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A curated list of awesome ORA ecosystem.

List: awesome-ora

blockchain hyper-oracle hyperoracle smart-contracts web3 zero-knowledge zero-knowledge-proofs zk zk-oracle zk-snarks

Last synced: about 1 month ago
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A curated list of awesome ORA ecosystem.




# โƒ Awesome ORA

## ๐Ÿ“‘ Table of Contents

- [โƒ Awesome ORA](#โƒ-awesome-ora)
- [๐Ÿ“‘ Table of Contents](#-table-of-contents)
- [๐ŸŒ Overview](#-overview)
- [๐Ÿค– AI Oracle Ecosystem](#-ai-oracle-ecosystem)
- [Models](#models)
- [Examples](#examples)
- [Tutorials](#tutorials)
- [General](#general)
- [DeFi](#defi)
- [AIGC-NFT](#aigc-nft)
- [Security](#security)
- [Infrastructure](#infrastructure)
- [๐Ÿ”ฎ ZK Oracle Ecosystem](#-zk-oracle-ecosystem)
- [General](#general-1)
- [DeFi \& DEX \& MEV](#defi--dex--mev)
- [Onchain API Oracle](#onchain-api-oracle)
- [NFT](#nft)
- [Game](#game)
- [Proof of X](#proof-of-x)
- [Libraries \& Utils](#libraries--utils)
- [Security](#security-1)
- [Others](#others)
- [๐Ÿ’ก Project Ideas](#-project-ideas)
- [ai/fi Ideas](#aifi-ideas)
- [AI Oracle Ideas](#ai-oracle-ideas)
- [zkOracle Ideas](#zkoracle-ideas)
- [๐Ÿ”ง Other Contribution by ORA](#-other-contribution-by-ora)
- [Researches \& Development](#researches--development)
- [World Supercomputer](#world-supercomputer)
- [Improvement Proposals](#improvement-proposals)
- [Open Grant Contribution](#open-grant-contribution)

## ๐ŸŒ Overview

This list focuses on the work related to the ORA ecosystem.

This includes the [AI Oracle (OAO, Onchain AI Oracle)]( ecosystem, the ERC ecosystem co-authored by ORA, and other ORA contributions.

## ๐Ÿค– AI Oracle Ecosystem

_A Collection of Projects Built on Onchain AI Oracle (OAO)._

### Models

- LlaMA 3: A state-of-the-art large language model for coding.
- Stable Diffusion: A deep learning, text-to-image model released in 2022 based on diffusion techniques.
- ~Grok: A generative artificial intelligence chatbot developed by xAI, based on a large language model.~

### Examples

- [Prompt]( A simple smart contract that uses OAO for LLM responses.
- [SimplePrompt]( A simpler, event-only and gas-efficient smart contract that uses OAO for LLM responses.

### Tutorials

- [Interaction with OAO]( Build AI DApp powered by OAO. See also video tutorial [here](
- [Integration with OAO]( Integrate your AI model into opML and OAO.

### General

- [Humm Protocol]( An AI-based protocol for AI ownership and monetization.
- [AI Intent Engine]( An intent engine with OAO, leveraging onchain LlaMA2 to solve user intent in natural language into onchain actions (send, and swap). Also a fork called [COCOA]( for cross-chain usage [built during ETHTaipei](
- [Grok vs Llama]( An Onchain AI vs Onchain AI project. In this project, LlaMA2 monitors whether Grok is in a Glitch state (related: [AI Mirror Test](, and if so, the user who initiated the AI request is rewarded with a bounty for finding Grok's "weakness". [Built during ETHTaipei](

### DeFi

- [AI NFT Bot]( A pricing engine for NFT assisted with onchain AI. [Built during ETHDenver](


- [7007]( An ERC-7007 based platform offering on-chain AIGC generation services and monetizing of AI Models.
- [Onchain AI NFT]( An onchain AI NFT project utilizing AI Oracle's Stable Diffusion to generate image NFT directly onchain. Complete tutorial [here](
- [OAOLimerick]( An onchain AI Limerick NFT using AI Oracle's LlaMA2 for generating poet NFT directly onchain.
- [Graviola NFT]( An onchain NFT collection with minimalistic portraits of fictional characters. [Built during ETHDenver](
- [ABC-ORA]( An ERC-7007 based AIGC music NFT project, using AI Oracle's LLM to generate music notes and mint the piece into NFT. [Built during ETHTaipei](
- [PS 6]( An AI-generated story NFT protocol. [Built during ETHTaipei](

### Security

- [InsORAnce]( An insurance protocol for DeFi that utilizes AI Oracle for evaluating insurance rules and conditions, and zkAutomation for automated hacking detection. [Build during ETHTaipei](
- [AGI (Artificial Guarding Intelligence)]( A prototype of circuit breaker for smart contract based on AI-powered simulation of protocol security. [Build during ETHTaipei](

### Infrastructure

- [gonnx]( A framework for converting ONNX to MLGO for better opML developer experience and AI Oracle model integration. [Build during ETHTaipei](
- [Dune Dashboard]( A data analysis dashboard for OAO, covering onchain usage, onchain revenue, and more. See also [dashboard for testnet](, based on The Graph.

## ๐Ÿ”ฎ ZK Oracle Ecosystem

_A List of Projects Built on ZK Oracle._

### General

- [CLE (Computational Entity) Examples]( A list of CLEs, including Uniswap Price Calculation, zkAutomation-based CLE, and multi-address based CLE. This is the implementation by ORA.
- [zkUsecases]( A list of CLEs, including SeaPort Trading Activity, and USDT Transfer Volume Per Block.
- [zkAMM]( A zkOracle-based automated market maker that is fully scalable with unlimited computation resources.
- [dETF]( A zkOracle-based fully onchain and decentralized ETF protocol.
- [Unic]( A decentralized identity platform, using zkOracle for onchain ML.
- [ZKredible]( A privacy-preserving and censorship-resistant credit record evaluation system, using zkOracle for onchain aggregation of zkML.
- [zkKYC]( A zkOracle-based hook that brings offchain kyc data to onchain Story Protocol. This project was [developed during Story Protocol Alpha Hackathon and won second place](

### DeFi & DEX & MEV

- [Marine]( A CLE as liquidation protocol on Compound Protocol. This is tracking 15+ addresses, and 90+ events at the same time.
- [zkToken]( A CLE as ERC-20 token monitor. This monitors whether there is any selling or pumping behavior in the whale account, and then issues an alert signal.
- [Dex Vigil]( A CLE that detects anomalous trading behavior and possibly prevents exploits.
- [Cross-chain Asset Transfer]( An example CLE implementation of cross-chain asset / token / credit transfer system.
- [MEV Detection]( A PoC CLE that proves a user's behavior such as `Swap` has been harmed by an MEV bot.
- [BTC 2 ETH]( A CLE that calculates for BTC to ETH conversion rate.
- [zkInsurance]( A CLE that auto-generates proofs for claiming insurance.
- [zkSafeMixer]( A CLE that warns downstream contracts if there's blacklisted address's fund in the mixer.
- [Kubera]( A CLE that implements verifiable on-chain credit score system. [Built during ETHTaipei](

### Onchain API Oracle

- [Onchain Price Oracle]( A CLE that implements TWAP oracle.

### NFT

- [BAYC Hacked]( A CLE that tracks hacked BAYC by transfer event.
- [Free Mints]( A CLE that monitors free mints of NFT.
- [Proof of OG of Azuki NFT]( A CLE that proves the OG mint of Azuki NFT.
- [Proof of Mint]( A CLE that tracks all the addresses that have minted DOP token on sepolia.

### Game

- [ZKLife]( A [full game]( that implements Conway's Game of Life with multiplayer mode and gaming AI.
- [Game Of Life]( A game that implements Conway's Game of Life with game logic computed in zkOracle.

### Proof of X

- [Proof of Pool]( A CLE that tracks newly created Uniswap v3 pools.
- [Proof of Bridge]( A PoC of cross-chain bridge uses a CLE to bridge tokens from sepolia to goerli with zkp.
- [Proof of Whale]( A CLE that verifies if a wallet is a big player even if your funds or assets are compromised, as the whale status is confirmed by the address that initiated the event, not the recipient.
- [Proof of Blacklist]( A CLE for tracking new blacklisted address of USDT.
- [Proof of Ownership]( A CLE that accesses historical ownership change of the Azuki NFT collection.
- [Proof Of Membership]( A CLE that proves an address is a member of Developer DAO.
- [Proof of Approved by rupam-04]( A CLE that accesses historical approved amount of token.
- [Proof of Approved by udhaykumarbala]( A CLE that accesses historical approved amount of token.
- [Proof of Whale]( A CLE that checks for a special "isWhale" event.
- [Proof of New Player]( A CLE that checks for "NewPlayer" event.

### Libraries & Utils

- [zkGraph String Utils]( A CLE that helps offload the string operation to offchain and gives the mechanism to prove the offline calculated values.
- [zkGraph Math Utils]( A CLE that helps offload Math operations offchain and gives the mechanism to prove the offline calculated values.

### Security

- [Secure Watcher]( A CLE that watches for activities which are similar to compromise of Private Key.

### Others

- [Decentralized Moderation]( Content moderation system based on CLE for a decentralized social network or any kind of customized DAO or decentralized network/ecosystem.

## ๐Ÿ’ก Project Ideas

_Ideas to Build with AI Oracle or zkOracle._

### ai/fi Ideas

ai/fi = AI + DeFi.

ai/fi is the fusion of AI (verifiable AI inference provided by Onchain AI Oracle) and DeFi.

The strategy to transform DeFi into ai/fi is simple: "identify the computationally intensive part of any DeFi protocol and replace it with AI."

| Idea | Implementation | Existing DeFi Protocols to Add AI |
| AI Aggregator | Aggregation with Best Swap Rate with AI | 1inch, Paraswap |
| AI AMM | Dynamic Market Making Curves with AI | Uniswap v3 |
| AI Yield | Yield Optimization with AI | Convex, Yearn |
| AI Lending | Lending of Any Asset with AI | Aave, Compound |
| AI Stablecoin | Stablecoin backed by Arbitrary Asset | MakerDAO |
| AI Governance*| AI Proposal Initiation, Review, Explainer| Any Protocol with Governance |
| AI DAO | AI-based DAO Management and Enforcement | Any Protocol with DAO |
| ... | | |

Read more from ai/fi idea posts: [1](, [2](

*: See [recursive_llm_organization](

### AI Oracle Ideas

| Idea | Model in ORA OAO (+ Other Tech Stack) |
| [System Prompt]( Powered AI Model | Any |
| Chat / GPTs with OAO | LLM |
| Specific Agents (Fortune Teller, AI GF...) | LLM |
| "Community Notes" with Onchain AI | LLM |
| Predictor and Analyzer | Any |
| Asset Pricing | Financial Models |
| Simulation | LLM or Application-Specific Models |
| Credit/Risk Analyzer | LLM or Financial Models |
| Sentiment Analysis | LLM or Application-Specific Models |
| Judge of Anything based on Rules* | LLM |
| Trading Bot Wif MEV | Financial Models (+ Flashbots SUAVE stack) |
| Aggregator | Financial Models |
| "Point Guard" | Financial Models |
| Copy-trading | Financial Models |
| AIGC-NFT (Pure, Loot-style, Remixing) | Text2Image or Text2Video Models (+ Prompt Engineering / Fine-tuning) |
| AI as Game Moderator | LLM or Application-Specific Models |
| AI as Governor | LLM or Application-Specific Models |
| AI as NPC | LLM or Application-Specific Models |
| AI as Opponent | LLM or Application-Specific Models |
| AI as Counterparty | LLM or Application-Specific Models |
| Agent for Whale's Governance | LLM or Application-Specific Models |
| Content Moderator | LLM |
| Code Generator | LLM |
| Security Gadget | LLM or Application-Specific Models |
| Bring Your Own Model | / (+ Use opML to Integrate New Models into OAO) |
| Rebuild Everything | Any (+ Rebuild All Protocols with AI) |

Read more from ORA's idea posts on AI Oracle: [1](

*: Based on [InsORAnce]( idea, LLM can be a judge / verifier of anything. In InsORAnce, LLM judges if insurance should be paid out based on a protocol's hack (truth) and given rules defining a hack (pre-made template / rule). Actually, the truth and pre-made rule can also be: any onchain events (og wallet moves ETH), and even offchain event. So that the InsORAnce idea can be expanded to insurance for anything onchain + offchain.

| Infra Ideas | Details |
| Paymaster for OAO | OAO fees are in $ETH. A paymaster can enable users to pay with $USDT to improve OAO's adoption. |
| Dashboard for OAO | Data analysis or "mempool" dashboard* for OAO. |
| Interop for OAO | Explore how OAO result from chain A can be used in chain B. |
| Optimized OAO | Optimize OAO contract with Assembly, or other novel smart contract languages. |
| Fast Finalized OAO | Explore how DApp with OAO's optimistic mechanism can be finalized faster with architecture like [this]( |
| Scaffold-OAO | Adapt Scaffold-Eth for OAO, so that devs can one-click initialize OAO AI DApp. |

*: Existing [data analysis dashboard for OAO by Gathin]( Mempool dashboard can be similar to [Ethernow](, but only showing OAO-related transactions.

### zkOracle Ideas

| Idea | Value of ORA | Difficulty | Additional Note |
| Dashboard for NFT Marketplaces | Access Historical Trading Data of Blur, Looksrare, CryptoPunks, Memswap | ๐Ÿ’ฅ | |
| Onchain DefiLlama | Access Historical Data of AAVE, Compound, Morpho | ๐Ÿ’ฅ | Performs calculations on protocol inflow and outflow, TVL, protocol revenue, protocol health ratio, protocol yield for user. |
| Onchain L2BEAT | Access Historical Data of L2's contract on L1, and Trustless Compute | ๐Ÿ’ฅ | Calculate TVL (Canonical, External, Native) of L2; Calculate TPS (via L2 blocks settled on L1) of L2. |
| CLEs for ERCs | Access Historical Data of Standardized ERCs, and Trustless Compute | ๐Ÿ”ฅ | Build CLEs for standards such as ERC-20 (maybe also weird ERC-20s) and ERC-721. |
| Onchain Price Oracle | Trustless Compute of Pricing | ๐Ÿ’ฅ | Build price oracles like TWMP (time-weighted median price), or even something like [UTXOracle]( |
| CLEs as Public Goods Libraries | Trustless Compute of Algorithms | ๐Ÿ’ฅ | Build libraries such as [onchain]( with CLE. |
| Traditional Oracle Services | Trustless Compute, and Automation | ๐ŸŒ‹ | Build VRF (Verifiable Random Function), VDF (Verifiable Delay Functions), FSS (Fair Sequencing Service). |
| Automation Apps | Trustless Compute, and Automation | ๐Ÿ”ฅ | Implement auto-renewal of ENS, automated strategies, onchain liquidator keepers for DeFi protocols... |
| DeFi Protocols Remastered | Trustless Compute of DeFi Logic, and Automation | ๐ŸŒ‹ | Use CLEs to reimplement protocols like AAVE, Curve, Uniswap v3, or v4. |
| Experimental Games | Trustless Compute of Game Logic | ๐Ÿ’ฅ | Implement games like etherquake and GameOfLife instead of pure onchain Solidity. |
| Proof of Voting Power | Access Historical `checkpoints`, and Trustless Compute | ๐Ÿ”ฅ | |
| Proof of Whale | Access Historical `balances` and Trustless Compute | ๐Ÿ”ฅ | |
| Proof of Vesting | Access Historical Data of ERC-20 | ๐Ÿ’ฅ | Query historical data of a tokenโ€™s vesting status, and determine if the vesting schedule is performed in a correct way. |
| Proof of Ownership | Access Historical `ownerships` of ERC-721 | ๐Ÿ”ฅ | |
| Proof of Mint | Access Historical `startTimestamp` and Trustless Compute | ๐Ÿ”ฅ | |
| Proof of Credit | Access Historical Data of DeFi and Trustless Compute | ๐Ÿ”ฅ | |
| Proof of Degen | Access Trading History of User and Trustless Compute | ๐Ÿ”ฅ | Similar to [DegenScore](, build an onchain verifiable one to determine if an account has enough risk tolerance ability. |
| Proof of Liveness | Access Historical Batch Commit Activity of L2 and Trustless Compute | ๐Ÿ’ฅ | Get all the historical data and analyze which L1 blocks have no `commitBatch` or `finalizeBatchWithProof` events to know if the rollup has any downtime. |
| Proof of OG | Access Historical Data of User on NFT, Contract Interactions | ๐Ÿ”ฅ | |
| Proof of Sandwiched | Access Historical `Swap` Event of User and Trustless Compute | ๐Ÿ”ฅ | Prove that a user's behavior such as `Swap` has been harmed by an MEV bot, and thus compensate the account. |
| Vault for Arbing Withdrawals on L2 bridges | Trustless Compute of Arbing, and Automation | ๐ŸŒ‹ | Automated arbitrage through optimistic L2 bridges. |
| Very Low Gas DEX | Trustless Compute of Aggregating, and Automation | ๐Ÿ’ฅ | Aggregate tiny trades, for a cheaper DEX. |
| L2 โ€“ L2 transfer using Proof of Burn | Trustless Compute of Transfer, and Automation | ๐ŸŒ‹ | User burns tokens on L2 A, and posts the proof of burn on L2 B for bridging. |
| Automated Risk Scoring of Pools | Access Historical Data, Trustless Compute, and Automation | ๐ŸŒ‹ | A combination of credit score of an account, and bad debt scoring of a pool. |
| Better Wallets | Trustless Compute as Intent-solver, and Automation | ๐ŸŒ‹ | |
| zkOracle with Uniswap Hooks | Trustless Compute of Offchain Logic | ๐Ÿ’ฅ | Use `beforeX` hook to verify the zkp from zkOracle. |
| Dark Forest Rank | Trustless Compute of Blockchain World Ranking | ๐Ÿ’ฅ | Analyze full history and operations of a contract or account to generate a ranking of all contracts and accounts (value, trade profit, MEV profit). |

*: Difficulty levels are from Eazy (๐Ÿ”ฅ) -> Normal (๐Ÿ’ฅ) -> Advanced (๐ŸŒ‹).

Read more from ORA's idea posts on zkOracle: [1](, [2](

## ๐Ÿ”ง Other Contribution by ORA

_ORA's Contribution to General Web3, Blockchain, and Crypto Space._

### Researches & Development

- [zkML: keras2circom](
- [opML: Optimistic Machine Learning](
- [opp/ai: Optimistic Privacy-Preserving AI on Blockchain](
- [IMO: Initial Model Offering](

### World Supercomputer

- [Litepaper as Co-initiator](
- [WSC Summit 2023](
- [WSC Community Day @Token2049](

## Improvement Proposals

- [Ethereum/ERC-6150](
- [Ethereum/ERC-7007](, and ecosystem ([ZenetikNFT]( and [AIME](
- [Celestia/CIP-5](

### Open Grant Contribution

- [Ethereum Foundation KZG Ceremony Grant]([Halo2-based KZG Ceremony Client](
- [Compound Grant]([Marine](