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Next.js boilerplate for passwordless authentication with Prisma and next-auth with apollo graphql api with style from tailwindcss

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Next.js boilerplate for passwordless authentication with Prisma and next-auth with apollo graphql api with style from tailwindcss




Fullstack starter with next-auth, prisma, next.js and graphql-shield

[![code style: prettier](](
[![linter: eslint](](

## πŸš€ Getting started

1. **Setup a database.**

Use the predefined `docker-compose.yml` configuration for local `postgres` instance.

docker-compose up -d
don't forget about [`.env`](#-env)

Also, you can use any DB supported by Prisma([docs](

1. **Start developing.**

Navigate into your new site’s directory install modules and start it up.

npm i
npm run dev

1. **Open the source code and start editing!**

Your site is now running at [localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000)!

Open the `starter` directory in your code editor of choice and edit `src/pages/index.tsx`. Save your changes, and the browser will update in real-time!

## πŸ—ƒοΈ Database

### Database toolkit

Starter use [Prisma]( for db queries.

### Migrations

1. **Modify your schema file.**

Open the `starter` directory in your code editor of choice and edit `prisma/schema.prisma`. Add Book model for example.

model Book {
id String @id @default(cuid())
title String
authors User[] @relation(references: [id])
published Boolean @default(false)
content String
createdAt DateTime @default(now())
updatedAt DateTime @updatedAt

1. **Generate migration files.**

Use Prisma migrate tool.

prisma migrate dev --create-only --name init

You can find migration files in `prisma/migrations`.

1. **Apply migration.**

Use Prisma migrate tool.

prisma migrate dev

1. **Generate new fresh Prisma client.**

npm run generate

More info about Prisma Migrate you can find in [docs](

## 🧐 Auth

- Starter use [next-auth]( - it's a complete open source authentication solution for Next.js applications.
- For graphql queries protection and auth rules you can use [graphql-shield]( Starter has a basic setup for it.

## βš’οΈ Bundled instruments

### Prisma studio

Prisma Studio is a visual editor for your database.
Open [prisma studio]( interface:

npm run studio

### Graphql playground

Starter use ApolloServer and it's provide [graphql-playground]( in `dev` mode.
You can find it on [localhost:3000/api/graphql](http://localhost:3000/api/graphql)

### Apollo Client Devtools

Starter use Apollo Client and it's provide [apollo-client-devtools]( in `dev` mode.
To use it you need to install browser extension:

[Download for Firefox]( | [Download for Chrome](

## πŸ“œ ENV

Use `.env.local` on production or `.env.development` on dev. [Read more](

# Database

# Auth providers


## πŸ’« Deploy

Before deploy, you need to set up a database.

[![Deploy with Vercel](](