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configuration desktop-environment-configuration dotfiles linux-configuration

Last synced: 28 days ago
JSON representation




* dotfiles

*** selection

| class | instance |
| hw | [[][thinkpad x1 nano g1]], [[][corne]], [[][atheris]], [[][mz1]], [[][i1601fwux]] |
| env | [[][void]] [[][linux]], [[][labwc]], [[][bash]], [[][tcl]] |
| look | [[][cemant]], [[][sarasa]], [[][agave]], [[][inter]], [[][font awesome]] |

*** scripts

| name | description |
| *[[__shell/bin/00][00]]* | *run* file(s) based on mimetype (like =xdg-open=) |
| *[[__shell/bin/0c][0c]]* | pass *command* string to tcl |
| *[[__shell/bin/0l][0l]]* | read *log* |
| *[[__shell/bin/0m][0m]]* | wrap [[][xrandr]] |
| *[[__shell/bin/0s][0s]]* | *system* utilities |
| *[[__shell/bin/0t][0t]]* | graphical *shell* utilities |
| *[[__shell/bin/0u][0u]]* | general utilities |
| *[[__shell/bin/0v][0v]]* | wrap [[][qemu]] |
| *[[__shell/bin/lib.tcl][lib.tcl]]* | *help* =0*= tcl scripts |

| *[[stow.tcl]]* | prep and link all user files |
| *[[load.tcl]]* | setup entire system + user configuration from scratch |

*** keybinding

| key template | key more | do |

| =MS-r= | | *reconfigure* |
| =CA-= *char* | =\b= / =\d= | *lock* / *sleep* |
| =M/A-L= | | *resize* / *move* window |
| =MS[C]-\e= | | *close* [ or *kill* ] window |
| =MS-= *num* | =1= / =2= / =3= / =4= | *move* window to *nth* desktop |
| =M[S]-= *dir* | =h= / =j= / =k= / =l= / =y= / =u= / =b= / =n= | *move* [ and *snap* ] window to *edge* |
| =M-= *char* | =c= / =slash= / =quote= / =semic= / =comma= / =dot= / =lt= / =gt= | *snap* window to variations of *grid* |
| =M[S]-f= | | toggle *maximise* [ or *fullscreen* ] |

| | | /FOCUS/ |
| =M-= *num* | =1= / =2= / =3= / =4= | *focus nth* desktop |
| =A[S]-\t= | | cycle *focus* [ *backwards* ] |
| =M-a= | | toggle *always on top* |

| | | /APP/ |
| =[S]-print= | | *take picture* of *screen* [ then *edit* ] |
| =M-\s= | | *dismiss* notification |
| =M-= *char* | =\n= / =grave= / =e= / =t= / =w= | launch *launcher* / *treeview* / *editor* / *terminal* / *www* |

*** usage

**** keep a user configuration file

1. Let's say this repository is saved as =dotfiles= and you are in it.
2. Create a directory with a name of your choice, prepending =_=.
3. ~cd~ inside the new directory.
4. Pretending that you are at =$HOME=, recreate the location of the configuration file.
- For example, say you want to back up [[][mimeapps.list]]. Create the path of folders =...dotfiles/_mime/.config=, and write the file =...dotfiles/_mime/.config/mimeapps.list=.

*Note*: Sometimes, a subpath may not exist, and that will affect both keeping and loading. Say you want to keep =$HOME/.config/foo/bar.txt=, but =$HOME/.config= doesn't exist yet. If you call ~./stow.tcl~ now to load everything, a link called =$HOME/.config= will be created referencing somewhere in =dotfiles=. When other files get put into =$HOME/.config=, all those files (even those you don't want to keep) will actually reside in this repository!

For this reason, edit the =fend= list inside =stow.tcl=. For the above example, add =.config= to the list (to link =foo/=) or add =.config/foo= (to link =bar.txt=).

**** load/restore all user configuration files

*Note*: If you don't want to load some =_configuration=, place it in =disabled= first.

1. Go to the =dotfiles= root directory.
2. ~./stow.tcl~

**** load entire system configuration

*IMPORTANT*: Customised to my system. Will most likely bork your system.


1. Go to the =dotfiles= root directory.
2. ~./load.tcl~
- presumes: drives prepped; base system and tcl installed; internet available

**** remove a user configuration file.


1. Find the link and manually ~rm~ it.