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CLI tool for scaffolding apps that was made with Vue.js

scaffold scaffolding vue vue-cli

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CLI tool for scaffolding apps that was made with Vue.js




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# @ddosdor/vue-sh-cli
## What is this?

This is my awesome CLI tools for scaffolding apps that was made with Vue.js.

- ***[New] From now its support new `` syntax (all changes in***
- ***[New] From now its support Vue 3.x. and Typescript (all changes in***

## Why I made this?

Because I can ;) But for real - I love Vue.js and all my last apps was made with this awesome framework. That's why I created a tool that makes my job easier.

## Where to get it from?

It's simple:

npm install -g @ddosdor/vue-sh-cli

## How to use this?

After installing this tool, the following command will be available in the console:

vsh menu


Usage: vsh [command] [options]

menu ........................ show CLI menu
component ........................ create new component from template
view ........................ create new view from template
module ........................ create new Vuex module from template

#### Create new component
In order to create a new component, you should enter in the console:
vsh component --name MyNewAwesomeComponent

As a result, a new component will be created, according to the following structure:
- src
| - components
| - MyNewAwesomeComponent.vue

The tool also allows you to generate a component as a separate files using the options:
vsh component --name MyAwesomeComponent --separate
As a result, a new component will be created, according to the following structure:
- src
| - components
| - component.vue
| - index.js or index.ts
| - style.sass

- `component.js` - this file is for compononent logic
- `index.vue` - this file is main Vue component file
- `style.sass` - this file is for style (for now only with SASS)
##### Available options

Available options:
- name (*required) ....... name of the new component
- separate (optional) ....... create component as a single *.vue file
- functional (optional) ....... new component is created as a functional component
- parent (optional) ....... creates a new component in the folder provided in the option
- test (optional) ....... generate unit test for component
- lang (optional) ....... language for vue ('ts' for typescript, default is javascript)
- version (optional) ....... vue version (possible value is 3 or 2, default is 2)

* Create component with 'MyAwesomeComponent' name
in 'src/components/MyAwesomeComponent' directory:

$: vsh component --name MyAwesomeComponent --functional

* Create component with 'MyAwesomeFunctionalSingleComponent' as a separate files (*.sass, *.js, *.vue)
in 'src/components/CommonComponents/' directory:

$: vsh component --name MyAwesomeFunctionalSingleComponent --functional --separate --parent CommonComponents
###### Help
`vsh component --help`

#### Create new view
In order to create a new view, you should enter in the console:
vsh view --name MyNewAwesomeVuew

As a result, a new view will be created, according to the following structure:
- src
| - view
| - MyNewAwesomeView.vue
This command generate **view** always as a single file component.

##### Available options
Available options:
- name (*required) ....... name of the new component
- parent (optional) ....... creates a new component in the folder provided in the option
- test (optional) ....... create unit test for view
- lang (optional) ....... language for vue ('ts' for typescript, default is javascript)
- version (optional) ....... vue version (possible value is 3 or 2, default is 2)

* Create view with 'MyNewView' name in 'src/views/MyNewView' directory:

$: vsh view --name MyNewView

* Create view with 'MyNewView' as a single file component in 'src/views/UserProfile/' directory:

$: vsh view --name MyNewView --parent UserProfile
###### Help
`vsh view --help`

#### Create new Vuex module
In order to create a new Vuex module, you should enter in the console:
vsh module --name MyNewModule

As a result, a new Vuex module will be created, according to the following structure:
- src
| - store
| - modules
| - MyNewModule
| - actions.js
| - index.js
| - mutations-type.js
| - mutations.js
As with the component, I prefer the division of responsibility into individual files:
- `actions.js` - all actions for new module
- `index.js` - main file for new module (here is initial state and all getters)
- `mutations-type.js` - all available mutations types for new module
- `mutations.js` - all mutations

##### Available options
Available options:
- name (*required) ....... name of the new module
- lang (optional) ....... language for vue ('ts' for typescript, default is javascript)

* Create Vuex module with 'MyModule' name

$: vsh module --name MyModule
###### Help
`vsh module --help`

## Change default settings
There are several options that you can change by your preferences. To do this, in root folder of your app, call the command:
vsh init
As a result, a `.vshclirc.json` file will be created. Here some setting, that can be changed.

##### Project structure
"directories": {
"views": "views",
"components": "components",
"vuex": "store",
"modules": "modules",
"unitTests": "__tests__"
Here you can indicate in which folders new items are to be created. For example, if in your project all the views from the router are in a folder called 'pages', you can indicate it in this way:
"views": "pages",

##### Default settings
"settings": {
"version": 2,
"lang": "js",
"rootSrcDirectory": "src",
"alwaysCreateSpecFiles": true,
"defaultComponentStyle": "separate"
Here youe can change some default settings:

**version** - Vue version.
Possible values:
- `2` - all components and views will be generated for Vue 2.x
- `3` - all components and views will be generated for < Vue 3.2
- `3.2` - all component and views will be generated for > Vue 3.2 with new `<script setup>` syntax

**lang** - language for all files in project. Default value is `js`. If this option i set to `ts` ts then all components, views and vuex modules will have `.ts` extension and will be generated with typescript support.

**rootSrcDirectory** - source directory in your project. For example, if main root folder is also your source folder (like in Nuxt.js apps), you can indicate this like:
"rootSrcDirectory": "/",
**alwaysCreateSpecFiles** - here you can decide whether to always create a unit test for it when generating a new component or view. Default is: **false**

**defaultComponentStyle** - default style when genereting new component, set: `separate` if you prefer the division of responsibility into individual files, or `sfc` if you want *Single File Component*.

## Download components, views, modules from git repository (EXPERIMENTAL FEATURE!)

It is possible to download ready-made elements from the repository. In order to do this you need to add sources in the file '.vshclirc.json'.

For example:

"sources": {
"blog": {
"remote": "[email protected]:ddosdor/vue-blog-app-example.git",
"path": "src/components",
"dest": "components"
Adding a source as a source of components, repository from my project - vue-blog-app-example. To identify the source from which I will be downloading, name it: blog'.

Now I can download the selected component from the repository to my current project.

`vsh get --source blog --name AddNewPost.vue`

##### 'sources'

Each source added to the '.vshclirc.json' file must have parameters:

* `remote` - repository source
* `path` - path to the source of elements from the repository (for example `path: src/components/common` i source for all components common from te repository)
* `dest` - destination folder in your project (for example 'components/common')

##### Available options

Usage: vsh get [options]

Available options:
- source (*required) ....... repo source defined in settings file
- name (*required) ....... name of element from repo
- parent (optional) ....... downloading a new element in the folder provided in the option

* Download component 'MyAwesomeComponent' from source 'components' defined in .vshclirs.json

$: vsh get --source components --name MyAwesomeComponent

* Download component 'DividerLine' from source 'helpers' defined in .vshclirs.json to 'Helpers' directory

$: vsh get --source helpers --name DividerLine --parent Helpers

##### Requirements for this functionality

* you need to have a git installed
* the source for the repository must be with the SSH - for example key: `git@github:user/repo.git`
* you must have access to the repository through your public key

Please consider that this is an experimental functionality and may not work properly. I tested it on my local gitlab server.

Edit: This functionality uses the option: `git archive` and unfortunately Github doesn't support it. ->

## What's next?

I still have some ideas that I would like to implement for this tool. So far, this is a beta version, that's why every feedback is welcome. :)




**Ready to Rock&Roll, Hell Yeah!**