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:package: Create a package or compendium structure

package r reproducible-research research-compendium

Last synced: about 1 month ago
JSON representation

:package: Create a package or compendium structure




output: github_document

```{r, include = FALSE}
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>",
fig.path = "man/figures/README-",
out.width = "100%"


[![CRAN status](](
[![R CMD check](](
[![Website deployment](](
[![License: GPL (>= 2)](](

In the area of open science, making reproducible analyses is a strong prerequisite.
But sometimes it is difficult 1) to find the good structure to organize files
and 2) to set up the whole project. The aim of the package `rcompendium` is to
make easier the creation of R package/research compendium (i.e. a predefined
files/folders structure) so that users can focus on the code/analysis instead of
wasting time organizing files.

A full ready-to-work structure will be set up with the following features:

- Initialization of version control with [git](
- Creation of a minimal R package structure (`DESCRIPTION` and `NAMESPACE` files,
and `R/` and `man/` folders).
- Creation of additional files (``, `inst/CITATION`, etc.).
- Creation of a _Get started_ vignette in `vignettes/` (package only).
- Setting the units tests process in `tests/`.
- Creation of a `README.Rmd` with HexSticker (template) and badges.
- Autocompletion of maintainer information.
- Initialization of the `renv` system (if required).
- Creation of a Dockerfile (if required).
- Creation of a GitHub repository.
- Configuration of GitHub Actions to automatically:
- check and test package (`R CMD Check`);
- report the code coverage (`covr`);
- build and deploy website (`pkgdown`);
- render ``.

This package heavily relies on the R packages
[`devtools`]( and
[`usethis`]( and follows recommendations made by
[Hadley Wickham & Jenny Bryan]( and
[Ben Marwick](

## Installation

You can install the stable version from [CRAN]( with:

```{r eval=FALSE}
## Install stable version of < rcompendium > from CRAN ----

Or you can install the development version from [GitHub]( with:

```{r eval=FALSE}
## Install < remotes > package (if not already installed) ----
if (!requireNamespace("remotes", quietly = TRUE)) {

## Install dev version of < rcompendium > from GitHub ----

**Note:** On Unix system you may have an error during the installation linked
to the [**V8 JavaScript engine**]( This software is required
by the R package [`cffr`](
(included in `rcompendium`). Run the following line and try to reinstall `rcompendium`.

```{r eval=FALSE}
## Fix V8 issues ----

## Install < rcompendium > ----

## Usage

Please read the
[Get started]( vignette
and pay attention to the sections
[Prerequisites]( and

Others available vignettes:

- [Developing a Package](
- [Working with a Compendium](

## Citation

Please cite this package as:

> Casajus N. (2023) rcompendium: An R package to create a package or research
compendium structure. Version 1.3,

You can also run:

```{r eval=FALSE}

## A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is:
## @Manual{,
## title = {{rcompendium}: {An} {R} package to create a package or research compendium structure},
## author = {{Casajus N.}},
## year = {2023},
## note = {R package version 1.3},
## url = {},
## }

## Contributing

All types of contributions are encouraged and valued. For more information,
check out our [Contribution Guidelines](

Please note that the `rcompendium` project is released with a
[Contributor Code of Conduct](
By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.

## Colophon

This package is the result of intense discussions and feedbacks from the training
course [Reproducible Research in Computational Ecology](

`rcompendium` is largely inspired by the package
[`rrtools`]( developed by
[Ben Marwick _et al._]( and tries to respect the standard
defined by the community.