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Java application to download WARCs from WASAPI

application infrastructure java

Last synced: about 2 months ago
JSON representation

Java application to download WARCs from WASAPI




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# wasapi-downloader
Java command line application to download crawls from WASAPI.

## Local Setup

You'll need the following prerequisites installed on your local computer:

- Java (7)
- Ruby (we use Capistrano for deployment)

The minimal sequence of steps to verify that you can work with the code is:

1. `git clone`
2. `cd wasapi-downloader`
3. `./gradlew installDist` (compile and test the code and create a script to execute it)
4. `./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --help` (explains usage)

An example invocation of the downloader:
./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --collectionId 123 --crawlStartAfter 2014-03-14

### Configuration

This repository contains an example `config/` file with dummy values for the required configuration settings. In order to successfully execute the Java application, you will need to override these default settings.

### Usage

#### Building

wasapi-downloader uses the gradle wrapper ( so users don't have to worry about installing gradle. However, using the gradle wrapper once (`gradlew [task]`) installs gradle on your system and from then forward you can simply execute `gradle [tasks]` rather than `gradlew [tasks]` (though either will work).

wasapi-downloader is built using [Gradle]( To create a runnable installation with all needed jars and shell script (cleaning out old builds first):

`./gradle clean installDist`

List all available build tasks:

`./gradle tasks`

#### Running

To run:

`./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --help` (explain usage)

An example invocation of the downloader:
./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --collectionId 123 --crawlStartAfter 2014-03-14

See more examples below in the [Production section](#stanford-production-use).

## Deployment

Capistrano is used for deployment to Stanford VMs.

1. On your laptop, run


to install the Ruby capistrano gems and other dependencies for deployment.

2. Deploy code to remote VM:

`cap deploy`

`` is either `dev`, `stage` or `prod`, as specified in `config/deploy/`.

This will also get our (Stanford's) latest configuration settings.

## (Stanford) Production Use

The deployment command shown above creates an executable Java application. After logging onto the production server you may run wasapi-downloader by following these steps:
cd wasapi-downloader/current/

The `--help` option will display a message listing all of the arguments:

`./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --help`

Some of the available command line arguments have a default value set in `config/`. `--help` will display the current configuration as taken from the `` file. Command line arguments will override values set from `config/`.

### Common Usage Examples

For many users of the production instance of wasapi-downloader, the following examples will be relevant/helpful:

#### Download all crawl files available across all collections available to your account (less likely)


#### Download all crawl files available for a certain collection (more likely)

`./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --collectionId 8001`

#### Download all crawl files for a certain collection (ex. 8001) after a certain date (ex: 2014)

`./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --collectionId 8001 --crawlStartAfter 2014-01-01`

#### Download all crawl files for a certain collection (ex. 8001) created before a certain date (ex: 2012) into a particular output directory (ex. `/tmp/`, which override the `config.settings` default value):

`./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --collectionId 8001 --crawlStartBefore 2012-01-01 --outputBaseDir /tmp/`

#### Download all crawl files available for a certain collection (more likely) created before a certain date (ex: 2012) and after a certain date (ex: 2014)

`./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --collectionId 8001 --crawlStartBefore 2012-01-01 --crawlStartAfter 2014-01-01`

#### Download a single file:

`./build/install/wasapi-downloader/bin/wasapi-downloader --filename ARCHIVEIT-5425-MONTHLY-JOB302671-20170526114117181-00049.warc.gz`

**Note:** When a `--filename` argument is present, all other request parameters (crawl start/end, collection ID, job ID) are ignored.