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Canari v3 - next gen Maltego framework for rapid remote and local transform development

aws-lambda canari docker framework lambda-architecture maltego maltego-transformations python python3 rapid-development tds

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Canari v3 - next gen Maltego framework for rapid remote and local transform development




Canari Framework 3

|Build Status| |Doc Status|

Welcome to the Canari 3 repository - the next generation Maltego rapid
transform development framework which allows you to rapidly prototype,
package, and distribute Maltego local and remote transforms. Please
visit the `documentation `__
site for a quick how-to and more in-depth information on the framework

Sneak Peek

The following is an example of how easy it is to write a quick Maltego
transform in Canari 3:

.. code:: python

from canari.maltego.entities import Phrase, Person

class HelloWorld(Transform):
\"\"\"This transform says hello to a person entity.\"\"\"

# The transform input entity type.
input_type = Person

def do_transform(self, request, response, config):
return response + Phrase("Hello " + request.entity.value)

Canari Docker

You can now dockerize your remote transform packages using
``canari dockerize-package``. This will create a Docker container that
runs Canari Plume fully configured with your remote transforms. You can
easily distribute this container to your Docker swarm. Check out the
documentation on Docker `website `__ for more
information on how containers work.

Bug Reports & Questions

Please use the issues page to log any bugs or questions regarding the
Canari Framework.


Kudos to our user community for making this release happen. A special
thanks to those of you who have supported the development of Canari 3 by
donating money at our crowd-funding pages. If you like this project,
please consider donating money to help accelerate development.

.. |Build Status| image::
.. |Doc Status| image::