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Screen navigation for React Native

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Screen navigation for React Native




# React Native Easy Router

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[![License: MIT](](

React Native Easy Router is an easy-to-use and performant screen navigation library for React Native

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## Installation

npm install --save react-native-easy-router

## or

yarn add react-native-easy-router

## Usage

import { AppRegistry, Text, View } from 'react-native'
import { name } from './app.json'
import React from 'react'
import Navigator from 'react-native-easy-router'

const First = ({ navigator }) => (

First screen
navigator.push('Second', { name: 'John' })}>Go forward


const Second = ({ navigator, name }) => (

Second screen
Hello {name}!
navigator.pop()}>Go back


const Application = () =>

AppRegistry.registerComponent(name, () => Application)

You can look at [example]( for better understanding

## Documentation

### Navigator properties

#### screens (_required_)
Screen components keyed by screen name

Welcome }}/>

#### initialStack (_required_)

Initial stack can be a first screen name, an array of screen names or even array of screen objects that are are returned from `navigator.stack` or `onStackUpdate`.





#### onStackUpdate
Callback that is called when stack updates

console.log(stack, previousStack)}/>

#### backHandler
_Default value_: `navigator => navigator.pop()`
Function that is called when user presses back button on Android or makes swipe back on IOS.
If you return `false` from this function on Android app will be minimized.


#### navigatorRef
Callback that is called on navigator initialization with `navigator` reference so you can manage your navigator from the outside.

(this.navigator = ref)}/>

#### animations
Custom animations that you can use for transitions. Because navigator uses native transitions you can use only 'transform' animations. You can use this animation with any `navigator` method.

import { Dimensions } from 'react-native'
const { width: windowWidth, height: windowHeight } = Dimensions.get('window')


### Navigator methods
Navigator passes `navigator` object to every screen. With this object you can manage your screens. Also you can get this object with `navigatorRef`.

#### push(screen, props, transitionProps)
Pushes new screen to the stack. Returns `Promise` that is resolved after transition finishes.

// Stack before: First
navigator.push('Second', {email: '[email protected]'}, {animation: 'bottom'})
// Stack after: First, Second

#### pop(transitionProps)
Pops last screen from the stack. If `transitionProps` are not provided uses those transitionProps that this screen was pushed with. Returns `Promise` that is resolved after transition finishes.

// Stack before: First, Second
navigator.pop({animation: 'left'})
// Stack after: First

#### reset(screen, props, transitionProps)
Resets the whole stack to a new screen. Returns `Promise` that is resolved after transition finishes.

// Stack before: First, Second
navigator.reset('Third', {name: 'John'}, {animation: 'fade'})
// Stack after: Third

#### stack
Returns the stack

// Stack before: First, Second
console.log(navigator.stack) // [{id: 'some-id', screen: 'First', props: {name: 'John'}, transitionProps: {animation: 'left', duration: 500, easing: 'ease-in-out'}}]

#### popTo(screenId, transitionProps)
Pops all screens after the certain screen. If `transitionProps` are not provided uses those transitionProps that this screen was pushed with. Returns `Promise` that is resolved after transition finishes.

// Stack before: First, Second, Third, Fourth
// Stack after: First, Second

#### resetFrom(screenId, screen, props, transitionProps)
Resets the stack after the certain screen. Returns `Promise` that is resolved after transition finishes.

// Stack before: First, Second, Third, Fourth
navigator.resetFrom(navigator.stack[1].id, 'Fifth', {age: 18})
// Stack after: First, Second, Fifth

#### register/unregisterBackHandler

If you want to handle Android hardware back press and IOS swipe back on the certain screen you can use this methods. If you return `false` from callback function on Android app will be minimized.

componentDidMount = () => {

componentWillUnmount = () => {

onBack = navigator => navigator.pop()

### Transition props

#### animation
_Default value_: `'right'`

One of default animations: `right`, `left`, `top`, `bottom`, `none`, `fade`. Or one of custom animations provided to navigator by `animations` property.

#### duration
_Default value_: `250`

Duration of transition in milliseconds. Not applied to `none` animation.

#### easing
_Default value_: `'ease-in-out'`

One of easings from [this table]( Not applied to `none` animation.