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OAuth login for React Native

oauth react-native

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OAuth login for React Native




# react-native-simple-auth [![Build Status](](

## OAuth login for React Native

* [Screencast](#screencast)
* [Install](#install)
* [Providers Setup](#providers-setup)
* [Usage](#usage)
* [License](#license)


iOS | Android
![Screencast]( | ![Screencast](

Source of example app:

- `yarn add react-native-simple-auth`
- Set up deep linking for your Android and iOS application using the instructions on the [react-native website]( (set the `launchMode` of `MainActivity` to `singleTask` in `AndroidManifest.xml`, create the deep link schemes in [Providers Setup](#providers-setup))
- Set up your OAuth Providers

Providers Setup

### Google
- Go to the [developer console]( and create credentials for an iOS application (you can also use these for your Android app). More [instructions]( on the Google support site.
- The "Bundle ID" should contain a dot, eg `com.reactnativesimpleauth`
- Your configuration object should contain the 'Client ID' as `appId` and 'Bundle ID' in the `callback` (note the single `/`, you can put anything as the path), eg
appId: '',
callback: 'com.reactnativesimpleauthexample:/oauth2redirect'
- Add the deep link scheme for the callback (Your Bundle ID, eg `com.reactnativesimpleauthexample`) to your `AndroidManifest.xml` eg
- Add the deep link scheme for the callback to your iOS app, eg

### Facebook
- Create an app on the [Facebook developers]( website
- In `Settings`, click `Add Platform`
- Select iOS, and in the `Bundle ID` field, add `fb{your App ID}` eg `fb1234567890` (You can use the same configuration for Android)
- Your configuration object should contain the 'Appid ID' as `appId` and 'Bundle ID' in the `callback` (you must put `://authorize`), eg
appId: '1234567890',
callback: 'fb1234567890://authorize',
scope: 'user_friends', // you can override the default scope here
fields: ['email', 'first_name', 'last_name'], // you can override the default fields here
- Add the deep link scheme for the callback (Your Bundle ID, eg `fb1234567890`) to your `AndroidManifest.xml` eg
- Add the deep link scheme for the callback to your iOS app, eg (Due to A Facebook bug, this should always be the top one in the list)

### Twitter
- Create an app on
- You can put any valid URL as the callback url.
- Your configuration object should contain the 'Consumer Key (API Key)' as `appId`, the 'Consumer Secret' as `appSecret` and the Twitter `App name` in the `callback`, eg
appId: 'abc1234567890',
appSecret: 'cba0987654321',
callback: 'testapp://authorize',
- Add the deep link scheme for the callback (Your App Name, eg `testapp`) to your `AndroidManifest.xml` eg
- Add the deep link scheme for the callback to your iOS app, eg (Due to A Facebook bug, this should always be the top one in the list)

### Tumblr
- Create an app on
- You can put any valid URL as the callback url.
- Your configuration object should contain the 'OAuth Consumer Key' as `appId`, the 'OAuth Consumer Secret' as `appSecret` and any `callback`, eg
appId: '1234567890abc',
appSecret: '1234567890abc',
callback: 'testapp://authorize',
- Add the deep link scheme for the callback (Your App Name, eg `testapp`) to your `AndroidManifest.xml` eg
- Add the deep link scheme for the callback to your iOS app, eg (Due to A Facebook bug, this should always be the top one in the list)

### Untappd
- Create an app on
- Use a custom app prefix for the callback url.
- Your configuration object should contain the app id and your callback url e.g.
appId: '123456789',
callback: 'testapp://authorize',
- Register your deep link scheme with android and ios as described for other apps.


Create a configuration object for each of the providers you want to authorize with (required keys are in parenthesis):

- google (`appId`, `callback`)
- facebook (`appId`, `callback`)
- twitter (`appId`, `appSecret`, `callback`)
- tumblr (`appId`, `appSecret`, `callback`)

See [secrets.example.js](

import { google, facebook, twitter, tumblr } from 'react-native-simple-auth';

appId: '',
callback: 'com.reactnativesimpleauthexample:/oauth2redirect',
}).then((info) => {
// info.user - user details from the provider
// info.credentials - tokens from the provider
}).catch((error) => {
// error.code
// error.description


react-native-simple-auth is released under the MIT license.