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Simpler storage, Simpler fetch, Simpler UI

asyncstorage autoresize fetch pulltorefresh

Last synced: 2 months ago
JSON representation

Simpler storage, Simpler fetch, Simpler UI




## react-native-easy-app (React Native One-stop solution)


### Installation

npm install react-native-easy-app --save

yarn add react-native-easy-app

### Features

* Support for fast synchronous access to AsyncStorage
* Support for flexible Http requests through optional configuration
* Support for Flexible base widget (no sensory multi-screen adaptation)

### Usage

For detailed usage, please refer to the example project [Sample](, [Sample_MobX](, [Sample_Redux](, [Sample_Hook](

You can also refer to the introduction of react-native-easy-app article : [简书](

* **Implement a persistent data store manager ( based AsyncStorage )**

export const RNStorage = {// RNStorage : custom data store object
token: null, // string type
isShow: null, // bool type
userInfo: null, // object type

import { XStorage } from 'react-native-easy-app';
import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';

XStorage.initStorage(RNStorage, AsyncStorage, () => {
... // RNStorage 【Property access code snippet】

// OR ---------------------------------------------------------------

const result = await XStorage.initStorageSync(RNStorage, AsyncStorage);
if (result) {
... // RNStorage 【Property access code snippet】


// RNStorage 【Property access code snippet】

// From now on, you can write or read the variables in RNStorage synchronously

// equal to [console.log(await AsyncStorage.getItem('isShow'))]

RNStorage.token = 'TOKEN1343DN23IDD3PJ2DBF3==';
// equal to [ await AsyncStorage.setItem('token',TOKEN1343DN23IDD3PJ2DBF3==') ]

RNStorage.userInfo = {name: 'rufeng', age: 30};
// equal to [ await AsyncStorage.setItem('userInfo',JSON.stringify({ name:'rufeng', age:30})) ]

**XStorage Object**

| Method | param | ReturnType | Description |
| ----------------------|:----------------------------------------------------------------|:-----------------------------:| :-----------------------------------------------------------------------|
| initStorage | (storageObj, storageImp, initCallback, dataCallback?) | void | Establish the mapping relationship between storageObj and AsyncStorage |
| initStorageSync | (storageObj, storageImp, dataCallback?) | Promise | Establish the mapping relationship between storageObj and AsyncStorage | |
| multiGet | **keys** *:string[]* | Promise<[string, string][]> | equal to AsyncStorage.multiGet() |
| saveItems | **keyValuePairs** *:string[][]* | Promise | equal to AsyncStorage.multiSet() |
| removeItems | **keys** *:string[]* | Promise | equal to AsyncStorage.multiRemove() |
| clear | none | void | equal to AsyncStorage.clear() |

**XStorage.initStorage parameters**

| Parameter Name | required | mode | Description |
| ------------------------------------------|:-----------:|:---------------------------------------------:| :---------------------------------------------|
| **storageObj** *:object* | true | { token:undefined, userName:undefined, ...} | list of data that needs to be persisted |
| **storageImp** *:AsyncStorage* | true | AsyncStorage | data Persistence Implementation Carrier |
| **initializedFunc** *:callback function* | true | ()=>{ ... } | callback after persistent mapping success |
| **dataChangedFunc** *?:callback function* | false | (dataSet)=>{ ... } | persistent data change callback |

*Note: If the React Native version of the project is higher than 0.60, the parameters of storageImp, it is recommended to use the [AsyncStorage] instance in '@react-native-community/async-storage'*

* **Configurable Http request framework**

* All based on configuration (configuration optional, free to set)

import { XHttpConfig, XHttpConst } from 'react-native-easy-app';

.initHeaderSetFunc((headers, request) => {
.initParamSetFunc((params, request) => {
.initParseDataFunc((result, request, callback) => {
let {success, json, response, message, status} = result;

**XHttpConfig Object (All method are optional)**

| Method | param | ReturnType | Description |
| -------------------------|:------------------------------------------------------|:----------------------:| :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| constructor | **serverTag** *?:string* | XHttpConfig Builder | Corresponding to the server serverTag of XHttp |
| initBaseUrl | **baseUrl** *:string* | XHttpConfig Builder | set baseUrl |
| initTimeout | **timeout** *:number* | XHttpConfig Builder | set common timeout |
| initLogOn | **logOn** *:bool* | XHttpConfig Builder | set print request log or not |
| initContentType | **contentType** *:string* | XHttpConfig Builder | set common contentType |
| initLoadingFunc | **(isLoading) => {...}** | XHttpConfig Builder | callback http request loading status |
| initHeaderSetFunc | **(headers, request) => {...}** | XHttpConfig Builder | Intercept header settings |
| initParamSetFunc | **(params, request) => {...}** | HttpRequest Builder | Intercept params settings |
| initParseDataFunc | **(result, request, callback) => {...}** | XHttpConfig Builder | Intercept interface returns data parsing |
| initEncodeURIComponent | **encodeComponent** *:boolean* | HttpRequest Builder | Set common parameters(body) URL encoding,while contentType is [application/x-www-form-urlencoded] |
| initNetworkExceptionFunc | **(NetInfo,(message, code) => {...})** | HttpRequest Builder | Provide the request library with a tool library to check the current network status (an instance object of @react-native-community/netinfo) [require => android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE] |

* **Send request template**

import { XHttp } from 'react-native-easy-app';

let url = 'v1/account/login/';
let param = { phone: '18600000000', authCode: '123456'};
let header = { Authorization: "Basic Y3Rlcm1pbmF......HcVp0WGtI"};
let callback = () => (success, json, message, status, respoonse) => {
if (success) {
} else {

* Settable parameters are spliced in builder form
.extra({tag: 'xx'})
.loadingFunc((loading)=> showLoading('Please wait for a moment ...', loading))


**HttpRequest Object**

| Method | params | ReturnType | Description |
| ----------------------|:-----------------------------------------------------------------|:---------------------:|:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| constructor | **serverTag** *:string* | HttpRequest Builder | Corresponding to the server serverTag of XHttpConfig |
| url | **url** *:string* | HttpRequest Builder | set full url or url suffixes |
| header | **{ Accept, Authorization ... }** *:object* | HttpRequest Builder | Set the headers parameters |
| param | **{ userName,... }** or **FormData** *:object* | HttpRequest Builder | Set the body parameters |
| paramRaw | **{ userName,... }** or **FormData** *:object* | HttpRequest Builder | Set the body parameters (paramRaw will be passed directly to the body of fetch) |
| contentType | **contentType** *:string* | HttpRequest Builder | set current request contentType (common contentType Settings will be replaced) |
| internal | **internal** *:bool* | HttpRequest Builder | set request tag (default true), And then you can get it anywhere there's a request |
| extra | **{customTag ...}** | HttpRequest Builder | set request custom tag And then you can get it anywhere there's a request |
| timeout | **timeout** *:number* | HttpRequest Builder | set current request timeout (common timeout Settings will be replaced) |
| loadingFunc | **(isLoading)=>{ ... }** | HttpRequest Builder | request status callback (Reflects the status is loading or not) |
| configCommonFunc |( **enableHeaderFunc** *:bool*, **enableParamFunc** *:bool* ) | HttpRequest Builder | set common config **[initHeaderSetFunc] [initParamSetFunc]** are valid or not |
| rawData | none | HttpRequest Builder | Sets the callback result to return raw json (**[initParseDataFunc]** will be ignored) |
| pureText | none | HttpRequest Builder | Set the callback result to return plain text |
| formJson | none | HttpRequest Builder | equal to set ( headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' ) |
| formData | none | HttpRequest Builder | equal to set ( headers['Content-Type'] = 'multipart/form-data' ) |
| formEncoded | none | HttpRequest Builder | equal to set ( headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' ) |
| get |**(success, json, message, status ,response) => void** | void | [get] request callback |
| post |**(success, json, message, status ,response) => void** | void | [post] request callback |
| options |**(success, json, message, status ,response) => void** | void | [options] request callback |
| put |**(success, json, message, status ,response) => void** | void | [put] request callback |
| delete |**(success, json, message, status ,response) => void** | void | [delete] request callback |
| patch |**(success, json, message, status ,response) => void** | void | [patch] request callback |
| request |**(method, (success, json, message, status ,response) => void )** | void | request callback for specified method |
| execute | **method** *:string* | Promise | request for the specified method returned in the form of a promise |
| fetch | **method** *:string* | Promise | returns a fetch result without any processing |

*new HttpRequest() ==> XHttp()*

**It is recommended that it be more convenient to send requests using XHttp()**

* **request-send**

* synchronous request
import { XHttp } from 'react-native-easy-app';

const url = '';

const result = await XHttp().url(url).execute('GET');
const {success, json, message, status, response} = result;

this.setState({content: JSON.stringify(json)})
} else {

* asynchronous request mode 1
XHttp().url(url).get((success, json, message, status, response)=>{
if (success){
this.setState({content: JSON.stringify(json)});
} else {

* asynchronous request mode 2
XHttp().url(url).execute('GET').then(({success, json, message, status, response}) => {
if (success) {
this.setState({content: JSON.stringify(json)});
} else {

* **Flexible base widget**



.initResource(AssetsBaseUrl) // The uri prefix of the icon attribute of the XImage component
.initReferenceScreen(375, 677); // The component scales the reference screen size

**XView, XImage, and XText all contain the raw attribute. If the raw value is true, the setting of XWidget.initReferenceScreen (*referenceWidth*, *referenceHeight*) is ignored: multi-screen size adaptation is not automatically processed**

**XView Object**

| Property | type | Description |
| ------------|:-----------:|:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| raw | bool | default:false, if true, the multi-screen adaptation function will be disabled. |
| ... | ... | If the onPress or onLongPress property is included, it has the same property as TouchableXXX, otherwise it has the same property as View |

**XImage Object**

| Property | type | Description |
| ----------------------|:----------------:| :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| raw | bool | default:false, If true, the multi-screen adaptation function will be disabled. |
| icon | string | equivalent to Image's srouce attribute,Can accept such as [], [data: image / png; base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAAN ...] or [require ('./ image.jpg')] |
| iconSize | number | the size of the image has priority over the width and height of the style |
| ... | ... | if the onPress and onLongPress functions are set, XImage will be wrapped by XView, and the externally passed properties will be automatically assigned to the correct control |

**XText Object**

| Property | type | Description |
| ----------------------|:----------------:| :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| raw | bool | default:false, If true, the multi-screen adaptation function will be disabled. |
| text | string | text |
| textExtend | bool | if the icon is included, it is equivalent to setting the property of the Text component: {flex: 1} |
| icon | string | equivalent to Image's srouce attribute,Can accept such as [], [data: image / png; base64, iVBORw0KGgoAAAAN ...] or [require ('./ image.jpg')]|
| resizeMode | string | icon resizeMode |
| iconSize | number | icon size |
| iconStyle | object | icon style |
| iconMargin | number | distance between icon and text |
| iconPosition | string | the position of the icon in the View, only the following values can be set: 'top', 'right', 'bottom', 'left' |
| ... | ... | if the onPress and onLongPress functions are set, XText will be wrapped by XView, and the externally passed properties will be automatically assigned to the correct control|

**XFlatList Object**

| Property | type | Description |
| ----------------------|:-----------------------------:| :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
| data | array | equivalent to data of FlatList control |
| refreshStatus | object | XFlatList list displays UI styles and text setting objects in different refresh states |
| indicatorProps | object | set the style and attributes of RefreshControl |
| onRefresh | () => {...} | equivalent to onRefresh of FlatList control |
| onLoadMore | () => {...} | When the list scrolls to the bottom, the callback method is executed (when more data needs to be loaded)|
| renderEmptyViewFunc | (status, isEmpty) => {...} | Customize the realization of EmptyView in various states |
| renderRooterViewFunc | (status, isEmpty) => {...} | Customize the implementation of RooterView in various states |
| ... | ... | all remaining properties of [FlatList] component |

**FlatList component refreshStatus attribute example**

const RefreshStatus = {
Idle: {}, //idle status

RefreshingData: { text: 'Loading...' }, // Pull-down refresh..
NoData: { text: 'No data' }, // To drop down to refresh (no data).
LoadFailure: { text: 'Failed to load' }, // Drop-down refresh (load failed)

LoadingMoreData: { moreText: 'Loading more data…' }, // Load more, in progress...
NoMoreData: { moreText: 'No more data' }, // Load more (no data)
LoadMoreFailure: { moreText: 'Click to reload' }, // Load more (load failed)

NetException: {text: 'network exception', moreText: 'Network exception, click reload'}, // network exception

For detailed usage, please refer to the example project [Sample](, [Sample_MobX](, [Sample_Redux](, [Sample_Hook](

You can also refer to the introduction of react-native-easy-app article : [简书](

### Version log

* 1.7.0 XStorage initialization adds required parameter storageImp (AsyncStorage instance)
* 1.7.4 Set the default timeout of XHttpConfig to 15 seconds; update the readme file and add XStorage synchronization initialization code snippets.
* 1.7.5 Remove the parameter urlEncoded processing of specific request, only support global encoding or no encoding; fix the encoding processing under non-formEncoded type.
* 1.7.6 Set the default contentType of XHttpConfig to application/x-www-form-urlencoded; set the default icon of XText to be at the top of the text.
* 1.7.7 XText adds iconStyle and resizeMode attributes; XHttp common parameters add support for incoming FormData, the original parameter paramRaw supports sending the request directly without processing.
* 1.7.8 Fix the bug that XImage does not support tintColor style when there is a click event.
* 1.7.9 XFlatList adds ref attribute: ref => this.flatList = ref, so that XFlatList can support the related methods owned by FlatList, the usage is as follows: this.refreshList.flatList.scrollToOffset({...}).
* 1.7.12 When the request is successful, the meaningless timeout timer is cleared in time to reduce unnecessary waste of timer resources.
* 1.7.13 XFlatList adds attributes renderFooter, indicatorProps to control its style and attributes more flexibly.
* 1.7.16 XFlatList adds attributes such as indicatorProps, renderEmptyViewFunc, renderRooterViewFunc, etc., which can customize the layout of indicator, emptyView in various states and rooterView
* 1.7.17 XFlatList adds attribute renderPreEmptyViewFunc, which is used to customize the layout of EmptyView when the list is not loaded with any data.
* 1.7.18 HttpConfig adds the initNetworkExceptionFunc method, through the @react-native-community/netinfo instance object specified by the user, the corresponding callback processing is done according to the current network status when requesting
* 1.7.19 XFlatList merges renderPreEmptyViewFunc into renderEmptyViewFunc method, removes XText’s default support for allowFontScaling
* 1.7.20 Fix the bug that the judgment condition of the screen adaptation method validReferSize is wrong
* 1.7.23 Removed unnecessary data type conversion implementation when XStorage reads data from persistence to memory
* 1.7.25 Compatible XStorage data storage can not effectively handle the bug of undefined type data (an exception will be reported on IOS)
* 1.7.26 Rename the XHttpConfig method initHttpLogOn to initLogOn, rename the XFlatList method renderRooterViewFunc to renderFooterViewFunc, modify the readme document description