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Vue.js Inspector for Mobile Devices

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Vue.js Inspector for Mobile Devices




# vue-inspector 0.4.3
Vue.js Inspector for Mobile Devices


## What is vue-inspector?

**vue-inspector** is a basic inspector for Vue.js that works with mobile devices. It could work in a desktop environment, but I do not recommend that; use **Vue.js devtools** instead.

With **vue-inspector** is possible to execute JavaScript code directly in your mobile browser and get error messages generated at run-time. Also inspect the data, props, router links, views/components, computed properties, routes, Vuex and more... inside your Vue.js project.


## Features
- Works with Vue.js 2
- Reactive _(of course)_
- Routes, data, Vuex and computed properties inspection
- Integrated JavaScript _(basic)_ console for code execution and messages/errors logging
- Navigation inside components and their children _(with inspection)_
- Responsive and simple UI
- Supports vue-router

## Installing vue-inspector via Yarn or npm

Installing with npm:

npm install --save-dev vue-inspector



Using Yarn:
yarn add --dev vue-inspector

## Using vue-inspector from jsDelivr CDN




## How to use vue-inspector?
Install using npm or Yarn, then add **vue-inspector** _(CSS and JavaScript files)_ to your project. Last step is adding the **<vue-inspector/>** component inside your app wrapper _(**el**)_.


Make sure **vue-inspector** is the last component added.

If you're having issues with the installation, please see any of the available demos in this repository. Currently **vue-inspector** does not support Nuxt, but I'm working on it :)

## Properties
The following properties are available _(all of them are Boolean and optional)_:

|Property|Type|Required|Default value|Description|
|is-visible|Boolean|false|true|Start visible|
|is-minimized|Boolean|false|false|Start minimized|
|hide-vuex|Boolean|false|false|Hide **Vuex** tab from UI|
|hide-components|Boolean|false|false|Hide **Components** tab from UI|
|hide-router|Boolean|false|false|Hide **Router** tab from UI|
|hide-lines|Boolean|false|false|Hide separator lines _(keeping this option in false improves readability)_|

If you hide any of the tabs _(Components, Vuex or Router)_ the console will be shown by default. The console can not be hidden or disabled.

## Screenshots
**Important:** sometimes these screenshots are not updated. Check the demos, so you can see the latest version running ;)


## Demos
All the demos are available for download from this repository. Clone the repository or download the folder **demos**. Also, I've uploaded them to a temporary free hosting account which you can access with your mobile device:

- [Simple demo](
- [CodePen demo](
- [vue-router demo](
- [webpack demo](
- [webpack + Vuex demo](


**webpack users:** the property **assetsPublicPath** _(in config/index.js)_ was changed to '/vue-inspector/demos/webpack[-vuex]/'. Only for build. It's because I'm deploying the demo to a different directory instead server's root.

## Compatibility
I have tested this tool only with Android phones and tablets. If you have information about the compatibility with iOS, or/and other mobile browsers, please let me know to update this list. I will appreciate any collaboration with compatibility testing. Currently tested/compatible with:

- Firefox for Android
- Google Chrome for Android
- Works in desktop


## Pending / In Progress
- Events logging
- Firebase bindings
- Support for Nuxt _(In progress)_

## Changelog
- **January 27th, 2018**
- Improved support for Date objects
- Version 0.4.3 released _(npm)_
- **December 26th, 2017**
- Improved variable type detection
- **Console** tab removed _(now appears at the bottom)_
- Basic support for Vuex added _(new tab Vuex)_
- vue-router support improved _(new tab Router)_
- JavaScript console improvements
- UI changes and performance improvements
- Recursive components
- New props added: hide-lines, hide-vuex, hide-components, hide-router
- Optional separator lines to improve readability in devices with small screens _(prop **hide-lines**, by default = false)_
- New webpack demo using Vuex
- npm package released, version 0.4.0
- jsDelivr CDN added
- Fixed small issue with "lastUpdate" property (patched to 0.4.1 / 0.4.2)
- Released version 0.4.2
- **December 22th, 2017**
- Improved support for vue-router
- Fixed issue with Vuex
- Version 0.3.1 released
- npm package updated to 0.3.1 _(please, update your vue-inspector version)_
- Screenshots updated to 0.3.1
- **December 21th, 2017**
- UI updates
- Component rewrite
- Component prop **is-expanded** removed
- Project's structure changed
- New demos added
- Version 0.3.0 released :)
- **December 19th, 2017**
- New demo added for webpack integration.
- **December 16th, 2017**
- **vue-inspector**, beta 0.2 released.
- Added support for vue-router.
- New demo created/added, using vue-router to demonstrate how the integration works.
- Tested in Mozilla Firefox for Android. It works :)
- **December 14th, 2017**
- **vue-inspector**, beta 0.1 released.

## Stay In Touch

- [Twitter](
- [Facebook](
- [LinkedIn](
- [YouTube](

## License

Copyright (c) 2017-2018, Cali Rojas