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React Native VolumeView component

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React Native VolumeView component




## React Native VolumeSlider component

MPVolumeView bridge to React Native (NOTE: MPVolumeView works only on physical devices)

### Default styles

### Custom styles

### Installation
1. Install package via npm:

npm install react-native-volume-slider

2. Link your library: either by using [`rnpm link`]( or like it's [described here](
3. Inside your code include JS part by adding

import VolumeSlider from 'react-native-volume-slider';

5. Connect your device and run application! (NOTE: MPVolumeView works only on physical devices)

#### Volume Slider

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import VolumeSlider from 'react-native-volume-slider';

class PlayerVolume extends React.Component {

volumeChange(value) {
// body

render() {
return (


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
slider: {
height: 30,
marginLeft: 7,

#### Props
##### `style`
[View styles...](

##### `minimumTrackTintColor`
The color used for the track to the left of the button. Overrides the default blue gradient image.

##### `maximumTrackTintColor`
The color used for the track to the right of the button. Overrides the default blue gradient image.

##### `onValueChange`
Callback continuously called while the user is dragging the slider or user hits volume buttons.

##### `thumbSize`
The size of the thumb area that allows moving the thumb.

##### `thumbTintColor`
The color used for the thumb.

##### `thumbImage`
Specify an image here to use as thumb. This will be drawn to the round

##### `showsRouteButton`
Indicates whether or not to show the `routeButton` where the user can select the output target (airplay, headphones)