
An open API service indexing awesome lists of open source software.

A simple yet customizable component to display a chip list of emails

android chip component email ios javascript native react-native react-native-component ui

Last synced: 28 days ago
JSON representation

A simple yet customizable component to display a chip list of emails




# @arelstone/react-native-email-chip
A simple yet very customizable component to display a chip list of emails



## Install
npm install @arelstone/react-native-email-chip
// or
yarn add @arelstone/react-native-email-chip

## Usage
import EmailChipInput from '@arelstone/react-native-email-chip';


## Props

| Name | Type | Default |
| ------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------- |
| entries | string[] | [] |
| onSubmit | string[] => void | |
| label (optional) | ReactElement | |
| delimiters (optional) | string[] | [',', ';', ' '] |
| keyboardAppearance (optional) | default, light, dark | default |
| keyboardAppearance (optional) | never, while-editing, unless-editing, always | while-editing |
| placeholder (optional) | string | Start by typing an email |
| autoCapitalize (optional) | none, sentences, words, characters | none |
| autoCorrect (optional) | boolean | true |
| autoFocus (optional) | boolean | true |
| blurOnSubmit (optional) | boolean | false |
| chipImage (optional) | ReactElement | |
| placeholderTextColor (optional) | ViewStyle | |
| containerStyle (optional) | ViewStyle | |
| chipContainerStyle (optional) | ViewStyle | |
| chipTextStyle (optional) | TextStyle | |
| inputContainerStyle (optional) | ViewStyle | |
| inputStyle (optional) | ViewStyle | |
| TextInputProps (optional) | TextInputProps | |
| keyboardType (optional) | KeyboardTypeOptions | email-address |

## Contributing
If you find a feature missing or discover an issue pull requests are very very welcome.