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dotbot pacaur plugin

arch-aur archlinux aur dotbot dotbot-pacaur pacaur

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dotbot pacaur plugin




# Dotbot `pacaur` Plugin

Plugin for [dotbot]( that adds a `pacaur` directive. It installs [official]( and [AUR]( packages on Arch Linux with [`pacaur`](

This plugin will also attempt to install `pacaur` if not already installed which should make it easier when setting up a new computer.

## Installation

1. Add `dotbot-pacaur` as a submodule of your dotfiles.

git submodule add

2. Add the `pacaur` directive to your `install.conf.yaml`.

- pacaur:
- zsh
- neovim
- atom-editor-bin
- gitkraken

3. Edit your `install` script to enable `dotbot-pacaur` plugin by modifying the last line with the `-p` option shown below.

-p "${BASEDIR}/dotbot-pacaur/" "${@}"

## Other Usages

### Run Separately

If you want to run `dotbot-pacaur` separately from your main configuration, you can do so with the `-p` option and a `packages.conf.yaml` configuration that contains only the `pacaur` section from your `install.conf.yaml`.

dotbot/bin/dotbot -p dotbot-pacaur/ -c packages.conf.yaml

### Alternative Directive Name

If you want to separate your official packages from your AUR packages, you can put them in a directive named `pacman`. Both directives are functionally the same (everything still gets installed with `pacaur`), but this may allow you to organize things a little more.

- pacman:
- zsh
- neovim
- pacaur:
- atom-editor-bin
- gitkraken

## Basic Example

# ./install

#!/usr/bin/env bash

set -e


BASEDIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"

cd "${BASEDIR}"

(cd "${DOTBOT_DIR}" && git submodule update --init --recursive)
"${BASEDIR}/${DOTBOT_DIR}/${DOTBOT_BIN}" -d "${BASEDIR}" -c "${CONFIG}" "${@}"

# ./install.conf.yaml

- defaults:
relink: true

- clean: ['~']

- link:
~/.dotfiles: ''
~/.tmux.conf: tmux.conf
~/.vim: vim
~/.vimrc: vimrc

- shell:
- [git submodule update --init --recursive, Installing submodules]

- pacaur:
- zsh
- neovim
- atom-editor-bin
- gitkraken

## Advanced Example

[My own dotfiles configuration]( shows an example of a more advanced usage, splitting up different sections into different files and swapping `dotbot-pacaur` for `dotbot-brew` on MacOS.