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Simple ReactNative starter with an opinionated folder structure for mobile development.

android boilerplate ios javascript react react-native react-native-boilerplate redux starter-kit typescript

Last synced: 28 days ago
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Simple ReactNative starter with an opinionated folder structure for mobile development.




# Simple React Native Starter

Simple ReactNative starter with an opinionated folder structure for mobile development.

## Getting Started

1. Ensure you've followed the [React Native - Get Started Guide](
1. Clone this project `git clone [email protected]:pcofilada/simple-react-native-starter.git`
1. Run `yarn install` from root directory
1. Run `yarn ios` or `yarn android` from root directory

## Folder Structure

- `android/` - Android native stuff
- `ios/` - iOS native stuff
- `src/` - Contains all of our react native codebase
- `App.tsx` - Base react native component
- `Router.ts` - App navigation
- `api/` - Api call related functions
- `assets/` - Images, fonts and other static files
- `config/` - Config files
- `containers/` - [Smart Components](
- `context/` - [React Context](
- `types/` - Typescript related files or functions
- `utils/` - Helper functions
- `components/` - [Dumb Components](
- `common/` - Shared components