [slotsDescription](#slotsdescription)
- [slotsType](#slotsType)
- [slotsSubtags](#slotssubtags)
- [directives](#directives)
- [directivesName](#directivesname)
- [directivesDescription](#directivesdescription)
- [directivesType](#directivestype)
- [titleRegExp](#titleregexp)
- [tableRegExp](#tableregexp)
- [fileNameRegExp](#filenameregexp)

### entry

- Required: `true`
- Type: `string` | `string[]`

Specify the entry directory. refer: [fast-glob](

for example:
- `docs/*.md` -- matches all files in the docs
- `docs/(a|b).md` -- matches files `` and ``
- `docs/!(a|b).md` -- matches files except for `` and ``

### fastGlobConfig

- Type: `object`

The config of [fast-glob](

### outDir

- Required: `true`
- Type: `string`

Specify the output directory. For example, `lib``

### name

- Required: `true`
- Type: `string`

name of the component library.

### version

- Required: `true`
- Type: `string`

the version of the component library.

### space

- Type: `number` | `string`

Adds indentation, white space, and line break characters to the return-value JSON text to make it easier to read

### separator

- Type: `string`
- Default: `/`

the separator for propsOptions, slotsSubtags, type ...

### reComponentName

- Type: `(title: string, fileName: string, path: string) => string`
- Defult: `hyphenate(title || fileName)`

rewriting the name of the component

for example `(title) => 'prefix-' + title.replace(/\B([A-Z])/g, '-$1').toLowerCase()`

### reDocUrl

- Type: `(fileName: string, header?: string, path: string) => string | undefind`

rewriting the doc url of the component

### reAttribute

- Type: `(value: string, key: string, row: string[], title: string) => string | undefined`

##### arg

- value: current value
- key: the key value of the current column
- row: all values of the current row
- title: the title of current tabel

rewriting the attribute of the component

### reVeturDescription

- Type: `(description?: string, defaultValue?: string, docUrl?: string) => string`
- Default: same like `${description}, default: ${defaultValue}.\n\n[Docs](${docUrl})`

rewriting the description of vetur

### reWebTypesSource

- Type: `(title: string, fileName: string, path: string) => Source`

rewriting the source of web-types. (the name of export from the component library)

### reWebTypesType

- Type: `(type: string) => undefined | string | BaseContribution`

Only some common types are processed internally, and the rest are exported from the component library by default. If your document also references types in third-party libraries, you can choose to override the relevant behavior through this function

### tags

- Type: `string`
- Default: `tags.json`

name for tags of the vetur

### attributes

- Type: `string`
- Default: `attributes.json`

name for attributes of the Vetur

### webTypes

- Type: `string`
- Default: `web-types.json`

name for web-types of the WebStorm

### props

- Type: `string` (**This is a regular string and ignores case.**)
- Default: `props`

The title of the props table. **other string in the header will be identified as sub-component**

### propsName

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Name`

The header name of the `Name` in the props table

### propsDescription

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Description`

The header name of the `Description` in the props table

### propsType

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Type`

The header name of the `Type` in the props table

### propsOptions

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Options`

The header name of the `Options` in the props table

### propsDefault

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Default`

The header name of the `Default` in the props table

### events

- Type: `string` (**This is a regular string and ignores case.**)
- Default: `events`

The title of the events table. **other string in the header will be identified as sub-component**

### eventsName

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Name`

The header name of the `Name` in the events table

### eventsDescription

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Description`

The header name of the `Description` in the events table

### slots

- Type: `string` (**This is a regular string and ignores case.**)
- Default: `slots`

The title of the slots table. **other string in the header will be identified as sub-component**

### slotsName

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Name`

The header name of the `Name` in the slots table

### slotsDescription

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Description`

The header name of the `Description` in the slots table

### slotsType

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Type`

The header name of the `Type` in the slots table

### slotsSubtags

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Subtags`

The header name of the `Subtags` in the slots table

### directives

- Type: `string` (**This is a regular string and ignores case.**)
- Default: `directives`

The title of the directives table. **other string in the header will be identified as sub-component**

### directivesName

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Name`

The header name of the `Name` in the directives table

### directivesDescription

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Description`

The header name of the `Description` in the directives table

### directivesType

- Type: `string`
- Default: `Type`

The header name of the `Type` in the directives table

### titleRegExp

- Type: `RegExp` | `string` (**This is a regular string.**)
- Default: `/#+\s+(.*)\n+([^(#|\n)]*)/g`

matches the title and description information from docs

### tableRegExp

- Type: `RegExp` | `string` (**This is a regular string.**)
- Default: `/#+\s+(.*)\n+(\|?.+\|.+)\n\|?\s*:?-+:?\s*\|.+((\n\|?.+\|.+)+)/g`

matches the title and table header and the table contains information from docs

### fileNameRegExp

- Type: `RegExp` | `string` (**This is a regular string.**)
- Default: `/\/((\w|-)+)\.\w+$/`

matches the file name from the path

## Advancement

### about titleRegExp

matches the first format information in the docs


# title


## title

matches other formats, For example:


# title
> description

### about tableRegExp

matches the format information in the docs


### title
| header |

| ------ |

| column |

| column |


### sub-component title
| header |

| :----- |

| column |

| column |

by default matches all tables, Optimize it through tableRegExp, For example:


### Props / Events / Slots / Directives
| header |

| ------ |

| column |

| column |


### sub-component Props
| header |

| ------ |

| column |

| column |

### other

When this document does not include the primary title or `Props` `Events` `Slots` and `Directives`, this component is not created.

## License
