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React Native AddressBook

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

React Native AddressBook




# React Native AddressBook
**NOTE** Future development will occur at [react-native-contacts]( Migration is trivial (rename `getContacts` -> `getAll`)

## API
`getContacts` (callback) - returns *all* contacts as an array of objects
`addContact` (contact, callback) - adds a contact to the AddressBook.
`updateContact` (contact, callback) - where contact is an object with a valid recordID
`deleteContact` (contact, callback) - where contact is an object with a valid recordID

####Permissions Methods (optional)
`checkPermission` (callback) - checks permission to use AddressBook.
`requestPermission` (callback) - request permission to use AddressBook.

## Usage Example
var AddressBook = require('react-native-addressbook')

AddressBook.getContacts( (err, contacts) => {
if(err && err.type === 'permissionDenied'){
// x.x

## Example Contact Record
recordID: 1,
lastName: "Jung",
firstName: "Carl",
middleName: "",
emailAddresses: [{
label: "work",
email: "[email protected]",
phoneNumbers: [{
label: "mobile",
number: "(555) 555-5555",
thumbnailPath: "",

## Adding Contacts
Currently all fields from the contact record except for thumbnailPath are supported for writing
var newPerson = {
lastName: "Nietzsche",
firstName: "Friedrich",
emailAddresses: [{
label: "work",
email: "[email protected]",

AddressBook.addContact(newPerson, (err) => { /*...*/ })

## Updating and Deleting Contacts
//contrived example
AddressBook.getContacts( (err, contacts) => {
//update the first record
let someRecord = contacts[0]
label: "junk",
email: "[email protected]",
AddressBook.updateContact(someRecord, (err) => { /*...*/ })

//delete the second record
AddressBook.deleteContact(contacts[1], (err) => { /*...*/ })
Update and delete reference contacts by their recordID (as returned by the OS in getContacts). Apple does not guarantee the recordID will not change, e.g. it may be reassigned during a phone migration. Consequently you should always grab a fresh contact list with `getContacts` before performing update and delete operations.

You can also delete a record using only it's recordID like follows: `AddressBook.deleteContact({recordID: 1}, (err) => {})}`

Permissions will automatically be checked and if needed requested upon calling getContacts. If you need more granular control you can using the checkPermission and requestPermission methods as follows:
AddressBook.checkPermission( (err, permission) => {
if(permission === 'undefined'){
AddressBook.requestPermission( (err, permission) => {
// ...
if(permission === 'authorized'){
// yay!
if(permission === 'denied'){
// x.x

## Getting started
1. `npm install react-native-addressbook`
2. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click `Libraries` ➜ `Add Files to [your project's name]`
3. add `./node_modules/react-native-addressbook/RCTAddressBook.xcodeproj`
4. In the XCode project navigator, select your project, select the `Build Phases` tab and in the `Link Binary With Libraries` section add **libRCTAddressBook.a**

## Todo
- [x] `checkPermission` & `requestPermission`
- [x] `getContacts` (get all contacts)
- [x] `addContact`
- [x] Update and Delete methods
- [ ] `getContacts` options (a la camera roll's getPhotos)
- [x] Automatic permission check & request in `getContacts`
- [ ] Contact Groups support

## Credits
Thanks to @mattotodd whose [RCTAddressBook]( this is largely derived from.