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:signal_strength: Answering the question of "Is my bluetooth on?" in React Native

bluetooth react-native

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:signal_strength: Answering the question of "Is my bluetooth on?" in React Native




# react-native-bluetooth-state
Answering the question of "Is my bluetooth on?" in React Native

This module only works for iOS at the moment.

## Installation

$ npm install react-native-bluetooth-state

React Native >=0.7.0 is needed.

You then need to add the Objective-C part to your XCode project. Drag `RNBluetoothState.xcodeproj` from the `node_modules/react-native-bluetooth-state` folder into your XCode project. Click on the your project in XCode, goto Build Phases then Link Binary With Libraries and add `libRNBluetoothState.a` and `CoreBluetooth.framework`.

(Alternatively you can use RNPM to link the library, but in any case you need to link against `CoreBluetooth.framework`.)

## Usage

import BluetoothState from 'react-native-bluetooth-state';

BluetoothState.subscribe(bluetoothState => {
// bluetoothState can either be "on", "off", "unknown", "unauthorized", "resetting" or "unsupported‚"

// Initialize needs to be called otherwise we don't get the initial state

## License
Unlicense or MIT. Whatever fits your purpose best.