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🦚 A web-app pentesting suite written in rust .

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🦚 A web-app pentesting suite written in rust .




Kanha - A web-app pentesting suite written in rust 🦀




Crate Release




[**`Kanha`**](/) is a tool that can help you perform, a variety of attacks based on the target domain . With just `kanha` you can do, [***`Fuzzing`***][wiki-fuzzing], [***`Reverse dns lookup`***][wiki-dns-lookup], [***`common http response`***][wiki-http], [***`subdomain takeover detection`***][wiki-subdomain] and many [**`more`**][commands].

The project is inspird by [`mini.nvim`][mini], basically helping you to be productive with less numbers of *tools(plugins)* installed on your system and be unobtrusive and function as a standalone **`single binary`** out of the box.

Built from the ground up with performance, ease of use, and portability in mind in your favourite programming lang [**`rust`**][rust] 💝

## Philosophy

- **KISS** - Keep things simple and stupid.
- **Ease** - Write code that can be used elsewhere as well.
- **Efficiency** - Optimize for performance without sacrificing readability.

## Installation


- *Manual* : You can directly download the binary of your arch from [**releases**][releases] and run it.
- *One liner* : Run this script, requires `jq`,`curl`, `tar` & `wget`
wget -qO- "$(curl -qfsSL "" | jq -r '.assets[].browser_download_url' | grep -Ei "$(uname -m).*$(uname -s).*musl" | grep -v "\.sha")" | tar -xzf - --strip-components=1
./kanha -h

> *_For upstream updates, it's recommended to build `kanha` from source !_*


git clone --depth=1 --branch=main
cd kanha
cargo build --release


- Using [][crate]
cargo install kanha
- Using [binstall][binstall]
cargo binstall kanha

> **Note** ⚠️
> This requires a working setup of rust/cargo & binstall.


sudo/doas pacman -Syyy kanha

Arch user repository

paru/yay -S kanha-git

## Subcommands
- ➊ `Status` :- Just return the HTTP response code of URLs


$ kanha status -h
Just return the HTTP response code of URLs

Usage: kanha status [OPTIONS]

-f, --filename A file containing multiple urls
-t, --tasks Define the maximum concurrent tasks [default: 20]
--stdin Reads input from the standard in
--exclude Define your status code for selective exclusion
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


- ➋ `fuzz` :- Fuzz URLs and return the response codes


$ kanha fuzz -h
Fuzz a URL and return the response codes

Usage: kanha fuzz [OPTIONS] --payloads

-p, --payloads A file containing a list of payloads
-u, --url A single url
-f, --file-path Path of the file containing multiple urls
-t, --tasks Define the maximum concurrent tasks [default: 20]
--exclude Define your status code for selective exclusion
--stdin Reads input from the standard in
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


- ➌ `rdns` :- Reverse dns lookup



$ kanha rdns -h
Reverse dns lookup

Usage: kanha rdns [OPTIONS] --filename

-f, --filename a file containing a list of possible wordlists
--stdin Reads input from the standard in
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version

- ➍ `Takeover` :- Check possible subdomain takeover


$ kanha takeover -h
Check possible subdomain takeover vulnerability

Usage: kanha takeover [OPTIONS]

-u, --url A single url
-f, --file-path Path of the file containing multiple urls
-j, --json-file A json file containing signature values of different services
--stdin Reads input from the standard in
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


- ➎ `urldencode` :- (De|En) code urls


$ kanha urldencode -h
(De|En) code urls

Usage: kanha urldencode [OPTIONS]

--encode Provide a url to encode
--decode Provide a url to dencode
-h, --help Print help
-V, --version Print version


## Contributing
- Recommend a new feature
- Give the project a star
- Add new [subcommand][commands].
- Fix docx and improve code quality

## Also see
- [`haylxon`][haylxon] :- Blazingly fast tool to grab screenshots of your domain list right from terminal written in rust 🦀
- [`httpx`][httpx] :- httpx is a fast and multi-purpose HTTP toolkit.
- [`ffuf`][ffuf] :- Fast web fuzzer written in Go

## FAQ

- **Development:**
- Progress may be gradual, but I assure you of delivering quality code!
- **Why this?**
- This is a way for me to continually expand my knowledge in cybersecurity and Rust!
- **I want my quote in Kanha.**
- Please feel free to add it [here][splash].

## Support
I am a student, i like working for open-source during my free time. If you appreciate my work, kindly consider supporting me through [Ko-fi][Ko-Fi].

## Copying
`Kanha` is licensed under the [**`MIT LICENSE`**][license], Feel free to consider Kanha as your own!







Copyright © 2023 - present pwnwriter xyz ☘️