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A complete and cross-platform component for React Native (iOS and Android).

List: react-native-awesome-card-io

android card-io card-scanning ios react react-native

Last synced: 2 months ago
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A complete and cross-platform component for React Native (iOS and Android).




# ⚠️ Both [iOS]( and [Android]( SDKs have been archived
As this wrapper depends on them, there is not much I can do to support new OS versions or fix bugs..
I tried to reach out people there to have an explanation on the deprecation but I'm yet to receive a response. In the meantime, please be comprehensive and do not open issues not related to the wrapper. Thanks!

# [react-native-awesome-card-io](

A complete and **cross-platform** []( component for React Native.

## Getting started

$ npm install react-native-awesome-card-io --save
$ cd ios && pod install && cd ..

### iOS

You should add the key [NSCameraUsageDescription]( to your app's Info.plist and set the value to be a string describing why your app needs to use the camera (e.g. "To scan credit cards."). This string will be displayed when the app initially requests permission to access the camera.

## Usage

This component provides an abstraction of the entry points for iOS and Android.

| Javascript | iOS | Android | Description |
| -------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| `CardIOModule` | [`CardIOPaymentViewController`]( | [`CardIOActivity`]( | A module to launch the view controller which handles everything. |
| `CardIOView` | [`CardIOView`]( | N / A | Create a `CardIOView` to do card scanning only and manage everything else yourself. |

### `CardIOView` (iOS only)

_This component is iOS-only as the Android SDK does not offer this functionality._

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { View } from 'react-native'
import { CardIOView, CardIOUtilities } from 'react-native-awesome-card-io'

export default class CardIOExample extends Component {
componentWillMount() {

didScanCard = card => {
// the scanned card

render() {
return (


#### Props

`didScanCard` _function_ **Required** - This function will be called when the CardIOView completes its work and returns a [CreditCard](#creditcard). ([Docs](

`languageOrLocale` _string_ - The preferred language for all strings appearing in the user interface. ([Docs](

`guideColor` _string_ - Alter the card guide (bracket) color. Opaque colors recommended. ([Docs](

`useCardIOLogo` _boolean_ `false` - Set to `true` to show the logo over the camera instead of the PayPal logo. ([Docs](

`hideCardIOLogo` _boolean_ `false` - Hide the PayPal or logo in the scan view. ([Docs](

`allowFreelyRotatingCardGuide` _boolean_ `true` - By default, in camera view the card guide and the buttons always rotate to match the device's orientation. ([Docs](

`scanInstructions` _string_ - Set the scan instruction text. ([Docs](

`scanExpiry` _string_ `true` - Set to `false` if you don't want the camera to try to scan the card expiration. ([Docs](

`scannedImageDuration` _number_ `1.0` - How long the CardIOView will display an image of the card with the computed card number superimposed after a successful scan. ([Docs](

`detectionMode` _[CardIODetectionMode](#constants)_ `CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber` - Set the detection mode. ([Docs](

### `CardIOModule`

_This module abstracts the [`CardIOPaymentViewController`]( on iOS and the [`CardIOActivity`]( on Android._

import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { View, TouchableOpacity, Text, Platform } from 'react-native'
import { CardIOModule, CardIOUtilities } from 'react-native-awesome-card-io'

export default class CardIOExample extends Component {
componentWillMount() {
if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {

scanCard() {
.then(card => {
// the scanned card
.catch(() => {
// the user cancelled

render() {
return (

Scan card!


#### Methods

`scanCard([config])` -> Promise - Launch the controller to manage the card scanning and get the [CreditCard](#creditcard) result in the resolved promise.

- `config` On object with the following available keys:

- `languageOrLocale` _string_ - The preferred language for all strings appearing in the user interface. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `guideColor` _string_ - Alter the card guide (bracket) color. Opaque colors recommended. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `useCardIOLogo` _boolean_ `false` - Set to `true` to show the logo over the camera view instead of the PayPal logo. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `hideCardIOLogo` _boolean_ `false` - Hide the PayPal or logo in the scan view. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `scanInstructions` _string_ - Set the scan instruction text. If nil, use the default text. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `suppressManualEntry` _boolean_ `false` - Set to `true` to prevent from showing its "Enter Manually" button. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `suppressConfirmation` _boolean_ `false` - If `true`, don't have the user confirm the scanned card, just return the results immediately. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `requireExpiry` _boolean_ `true` - Set to `false` if you don't need to collect the card expiration. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `requireCVV` _boolean_ `true` - Set to `false` if you don't need to collect the CVV from the user. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `requirePostalCode` _boolean_ `false` - Set to `false` if you need to collect the billing postal code. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `restrictPostalCodeToNumericOnly` _boolean_ `false` - Set to `true` if the postal code should only collect numeric input. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `requireCardholderName` _boolean_ `false` - Set to `true` if you need to collect the cardholder name. ([iOS]( / [Android](
- `scanExpiry` _boolean_ `true` - Set to `false` if you don't want the camera to try to scan the card expiration. ([iOS]( / [Android](

- `disableBlurWhenBackgrounding` _boolean_ `false` (iOS only) - Disable the blur of the screen when the app is backgrounded. ([iOS](
- `keepStatusBarStyle` _boolean_ `false` (iOS only) - If `true`, the status bar's style will be kept as whatever your app has set it to. ([iOS](
- `detectionMode` _[CardIODetectionMode](#constants)_ `false` (iOS only) - Set the detection mode. ([iOS](
- `suppressScannedCardImage` _boolean_ `false` (iOS only) - If `true`, instead of displaying the image of the scanned card, present the manual entry screen with the scanned card number prefilled. ([iOS](
- `scannedImageDuration` _number_ `0.1` (iOS only) - How long will display an image of the card with the computed card number superimposed after a successful scan. ([iOS](
- `allowFreelyRotatingCardGuide` _boolean_ `true` (iOS only) - By default, in camera view the card guide and the buttons always rotate to match the device's orientation. ([iOS](

- `noCamera` _boolean_ `false` (Android only) - If set, the card will not be scanned with the camera. ([Android](
- `unblurDigits` _number_ `-1` (Android only) - Privacy feature. How many of the Card number digits NOT to blur on the resulting image. Setting it to 4 will blur all digits except the last four. ([Android](
- `usePaypalActionbarIcon` _boolean_ `false` (Android only) - Use the PayPal icon in the ActionBar. ([Android](

### CreditCard

An object with the following keys:

- `cardType` _string_ - Localized card type.
- `cardNumber` _string_ - Card number.
- `redactedCardNumber` _string_ - Card number with all but the last four digits obfuscated.
- `expiryMonth` _number_ - Expiry month with january as 1 (may be 0 if expiry information was not requested).
- `expiryYear` _number_ - Expiry year (may be 0 if expiry information was not requested).
- `cvv` _string_ - Security code.
- `postalCode` _string_ - Postal code. Format is country dependent.
- `scanned` _boolean_ - Was the card number scanned (as opposed to entered manually)?
- `cardholderName` _string_ - Card holder name.

### CardIOUtilities

#### Methods

`canReadCardWithCamera()` -> Boolean - Determine whether this device supports camera-based card scanning. ([iOS]( / [Android](

`preload` -> void (iOS only) - The preload method prepares to launch faster. ([iOS](

#### Constants


- `IMAGE_AND_NUMBER` (CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber) - the scanner must successfully identify the card number.
- `IMAGE` (CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly) - don't scan the card, just detect a credit-card-shaped card.
- `AUTOMATIC` (CardIODetectionModeAutomatic) - start as CardIODetectionModeCardImageAndNumber, but fall back to CardIODetectionModeCardImageOnly if scanning has not succeeded within a reasonable time.

## License