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A React Native wrapper for AWS iOS/Android S3 SDK.

Last synced: 2 months ago
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A React Native wrapper for AWS iOS/Android S3 SDK.




# React Native AWS S3

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A React Native wrapper for AWS [iOS]([Android]( S3 SDK.

We currently implements `TransferUtility`, it allow you to upload / download tasks in the background, very suitable for transferring large files, you can freely subscribe / unsubscribe, pause / resume / cancel the task.

See [iOS]([Android]( docs for more information.

## Known issues

* Currently reload js will lead TransferUtility not work. ([#9](

## Installation

$ npm install react-native-s3 --save

## Setup

#### iOS

__*NOTE*__ Only supported iOS ^8.0.

In XCode, in the project navigator:

* Right click `Libraries` ➜ `Add Files to [your project's name]`, Add `node_modules/react-native-s3/ios/RNS3.xcodeproj`.
* Add `libRNS3.a` to your project's `Build Phases` ➜ `Link Binary With Libraries`
* Add `$(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-s3/ios` to `Header Search Paths`, and mark it as `recursive`.
* Add `$(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-s3/ios/Frameworks` to your project's `Build Settings` ➜ `Framework Search Paths`
* Add `node_modules/react-native-s3/ios/Frameworks/*.framework` to your project's `General` ➜ `Embedded Binaries`
* Edit `AppDelegate.m` of your project

#import "RNS3TransferUtility.h"


- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:(NSString *)identifier completionHandler:(void (^)())completionHandler {
[RNS3TransferUtility interceptApplication:application

* __*[Optional]*__ you can set the credentials in `AppDelegate.m`

#import "RNS3TransferUtility.h"


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
[[RNS3TransferUtility nativeCredentialsOptions] setObject:@"eu-west-1" forKey:@"region"];
[[RNS3TransferUtility nativeCredentialsOptions] setObject:[NSNumber numberWithInt:[RNS3TransferUtility credentialType:@"BASIC"]] forKey:@"type"];
[[RNS3TransferUtility nativeCredentialsOptions] setObject:@"your_access_key_here" forKey:@"access_key"];
[[RNS3TransferUtility nativeCredentialsOptions] setObject:@"your_secret_key_here" forKey:@"secret_key"];

#### Android

* Edit `android/settings.gradle` of your project:

include ':react-native-s3'
project(':react-native-s3').projectDir = new File(settingsDir, '../node_modules/react-native-s3/android')

* Edit `android/app/build.gradle` of your project:

dependencies {
compile project(':react-native-s3')

* Add package to ``


import com.mybigday.rns3.*; // import

public class MainApplication extends Application implements ReactApplication {
private final ReactNativeHost mReactNativeHost = new ReactNativeHost(this) {

protected List getPackages() {
return Arrays.asList(
new MainReactPackage(),
new RNS3Package(), // add package


You can use [rnpm]( instead of above steps.

* Edit `android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml` of your project:



* __*[Optional]*__ you can set the credentials in ``:

import android.os.Bundle;
import com.mybigday.rns3.RNS3TransferUtility;

public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

RNS3TransferUtility.nativeCredentialsOptions.put("region", "eu-west-1");
RNS3TransferUtility.nativeCredentialsOptions.put("type", RNS3TransferUtility.CredentialType.BASIC);
RNS3TransferUtility.nativeCredentialsOptions.put("access_key", "your_access_key_here");
RNS3TransferUtility.nativeCredentialsOptions.put("secret_key", "your_secret_key_here");


## The `nativeCredentialsOptions` type


## Usage

import { transferUtility } from 'react-native-s3';

See []( for more information.

## Alternatives

- [react-native-aws3]( - if you don't need the native library provided background upload/download task features.

## License
