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A <Recorder /> element for react-native

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A <Recorder /> element for react-native




# react-native-screcorder

A react native component to capture pictures and record Video with Vine-like tap to record, animatable filters, slow motion, segments editing.
Based on this awesome library [SCRecorder](

## Getting started

1. `npm install react-native-screcorder@latest --save`
2. In XCode, in the project navigator, right click `Libraries` ➜ `Add Files to [your project's name]`
3. Go to `node_modules` ➜ `react-native-screcorder` and add `RNRecorder.xcodeproj`
4. In XCode, in the project navigator, select your project. Add `libRNRecorder.a` to your project's `Build Phases` ➜ `Link Binary With Libraries`
5. Click `RNRecorder.xcodeproj` in the project navigator and go the `Build Settings` tab. Make sure 'All' is toggled on (instead of 'Basic'). Look for `Header Search Paths` and make sure it contains both `$(SRCROOT)/../react-native/React` and `$(SRCROOT)/../../React` - mark both as `recursive`.
5. Run your project (`Cmd+R`)

## Example
Check [index.ios.js]( in the Example folder.

## Properties

#### `config`

Configure the recorder
See below the full options available:
The filters are applied on the saved video

autoSetVideoOrientation: false,

video: {
enabled: true,
bitrate: 2000000, // 2Mbit/s
timescale: 1, // Higher than 1 makes a slow motion, between 0 and 1 makes a timelapse effect
format: "MPEG4",
quality: "HighestQuality", // HighestQuality || MediumQuality || LowQuality
filters: [
"CIfilter": "CIColorControls",
"animations": [{
"name": "inputSaturation",
"startValue": 100,
"endValue": 0,
"startTime": 0,
"duration": 0.5
{"file": "b_filter"},
{"CIfilter":"CIColorControls", "inputSaturation": 0},
{"CIfilter":"CIExposureAdjust", "inputEV": 0.7}
audio: {
enabled: true,
bitrate: 128000, // 128kbit/s
channelsCount: 1, // Mono output
format: "MPEG4AAC",
quality: "HighestQuality" // HighestQuality || MediumQuality || LowQuality

#### `device`

Values: "front" or "back"
Specify wihich camera to use

#### `flashMode`
Values: "SCFlashModeOff", "SCFlashModeOn", "SCFlashModeAuto", "SCFlashModeLight"
(Access constants as Recorder.constants.SCFlashModeOn, etc...)
SCFlashModeLight is "TorchMode", all others are self explanatory

#### `onNewSegment`

Will call the specified method when a new segment has been recorded

## Component methods

You can access component methods by adding a `ref` (ie. `ref="recorder"`) prop to your `` element, then you can use `this.refs.recorder.record()`, etc. inside your component.

#### `capture(callback)`
Capture a picture

#### `record()`
Start the recording of a new segment

#### `pause()`
Stop the recording of the segment

#### `save(callback)`
Generate a video with the recorded segments, if filters have been specified in the configuration they will be applied

#### `removeLastSegment()`
Remove the last segment

#### `removeAllSegments()`
Remove all the segments

#### `removeSegmentAtIndex(index)`
Remove segment at the specified index