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Easy, convenient, quick-forming Wizard component for React Native

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Easy, convenient, quick-forming Wizard component for React Native




# React Native Wizard

Easy, convenient, quick-forming Wizard component for React Native. Also this package is providing simple usage with few props and functions. You can see examples below the page.


## v2.1.1 Released.

## v2.1.0 Released.
- contentContainerStyle added.
- useNativeDriver flag added.

## Getting Started

**With NPM**

npm install --save react-native-wizard

**With YARN**

yarn add react-native-wizard

## Props

| Props |Description|Type|Required|Default|
|activeStep |For setting active step at start.|`int`|**No**|`0`|
|ref |You need to set ref for using some function like `goTo()`, `next()` etc.|`void`|**Yes**|-|
|currentStep |You can get current step index. Also you can get that step is last step or first step. Also you can use isFirstStep and isLastStep callbacks.|`void`|**No**|-|
|isFirstStep |You can get active step is first step or not with this callback. This callback is returning `boolean` value|`void`|**No**|-|
|isLastStep |You can get active step is last step or not with this callback. This callback is returning `boolean` value|`void`|**No**|-|
|duration |You can set duration of transition animation.|`int`|**No**|`500`|
|onNext |If next button click and step is change, this function will run.|`void`|**No**|-|
|onPrev |If prev button click and step is change, this function will run.|`void`|**No**|-|
|steps |You can set steps with this prop.|`object`|**Yes**|-|
|nextStepAnimation |You can set animation for next step transition.|`string`|**No**|`fade`|
|prevStepAnimation |You can set animation for prev step transition.|`string`|**No**|`fade`|
|useNativeDriver |You can set useNativeDriver for all Animated used by the package ([more info here]( |`boolean`|**No**|`true`|

## Animations (`nextStepAnimation="fade"`)
You can use this animations for `prevStep` or `nextStep`

|Animation List|
|`fade` |
|`slideLeft` |
|`slideRight` |
|`slideUp` |
|`slideDown` |

## Reference Functions

**With functional component and hooks**
I sincerely recommend using `hooks`.
import React, {useRef} from 'react'
import Wizard, { WizardRef } from 'react-native-wizard';

const wizard = useRef(null)
// Usage


**With class component**
If you're not using functional component then you should create a ref with `React.createRef()`.
import Wizard, { WizardRef } from 'react-native-wizard';

wizard = React.createRef(null)


| Props |Usage _without_ useRef | Usage _with_ useRef|
|next() | ||
|prev() |this.wizard.current.prev() | wizard.current.prev() |
|goTo(`stepIndex`) |this.wizard.current.goTo(`stepIndex`) |wizard.current.goTo(`stepIndex`)|

## Understanding the usage of Step

This wizard using your component class/function as a child. Every time this Wizard rendering your active step.

## Basic Usage

import React, {useRef,useState} from 'react'
// import Wizard
import Wizard, { WizardRef } from 'react-native-wizard';

// Import your own step components
import Step1 from "./yourStepsDir/Step1";
import Step2 from "./yourStepsDir/Step2";
import Step3 from "./yourStepsDir/Step3";

// ...

const wizard = useRef(null);
const [isFirstStep, setIsFirstStep] = useState()
const [isLastStep, setIsLastStep] = useState()
const stepList = [
content: ,
isLastStep={val => setIsLastStep(val)}
onNext={() => {
console.log("Next Step Called")
onPrev={() => {
console.log("Previous Step Called")
currentStep={({ currentStep, isLastStep, isFirstStep }) => {

## Advanced Usage Example

import React, { useRef, useState } from "react"
import { SafeAreaView, Button, View, Text } from "react-native"
import Wizard, { WizardRef } from "react-native-wizard"

export default () => {
const wizard = useRef(null)
const [isFirstStep, setIsFirstStep] = useState(true)
const [isLastStep, setIsLastStep] = useState(false)
const [currentStep, setCurrentStep] = useState(0)
const stepList = [
content: ,
content: ,
content: ,
content: ,

return (

wizard.current.prev()} />
{currentStep + 1}. Step} />

isLastStep={val => setIsLastStep(val)}
onNext={() => {
console.log("Next Step Called")
onPrev={() => {
console.log("Previous Step Called")
currentStep={({ currentStep, isLastStep, isFirstStep }) => {

{, index) => (



## License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the []( file for details