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An unified React Native Picker Modal component for iOS and Android.

picker-component react-native typescript

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An unified React Native Picker Modal component for iOS and Android.




React Native Picker Modal View

React Native Module to select item picker modal.

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Created by Pankod

An alternative to [Picker]( and [PickerIOS]( components with an unified API and consistent look & feel on both plaforms. It's fully configurable and includes built-in support for text search and alphabetical index. Ideal for longer lists not suitable for "wheel-pickers".

## Getting started
$ npm install react-native-picker-modal-view --save


$ yarn add react-native-picker-modal-view

## Live Demo with Expo

[![Explore with Expo Snack](screenshots/expo_preview.png)](

## Example

import * as React from 'react';
import { Button, SafeAreaView, Text, View } from 'react-native';

import PickerModal from 'react-native-picker-modal-view';

import data from '../../../top20.json';

export default class Main extends React.Component<{}, { selectedItem: {} }> {

constructor(props: {}) {

this.state = {
selectedItem: {}

public render(): JSX.Element {
const { selectedItem } = this.state;

return (

selectPlaceholderText={'Choose one...'}
onEndReached={() => console.log('list ended...')}



private onClosed(): void {
console.log('close key pressed');

private onSelected(selected: any): void {
this.setState({ selectedItem: selected });

return selected;

private onBackButtonPressed(): void {
console.log('back key pressed');


## Options

| Properties | Type | Description | Default |
| --------------------------------- | ---------- | ------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------- |
| **modalAnimationType** | `string` | The RN Modal show/hide animation type | `"slide"` |
| **showAlphabeticalIndex** | `boolean` | Hides alphabetical index | `"true"` |
| **onClosed** | `Function` | Fired when the modal is closed | |
| **onBackButtonPressed** | `Function` | Fired when the back key is pressed | |
| **onSelected**
**required* | `Function` | Returns selected item object | `"{Id, Name, Value, [key: string]: any}"` |
| **items**
**required* | `array` | Array of list items | `"[{Id, Name, Value, [key: string]: any}]"` |
| **renderSelectView** | `Element` | Render Select Component | `` |
| **renderListItem** | `Element` | Render List item | `` |
| **alphabeticalIndexChars** | `array` | Chracters array for the alphabetical index | `` |
| **searchInputTextColor** | `string` | Search input placeholder text color | `"#252525"` |
| **keyExtractor** | `Function` | Flatlist defined {key} function | `` |
| **autoGenerateAlphabeticalIndex** | `boolean` | Auto-generates alphabetical index from list items data | `"false"` |
| **sortingLanguage** | `string` | Country ISO (Alpha 2) Code for localeCompare | `"tr"` |
| **showToTopButton** | `boolean` | Button for scroll to offset 0 | `"true"` |
| **onEndReached** | `Function` | Fired when the list reaches the end | |
| **selectPlaceholderText** | `string` | Select box placeholder text | `"Choose one..."` |
| **searchPlaceholderText** | `string` | Search input placeholder text | `"Search..."` |
| **selected** | `object` | Default selected item | |
| **autoSort** | `boolean` | Auto-sort data list | `"false"` |
| **disabled** | `boolean` | Disable Select box | |
| **requireSelection** | `boolean` | Require at least one list item is selected | `"false"` |
| **backButtonDisabled** | `boolean` | Hide to back button | `"false"` |
| **renderSearch** | `Function` | Render custom search input | `` |

# Core Props of React Native

| Properties | Type | Description | Default |
| -------------------- | -------- | ---------------------------- | ------- |
| **ModalProps** | `object` | React Native Modal Props | |
| **FlatListProps** | `object` | React Native Flatlist Props | |
| **SearchInputProps** | `object` | React Native TextInput Props | |

## Running example project

1. You should have React Expo CLI to be installed in order to run example. Follow this [instructions]( if you need to install Expo CLI.

2. Install the dependencies:

npm install

3. Once the installation is done, you can run the following command:

npm start
You can also use:

expo start

expo start

#### Notes

- Auto-alphabetical index supported for Turkish and English languages.

#### Releases

- 1.3.2 - Added renderSearch feature #54 Thanks to @murilo-campaner
- 1.3.1 - Fixed #44 Thanks to @fnando
- 1.3.0 - No back button support #42 Thanks to @ChildishForces
- 1.2.8 - Fixed #37
- 1.2.6 - Deprecated lifecycle methods fix
- 1.2.5 - Flatlist initialNumToRender property hotfix
- 1.2.3 - Refactor and code coverage
- 1.2.2 - Fixed #5
- 1.2.0 - Added renderSelectView and renderListItem properties.
- 1.0.0 - Initial release