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Home Assistant variables component

counter homeassistant-integration keypad last-motion python sensor timer variables

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Home Assistant variables component




# Variables+History
### aka. `variable`

Variable Logo

A Home Assistant Integration to declare and set/update variables.

Forked and updated from initial integration developed by [rogro82](

## Upgrading from v2 to v3
**Existing variables will remain as yaml variables but instead of starting with `variable.`, they will now start with `sensor.` If you would like to manage the variable using the UI configuration, you will need to delete the entity from your yaml and recreate it in the UI. This is also the only change needed when migrating from rogro82's version to this one**

## Installation

### HACS *(recommended)*
1. Ensure that [HACS]( is installed
2. [Click Here]( to directly open `Variables+History` in HACS **or**

  a. Navigate to HACS

  b. Click `+ Explore & Download Repositories`

  c. Find the `Variables+History` integration

3. Click `Download`
4. Restart Home Assistant
5. See [Configuration](#configuration) below


You probably **do not** want to do this! Use the HACS method above unless you know what you are doing and have a good reason as to why you are installing manually

1. Using the tool of choice open the directory (folder) for your HA configuration (where you find `configuration.yaml`)
2. If you do not have a `custom_components` directory there, you need to create it
3. In the `custom_components` directory create a new folder called `variable`
4. Download _all_ the files from the `custom_components/variable/` directory in this repository
5. Place the files you downloaded in the new directory you created
6. Restart Home Assistant
7. See [Configuration](#configuration) below

## Preferred Configuration
1. [Click Here]( to directly add a `Variables+History` sensor **or**

  a. In Home Assistant, go to Settings -> [Integrations](

  b. Click `+ Add Integrations` and select `Variables+History`

2. Add your configuration ([see Configuration Options below](#configuration-options))
3. Click `Submit`
* Repeat as needed to create additional `Variables+History` sensors
* Options can be changed for existing `Variables+History` sensors in Home Assistant Integrations by selecting `Configure` under the desired `Variables+History` sensor.

## Configuration Options

### First choose the `variable` type.


| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| `Variable ID` | `Yes` | | The desired id of the new sensor (ex. `test_variable` would create an entity_id of `sensor.test_variable`) |
| `Name` | `No` | | Friendly name of the variable sensor |
| `Icon` | `No` | `mdi:variable` | Icon of the Variable |
| `Initial Value` | `No` | | Initial value/state of the variable. If `Restore on Restart` is `False`, the variable will reset to this value on every restart |
| `Initial Attributes` | `No` | | Initial attributes of the variable. If `Restore on Restart` is `False`, the variable will reset to this value on every restart |
| `Restore on Restart` | `No` | `True` | If `True` will restore previous value on restart. If `False`, will reset to `Initial Value` and `Initial Attributes` on restart |
| `Force Update` | `No` | `False` | Variable's `last_updated` time will change with any service calls to update the variable even if the value does not change |
| `Exclude from Recorder` | `No` | `False` | For Variables with large attributes (>16 kB), enable this to prevent Recorder Errors. |

Binary Sensor

| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| `Variable ID` | `Yes` | | The desired id of the new binary sensor (ex. `test_variable` would create an entity_id of `binary_sensor.test_variable`) |
| `Name` | `No` | | Friendly name of the variable binary sensor |
| `Icon` | `No` | `mdi:variable` | Icon of the Variable |
| `Initial Value` | `No` | `False` | Initial `True`/`False` value/state of the variable. If `Restore on Restart` is `False`, the variable will reset to this value on every restart |
| `Initial Attributes` | `No` | | Initial attributes of the variable. If `Restore on Restart` is `False`, the variable will reset to this value on every restart |
| `Restore on Restart` | `No` | `True` | If `True` will restore previous value on restart. If `False`, will reset to `Initial Value` and `Initial Attributes` on restart |
| `Force Update` | `No` | `False` | Variable's `last_updated` time will change with any service calls to update the variable even if the value does not change |
| `Exclude from Recorder` | `No` | `False` | For Variables with large attributes (>16 kB), enable this to prevent Recorder Errors. |

Device Tracker

| Name | Required | Default | Description |
| `Variable ID` | `Yes` | | The desired id of the new device tracker (ex. `test_variable` would create an entity_id of `device_tracker.test_variable`) |
| `Name` | `No` | | Friendly name of the variable device tracker |
| `Icon` | `No` | `mdi:variable` | Icon of the Variable |
| `Initial Latitude` | `Yes` | | Latitude |
| `Initial Longitude` | `Yes` | | Longitude |
| `Initial Location Name` | `No` | | If set, will show this as the state |
| `Initial GPS Accuracy` | `No` | | Accuracy in meters |
| `Initial Battery Level` | `No` | | Battery level from 0-100% |
| `Initial Attributes` | `No` | | Initial attributes of the variable |
| `Restore on Restart` | `No` | `True` | If `True` will restore previous value on restart. If `False`, will reset to `Initial Latitude`, `Initial Longitude`, `Initial Location Name`, `Initial GPS Accuracy`, `Initial Battery Level`, and `Initial Attributes` on restart |
| `Force Update` | `No` | `False` | Variable's `last_updated` time will change with any service calls to update the variable even if the value does not change |
| `Exclude from Recorder` | `No` | `False` | For Variables with large attributes (>16 kB), enable this to prevent Recorder Errors. |

Alternate YAML Configuration

**Variables created via YAML will all start with `sensor.` and cannot be edited in the UI.**

_You can have a combination of Variables created via the UI and via YAML._

Add the component `variable` to your configuration and declare the variables you want.

| Name | yaml | Required | Default | Description |
| Variable ID | `:` | `Yes` | | The desired id of the new sensor (ex. `test_variable` would create an entity_id of `sensor.test_variable`) |
| Name | `name` | `No` | | Friendly name of the variable sensor |
| Initial Value | `value` | `No` | | Initial value/state of the variable. If `Restore on Restart` is `False`, the variable will reset to this value on every restart |
| Initial Attributes | `attributes` | `No` | | Initial attributes of the variable. If `Restore on Restart` is `False`, the variable will reset to this value on every restart |
| Restore on Restart | `restore` | `No` | `True` | If `True` will restore previous value on restart. If `False`, will reset to `Initial Value` and `Initial Attributes` on restart |
| Force Update | `force_update` | `No` | `False` | Variable's `last_updated` time will change with any service calls to update the variable even if the value does not change |
| Exclude from Recorder | `exclude_from_recorder` | `No` | `False` | For Variables with large attributes (>16 kB), set to `True` to prevent Recorder Errors. |

#### Example:

value: 30
friendly_name: 'Countdown'
icon: mdi:alarm
name: Countdown
value: False
value: 'normal'
previous: ''
restore: true
force_update: true

value: 0
restore: true
state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: GB
icon: mdi:download

## Services

There are instructions and selectors when the service is called from the Developer Tools or within a Script or Automation.

### `variable.update_sensor`

Used to update the value or attributes of a Sensor Variable

| Name | Key | Required | Default | Description |
| `Targets` | `target:`
  `entity_id:` | `Yes` | | The entity_ids of one or more sensor variables to update (ex. `sensor.test_variable`) |
| `New Value` | `value` | `No` | | Value/state to change the variable to |
| `New Attributes` | `attributes` | `No` | | What to update the attributes to |
| `Replace Attributes` | `replace_attributes` | `No` | `False` | Replace or merge current attributes (`False` = merge) |

### `variable.update_binary_sensor`

Used to update the value or attributes of a Binary Sensor Variable

| Name | Key | Required | Default | Description |
| `Targets` | `target:`
  `entity_id:` | `Yes` | | The entity_ids of one or more binary sensor variables to update (ex. `binary_sensor.test_variable`) |
| `New Value` | `value` | `No` | | Value/state to change the variable to |
| `New Attributes` | `attributes` | `No` | | What to update the attributes to |
| `Replace Attributes` | `replace_attributes` | `No` | `False` | Replace or merge current attributes (`False` = merge) |

### `variable.update_device_tracker`

Used to update the value or attributes of a Device Tracker Variable

| Name | Key | Required | Default | Description |
| `Targets` | `target:`
  `entity_id:` | `Yes` | | The entity_ids of one or more device tracker variables to update (ex. `device_tracker.test_variable`) |
| `Latitude` | `latitude` | `No` | | Latitude |
| `Longitude` | `longitude` | `No` | | Longitude |
| `Location Name` | `location_name` | `No` | | If set, will show this as the state |
| `Delete Location Name` | `delete_location_name` | `No` | | Remove the Location Name so state will be based on Lat/Long (`boolean`) |
| `GPS Accuracy` | `gps_accuracy` | `No` | | Accuracy in meters |
| `Battery Level` | `battery_level` | `No` | | Battery level from 0-100% |

### `variable.toggle_binary_sensor`

Used to toggle the state or update attributes of a Binary Sensor Variable. If the binary_sensor state is None, the toggle service will not change the state.

| Name | Key | Required | Default | Description |
| `Targets` | `target:`
  `entity_id:` | `Yes` | | The entity_ids of one or more binary sensor variables to toggle (ex. `binary_sensor.test_variable`) |
| `New Attributes` | `attributes` | `No` | | What to update the attributes to |
| `Replace Attributes` | `replace_attributes` | `No` | `False` | Replace or merge current attributes (`False` = merge) |

Legacy Services

#### These will only work for Sensor Variables
_These services are from the previous version of the integration and are being kept for pre-existing automations and scripts. In general, the new `variable.update_` and `variable.toggle_` services above should be used going forward._

Both services are similar and used to update the value or attributes of a Sensor Variable. `variable.set_variable` uses just the `variable_id` and `variable.set_entity` uses the full `entity_id`. There are instructions and selectors when the service is called from the Developer Tools or within a Script or Automation.

### `variable.set_variable`

| Name | Key | Required | Default | Description |
| `Variable ID` | `variable` | `Yes` | | The id of the sensor variable to update (ex. `test_variable` for a sensor variable of `sensor.test_variable`) |
| `Value` | `value` | `No` | | Value/state to change the variable to |
| `Attributes` | `attributes` | `No` | | What to update the attributes to |
| `Replace Attributes` | `replace_attributes` | `No` | `False` | Replace or merge current attributes (`False` = merge) |

### `variable.set_entity`

| Name | Key | Required | Default | Description |
| `Entity ID` | `entity` | `Yes` | | The entity_id of the sensor variable to update (ex. `sensor.test_variable`) |
| `Value` | `value` | `No` | | Value/state to change the variable to |
| `Attributes` | `attributes` | `No` | | What to update the attributes to |
| `Replace Attributes` | `replace_attributes` | `No` | `False` | Replace or merge current attributes (`False` = merge) |

## Example service calls

- service: variable.update_sensor
value: 30
entity_id: sensor.test_timer
- service: variable.update_sensor
value: >-
{{|replace('Motion Sensor','')}}
history_1: "{{states('sensor.last_motion')}}"
history_2: "{{state_attr('sensor.last_motion','history_1')}}"
history_3: "{{state_attr('sensor.last_motion','history_2')}}"
entity_id: sensor.last_motion
- service: variable.update_binary_sensor
value: true
replace_attributes: true
country: USA
entity_id: binary_sensor.test_binary_var

## Example timer automation

* Create a sensor variable with the Variable ID of `test_timer` and Initial Value of `0`

- service: variable.update_sensor
value: 30
entity_id: sensor.test_timer
- service: automation.turn_on
entity_id: automation.test_timer_countdown

- alias: test_timer_countdown
initial_state: 'off'
- platform: time_pattern
seconds: '/1'
- service: variable.update_sensor
value: >
{{ [((states('sensor.test_timer') | int(default=0)) - 1), 0] | max }}
entity_id: sensor.test_timer
- alias: test_timer_trigger
platform: state
entity_id: sensor.test_timer
to: '0'
- service: automation.turn_off
entity_id: automation.test_timer_countdown

## Examples

Play and Save TTS Messages + Message History - Made by jazzyisj


This is more or less an answering machine (remember those?) for your TTS messages. When you play a TTS message that you want saved under certain conditions (i.e. nobody is home), you will call the script Play or Save TTS Message script.play_or_save_message instead of calling your tts service (or Alexa notify) directly. The script will decide whether to play the message immediately, or save it based on the conditions you specify. If a saved tts message is repeated another message is not saved, only the timestamp is updated to the most recent instance.

Messages are played back using the Play Saved TTS Messages script "script.play_saved_tts_messages". Set an appropriate trigger (for example when you arrive home) in the automation Play Saved Messages automation.play_saved_messages automation to call this script automatically.

Saved messages will survive restarts.


You can find the full documentation on how to do this and adjust this to your needs in [here](

#### More examples can be found in the [examples]( folder.