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Run WebSocket requests as Bash commands.

developer-tools snippets snippets-manager terminal-based websockets

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

Run WebSocket requests as Bash commands.




Cacher Run Server

![Cacher logo](


The Cacher Run Server is a standalone []( server that allows clients to run shell
commands via Websocket messages. It is used primarily to run code snippets on the user's local machine via

Demo of a [Cacher]( snippet file executing on a Run Server:

![Running a Cacher Snippet File](

## Contents

* [Starting the Server](#starting-the-server)
* [Built-in Mode](#built-in-mode)
* [Standalone Mode](#standalone-mode)
* [Editing the Configuration](#editing-the-configuration)
* [Rule Properties](#rule-properties)
* [Arguments](#arguments)
* [Testing your changes](#testing-your-changes)
* [Contributing](#contributing)
* [Development](#development)
* [Pull Requests](#pull-requests)
* [Libraries Used](#libraries-used)
* [Author / License](#author--license)

## Starting the Server

### Built-in Mode

The [Cacher Desktop Client]( comes with the Run Server built-in. Open the Run Server
dialog and click **Start Server**:

![Start Run Server](

### Standalone Mode

Start the Run Server in standalone mode if you require more control over its configuration.

#### Using the Cacher CLI

**Start server locally**

npm i -g @cacherapp/cli
cacher run-server:start

**Starting the server on a remote machine**

Running a remote server ensures all your developers are able to run snippet file commands against the same

**Note:** Since the commands will be run using the shell account from which you launch the CLI, we recommend
you use only machines which are for testing or are ephemeral (i.e. Docker instances).

Example of launching with a secure tunnel ([ngrok](
npm i -g @cacherapp/cli
cacher run-server:start -p 39135 -t 4D5dzRGliafhGg~btNlR9 -o file:// -v
ngrok http 39135

#### Start via custom script

Install `run-server` package for your Node project.

npm i --save @cacherapp/run-server

Examples of starting the Run Server:

// examples.js
const RunServer = require('@cacherapp/run-server').RunServer;

// Let server pick random port and token
(new RunServer(
{ origin: '' }

// Specify port and token, log verbose output to file
(new RunServer(
origin: 'file://',
port: 43193,
token: 'secret_token',
verbose: true,
logToFile: true

See [server.model.ts](src/models/server.model.ts) for details on options.

**Connecting to the standalone server**

You'll need either the [Cacher Web App]( or the [Desktop Client]( in
order to connect to a standalone Run Server.

Once you've logged in, open the Run Server dialog. Input your server's port and token and press **Connect**.

![Run Server Dialog](

## Editing the Configuration

The Run Server uses two Javascript-based config files to define the set of rules which govern how different file extensions are mapped
to shell commands:

- [config.default.js](src/config/config.default.js) - The default set of file types -> shell command mappings. While
this config is copied to the Cacher directory as `~/.cacher/run-server.config.js`, you should never edit this file. If
you would like to add a file handler to this config (and let everyone use it), please submit a pull request instead. See
the [Contributing](#contributing) section below.

- **`~/.cacher/run-server.user-config.js`** - Edit this file to add or overwrite file extension handlers on your local
machine. Here are some examples of functions you might add to handle new file types:

**Add command for `.awesome` file extension.**

// ~/.cacher/run-server.user-config.js

return {
rules: [
pattern: '\.awesome$',
run: (command, filepath) => `awesome-compiler "${filepath}"`

**Compile `.md` (Markdown) file into HTML, then display in default browser.**

// ~/.cacher/run-server.user-config.js

// Requires `npm -g markdown` to be run first.
return {
rules: [
pattern: '\.md$',
run: (command, filepath, args) => {
const outputHtmlFile = `${args.runDir}/${args.baseFilename}.html`;
childProcess.execSync(`md2html ${filepath} > ${outputHtmlFile}`);

// Must return a shell command
return `echo "Generated '${outputHtmlFile}'" and opened in default browser`;

**Match Javascript files by `.js` extension and file content. Calls `nvm use [version]` before execution.**

// ~/.cacher/run-server.user-config.js

return {
rules: [
pattern: (command) => {
return /\.js$/.test(command.file.filename)
&& command.file.content.indexOf('//nvm:') >= 0;
run: (command, filepath) => {
let nvmVersion = command.file.content.match(/(\/\/nvm: v(.+))/)[0]
.replace('//nvm: ', '');

return `export NVM_DIR=~/.nvm ` +
`&& source ~/.nvm/` +
`&& nvm use ${nvmVersion} ` +
`&& node "${filepath}"`;

### Rule Properties

**`pattern: (String|Function)`**

Indicates whether to execute the `run:` callback for the given command.

Pass it either:
- [Regex]( string that matches against
the filename.
- Function that takes a `command` object and returns a boolean to indicate whether the rule should match.

// Match files which end in .rb
pattern: '\.rb$'

// Match command which has "foobar" in the file's content
pattern: (command) => command.file.content.indexOf('foobar') >= 0


**`run: (Function)`**

Takes as input `command`, `filepath` and `args` and returns a string to be executed on the user's shell. Rules matched
against interpreted (non-compiled) languages generally return `[interpreter] "${filepath}"`. Rules matched with compiled
languages will compile the source file first before executing the binary.

// Run .dart file with interpreter
run: (command, filepath) => `dart "${filepath}"`

// Compile C++ file and run binary
run: (command, filepath, args) => {
const outputFile = `${args.runDir}/${args.baseFilename}.out`;
return `g++ "${filepath}" -o "${outputFile}" && cd "${args.runDir}" && ./"${args.baseFilename}.out"`;


**`timestamp: (Boolean)`**

Set to `true` to append an epoch timestamp to the end of the filename. This helps to prevent files from being overwritten
in the `~/.cacher/run` folder. Set to `false` for languages which require a strict match between the filename and the
compiled binary. (i.e. Java, Haxe)

### Arguments

**`command (Object)`**

The object that is sent to the `pattern:` and `run:` callback functions.


- `channel` - WebSocket channel for the command
- `file.filename` - Filename with extension (i.e. `example_code.cs`)
- `file.filetype` - Type of the file (i.e. `markdown`, `lisp`)
- `file.content` - The file's content which will be executed


**`filepath (String)`**

Passed to the `run:` callback. The full path for the file to be run (in the `~/.cacher/run` folder).


**`args (Object)`**

Additional arguments sent to the `run:` callback function.


- `runDir` - The fully-resolved path to `~/.cacher/run`.
- `baseFilename` - The filename without file extension. This is sometimes necessary to execute the compiled binary.
(i.e. `java "${args.baseFilename}"`)

### Testing your changes

#### With built-in server on Cacher's Desktop Client

1. Stop the built-in server (if running).

![Stop Run Server](

2. Make your changes to `~/.cacher/run-server.config.js`.

3. Start the built-in server again.

![Start Run Server](

#### Debugging

If you run into issues with the server not starting or if your file handler does not perform as expected, debug the
problem via the log file: `~/.cacher/logs/run-server.log`.

#### With standalone server

1. Install the [Cacher CLI]( globally:

npm i -g @cacherapp/cli

2. Make your changes to `~/.cacher/run-server.config.js`.

3. Start the server:

cacher run-server:start --verbose

Make note of the server port and token, then connect with the Cacher client.

![Run Server Dialog](

## Contributing

### Development

Grab the source code for this repo:

git clone [email protected]:CacherApp/cacher-run-server.git

Install [Typescript]( globally:

npm i -g typescript

Install packages and start the development server:

npm i
npm start

### Pull Requests

We are happy to review any code changes, especially for new file rules added to
[config.default.js](src/config/config.default.js). Please adhere to [contribution guidelines]( while
drafting your pull request.

## Libraries Used

- []( - Websocket server implementation
- [nanoid]( - Unique string ID generator
- [winston]( - Logger for everything
- [shelljs]( - Portable Unix shell commands
- [opn]( - Better node-open
- [chalk]( - Terminal string styling
- [get-port]( - Get available TCP port

## Author / License

Released under the [MIT License](/LICENSE) by [Rui Jiang]( of [Cacher](