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A tui tool for browsing and downloading torrents

anime cli nyaa nyaa-magnet-links nyaa-rss nyaa-si nyaasi ratatui rust rust-lang terminal-user-interface torrent torrent-downloader torrent-management torrent-search torrent-search-engine tui

Last synced: 14 days ago
JSON representation

A tui tool for browsing and downloading torrents




nyaa πŸˆβ€β¬›

A simple TUI for browsing and downloading anime torrents from


## Table of Contents

- [Installation](#-installation)
- [With Cargo](#with-cargo)
- [On Arch Linux](#on-arch-linux-aur)
- [Using nix (flakes)](#using-nix-flakes)
- [Ubuntu/Debian](#ubuntudebian)
- [Windows/Linux Binaries](#windowslinux-binaries)
- [From Source](#from-source)
- [Keybinds](#%EF%B8%8F-keybinds)
- [Proxies](#-proxies)
- [Configuration](#%EF%B8%8F-configuration)
- [Download Client Integration](#download-client-integration)
- [Custom Themes](#-custom-themes)
- [Planned Features](#%EF%B8%8F-planned-features)

## ⚑ Installation

### With cargo

cargo install nyaa

### On Arch Linux ([AUR](

yay -S nyaa


yay -S nyaa-bin

### Using nix (flakes)

#### Run without installing

nix run github:Beastwick18/nyaa

#### Install (via `home-manager`)

Add to `inputs` in `flake.nix`

nyaa = {
url = "github:Beastwick18/nyaa";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";

Add to `home.nix`

home.packages = [ inputs.nyaa.packages.x86_64-linux.default ];

#### Install (via `nix profile`)

nix profile install github:Beastwick18/nyaa

### Ubuntu/Debian

Download the .deb file from the [latest release]( and install with `apt`:

sudo apt install ./nyaa-VERSION-x86_64.deb

or `dpkg`

sudo dpkg -i ./nyaa-VERSION-x86_64.deb

### Windows/Linux Binaries

Binaries for Linux and Windows are available on the [releases]( page.

### From Source

To build from source, you must have both `git` and `cargo` installed.

git clone
cd nyaa
cargo install --path .

## ⌨️ Keybinds

Like modal text editors such as Vim, there are several modes. Each have their own keybinds, which can be found out by pressing `F1` or `?` while in that mode. Some of the important ones are:

- hjkl or arrow keys for general navigation
- / or i to search
- Ctrl-s to change sources
- d to change download client
- c to change category
- s to change sort (S for reverse sort)
- f to change filter
- t to change theme
- n, p or l, h for next and previous page
- q to quit

For a list of all modes and their respective keybinds, check [Keybinds]( on the wiki.

## 🌐 Proxies

If either `` or `torrentgalaxy` is not accessible in your region, try one of the proxies ([nyaa proxies](, [TorrentGalaxy proxies]( Once you find one that works, replace the value for `base_url` in the source config with the working proxy url. For `nyaa`, I would recommend ``, as it is very compatible, and usually working. Here's what the config for `` would look like:

base_url = ''

If you have your own proxy setup, you use it by adding:

request_proxy = "localhost:8118"

to the top of your config. Replace the value with the IP and port for your proxy.

## βš™οΈ Configuration

The location of the config file for linux is:


and on windows is


theme = "Default"
default_source = "Nyaa"
download_client = "Cmd"
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M" # Unset by default
request_proxy = "localhost:8118" # Unset by default
timeout = 30 # Timeout for requests, measured in seconds




# ...

- `theme` refers to the theme selected by default when the app is opened. Possible values are `Default`, `Dracula`, `Gruvbox`, or `Catppuccin Macchiato`. Custom themes coming soon!

- `default_source` refers to the source selected by default once the app is opened. Possible values are `Nyaa`, `TorrentGalaxy`, or `Sukebei`.
- Each source has its own configuration. Check the [wiki]() for more information on each sources config.

- `download_client` refers to the download client selected by default once the app is opened.
- Each download client has its own configuration. Check the [wiki]( for more information on each download clients config.

- `date_format` refers to the formatting of the dates in the Date column of the results table. Refer to [chrono's documentation]( for information on how to format the date.

- `request_proxy` refers to the url to proxy request through. This is not to be confused with _nyaa_ proxies, which are defined with `base_url`.

- `timeout` refers to how long the program will wait for a search request before it times out. This value is measured in seconds. You may want to increase this if your request times are usually long.

### Download Client Integration

- Check the wiki for connecting to your torrent client:
- [qBittorrent](
- [Transmission](
- [rqbit](
- [Download to folder](
- [Open with default app](
- [Run command](

# 🎨 Custom Themes
Check the wiki for how to add [User-defined Themes](

## πŸ—ΊοΈ Planned Features

- [ ] Mouse support
- [ ] Sources other than nyaa/Custom user-defined sources
- [x] ~~User-defined themes~~
- [x] ~~Integration with torrent clients~~
- [x] ~~RPM Release~~
- [x] ~~Nyaa proxies/mirrors support~~
- [x] ~~Page navigation~~
- [x] ~~Choice between HTML scraper or RSS feed~~