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A curated list of Textpattern plugins and resources

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A curated list of Textpattern plugins and resources




h1. Awesome Textpattern Awesome

A curated list of amazingly awesome "Textpattern CMS": plugins, resources and shiny things.

*This list is for the latest version of Textpattern (v4.7.x).* For Textpattern v4.6.x see the "txp-4.6 branch":

h2. Contributing

This list is for the community and curated by it, so please contribute. See "CONTRIBUTING": for details.

h2. Contents

* "Plugins":#plugins
** "Admin":#admin
** "Comments":#comments
** "Content":#content
** "Embedding":#embedding
** "Forms":#forms
** "Images":#images
** "Navigation":#nav
** "Performance":#performance
** "SEO":#seo
** "Social":#social
** "Miscellaneous":#misc
* "Plugin Development":#development
* "Themes":#themes
** "Back-end":#back-end
** "Front-end":#front-end
* "Resources":#resources
** "Official resources":#resources-official
** "Migration":#migration
** "Web development software integration":#software-integration
* "Community":#community
** "Core team":#core-team
** "Plugins developers":#plugins-dev
** "Blogs":#blogs
* "Related":#related
* "License":#license

h2(#plugins). Plugins

h3(#admin). Admin

* "cbe_frontauth": - Manage backend connections from frontend and protect content from non-logged in users.
* "hak_tinymce": - TinyMCE integration for Textpattern.
* "jbx_multiple_image_upload": - Multiple image upload.
* "rah_privileges": - Configure Textpattern's admin-side user-group privileges through the Preferences panel.
* "spf_codemirror": - CodeMirror syntax-highlighting and Emmet code-completion for Pages, Forms, Styles, etc.
* "spf_js": - JavaScript management (similar to Presentation → Styles).
* "tom_image_grid": - Provides a more compact grid interface for the image admin panel.
* "yab_copy_to_new": - Allows for easy copying of articles from the Write panel.

h3(#comments). Comments

* "arc_admin_comment_preview": - Adds a comment preview to admin.
* "jnm_recent_comments_unique": - Show latest comments.
* "rah_comments": - Paginated article comments.
* "rah_comment_spam": - Comment anti-spam plugin.

h3(#content). Content

* "glz_custom_fields": - Unlimited custom fields.
* "smd_tags": - Unlimited, structured taxonomy across content types.

h3(#embedding). Embedding

* "arc_vimeo": - Easily embed Vimeo videos.
* "arc_youtube": - Easily embed YouTube videos.
* "oui_embed": - Embed any information from any web page using "Embed":
* "oui_instagram": - Easily embed Instagram recent images galleries.
* "oui_player": - Easily embed customizable players from a growing providers list.

h3(#forms). Forms

* "zem_contact_reborn": - Contact forms.

h3(#images). Images

* "smd_imagery": - Article images management.
* "smd_thumbnail": - Multiple image thumbnails of arbitrary dimensions.

h3(#nav). Navigation

* "adi_menu": - Section hierarchy, section menu and breadcrumb trail.
* "etc_pagination": - Paginate everything.
* "smd_horizon": - Advanced next/previous links.

h3(#performance). Performance

* "aks_cache": - Partially cache parts of a Textpattern template via tags.
* "asy_jpcache": - Full page caching.
* "etc_cache": - Events-driven cache solution for Textpattern CMS.
* "rah_cache": - Cache dynamic pages as flat files.
* "rah_cache_minify": - HTML compressor module for rah_cache plugin.
* "rah_memcached": - Store parts of Textpattern templates in "Memcached":
* "rvm_css": - Static CSS caching.

h3(#seo). SEO

* "arc_meta": - Meta tags to improve site SEO and social marketing.
* "arc_redirect": - URL redirect plugin.
* "rah_sitemap": - XML sitemap generator.
* "wcz_utf8_url": - UTF-8 permlinks instead of transliterated ones.

h3(#social). Social

Plugins that add social features to Textpattern.

* "arc_social_share": - Social bookmarking.
* "pat_article_social": - Social bookmarking with share counts.
* "TXP Tweet": - Twitter-Textpattern integration.

h3(#misc). Miscellaneous

* "fly_excerpt": - Truncate the article excerpt.
* "oui_cookie": - Set, read, reset or delete cookies manually or through URL variables.
* "oui_quote": - Pull and display a quote from "Quotes on design":, "They said so":, "Le figaro": or "Le Monde":
* "pat_if_amp": - Serve Google's Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) in Textpattern.
* "pat_eu_cookies_law": - EU Cookie Law compliance: A Textpattern CMS plugin for third-party cookies.
* "rah_backup": - Takes backups from Textpattern CMS installations.
* "rah_flat": - Edit Textpattern's database contents and page templates as flat files.
* "rah_terminal": - Terminal interface emulator.
* "rvm_maintenance": - Shows a maintenance page to all visitors who are not logged in on the admin side.
* "smd_if": - A generic 'if condition' tester.
* "textpattern-installer": - Textpattern plugin and theme installer for Composer.
* "upm_pending_notify": - Pending article notifications.

h2(#development). Plugin Development

* "ied_plugin_composer": - Create, publish and edit plugins.
* "MassPlugCompiler": - Compiles Textpattern's plugin installer packages from separate source files.
* "Plugin template repo": - A starter package for plugin developers.

h2(#themes). Themes

h3(#back-end). Back-end

* "Hive theme design patterns": - Core designer guidelines for themes and plugins developers.
* "jQuery UI theme repo": - The jQuery UI theme used within the Textpattern admin-side.

h3(#front-end). Front-end

* "Default theme repo": - The theme that ships as standard with Textpattern CMS.

h2(#resources). Resources

Various resources, such as books, websites and articles, for improving your Textpattern skills and knowledge.

h3(#resources-official). Official resources

* "Official website": - Download link, features description and information.
* "Textpattern Documentation": - The Textpattern user guidelines.

h3(#migration). Migration

* "WP to Txp": - WordPress developer helpful references.

h3(#software-integration). Web development software integration

* "Textpattern for Panic Coda": - Handy elements for use with Panic Coda 2 on a Mac.

h2(#community). Community

* "@textpattern on Twitter":
* "Google+":
* "Textpattern Forum":

h3(#core-team). Core Team

* Stef Dawson aka "Bloke": on "GitHub":
* Oleg Loukianov aka "etc": on "Github":
* Phil Wareham aka "philwareham": on "GitHub":
* Robert Wetzlmayr aka "wet": on "GitHub":

h3(#plugins-dev). Plugins developers

Alphabetical order by author prefixes

* adi aka "gomedia": on "GitHub":
* arc aka "monkeyninja": (Andy Carter) on "Github":
* bot aka "redbot": on "Github":
* cbe aka "CeBe": (Claire Brione) on "Github":
* goe aka "goechsler": on "Github":
* jcr aka jools-r on "Github":
* mkp aka "michaelkpate": (Michael K Pate) on "Github":
* oui aka "NicolasGraph": (Nicolas Morand) on "Github":
* pat aka "Pat64": (Patrick Lefevre) on "Github":
* rah aka "Gocom": (Jukka Svahn) on "Github":
* smd aka "Bloke": (Stef Dawson) on "Github":

h3(#blogs). Blogs

* "Textpattern Tips": - Tips, tutorials and code examples to help build better Textpattern sites.

h2(#related). Related

* "Awesome PHP": - A curated list of amazingly awesome PHP libraries, resources and shiny things.

h2(#license). License

Creative Commons Licence
Awesome Textpattern by Andy Carter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.