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Simple form validation library for React Native.

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Last synced: 2 months ago
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Simple form validation library for React Native.




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Simple form validation library for React Native.

## Installing
npm i --save foect

yarn add foect

## Quick Start
import { TextInput, Text, View, Button } from 'react-native';
import Foect from 'foect';

// ...

console.log(model); // { fullName: 'John Doe', email: '[email protected]' ... }
{ /* you can use form for triggering submit or checking form state(form.isSubmitted, form.isValid, ...) */ }
{ form => (

{ /* every Foect.Control must have a name and optionally validation rules */ }

{ /* you can use control for getting/setting it's value, checking/updating(control.isValid, control.markAsTouched(), ...) it's state, checking it's errors(control.errors.required) */ }
{ control => (

Full Name

{ /* get control's value */ }

{ /* check control state and show error if necessary */ }
{ control.isTouched &&
control.isInvalid &&
Please enter your name. }

) }

{ control => (



{ control.isTouched &&
control.isInvalid &&

{ control.errors.pattern ?
Please provide a strong password. :
Please enter your password. }

) }

{ control => (



{ control.isTouched &&
control.isInvalid &&

{control.value} is not a valid email.

) }

{ /* submit form */ }
form.submit()} title="Register" />

) }


## Documentation

### Types
type Status = 'INIT' | 'VALID' | 'INVALID';
type Model = { [key: string]: any };
// { firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' }
type Errors = { [key: string]: boolean };
// { required: true, email: true }
type FormErrors = { [name: string]: Errors };
// { firstName: { required: true, minLength: true } }
type Validator = (value: any, config?: any, control?: Control) => ValidatorResult;
type ValidatorResult = null | Errors;

### Props
#### Form
* `children: (form: Form) => Element` child renderer function.
* `defaultValue?: Model` default values for form.
* `onChange?: (model: Model) => void` callback called on value change.
* `onValidSubmit?: (model: Model) => void` callback called on valid submit.
* `onInvalidSubmit?: (errors: FormErrors, model: Model) => void` callback called on invalid submit.

#### Control
* `children: (control: Control) => Element` child renderer function.
* `name: string` control name.
* `[validator: string]: any;` validation rules for control.

### APIs
#### Form
* `status: Status` form status.
* `errors: FormErrors` form errors.
* `isValid: boolean` is form valid.
* `isInvalid: boolean` is form invalid.
* `isSubmitted: boolean` is form submitted.

* `addControl(name: string, control: Control): void` adds a new control to form.
* `removeControl(name: string): void` removes a control from form.
* `getValue(name: string): any` returns value of a control.
* `setValue(name: string, value: any): void` sets value for a control.
* `getErrors(name: string): Status` returns errors of a control.
* `setErrors(name: string, errors: Errors): void` sets errors for a control.
* `validateControl(name: string): void` validates a control and updates control state, errors.
* `getStatus(name: string): Status` returns status of a control.
* `update(): void` force updates form and all child controls.
* `submit(): void` submits the form. calls `onInvalidSubmit` or `onValidSubmit` callback if provided.

#### Control
* `value: any` control value.
* `form: Form` control's form.
* `status: Status` control status.
* `errors: Errors` control errors.
* `isValid: boolean` is control valid.
* `isInvalid: boolean` is control invalid.
* `isTouched: boolean` is control touched.
* `isUntouched: boolean` is control untouched.

* `onChange(value: any): void` updates control's value.
* `markAsTouched(): void` marks control as touched.
* `markAsUntouched(): void` marks control as untouched.
* `runValidation(value: any): Errors` runs validation with a value and returns errors.

#### Validators

##### Default validators
| Validator | Options |
| ------------- |:-------------:|
| required | - |
| minLength | `length: number` |
| maxLength | `length: number` |
| pattern | `pattern: RegExp` |
| email | - |
| equalToControl | `controlName: string` |
| callback | `(value: any, control: Control) => boolean` |

Options are passed via props

with this definition, `myValidator` called with `('value of the input', {foo: 'bar'}, controlRef)`

You can add your own validators via `Foect.Validators.add`.
Validators must return null on valid value and object with errors on invalid value. For example:
Foect.Validators.add('equalToControl', (val: any, controlName: string, control: Control) => {
if (null === val) {
return null;

return val === control.form.getValue(controlName) ? null : { equalToControl: true };

* `Foect.Validators.add(validatorName: string, fn: Validator): void` adds a new validator.
* `Foect.Validators.get(validatorName: string): Validator` returns a validator.
* `Foect.Validators.has(validatorName: string): boolean` returns whether a validator exists.
* `Foect.Validators.delete(validatorName: string): void` deletes a validator.

Inspired by [Angular Forms](