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Generic Refactoring Plugin for Vim

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Generic Refactoring Plugin for Vim




# vim-refactor v2.0.0 [![Last release](]( [![Project Stats](](
## Features

lh-refactor is a generic refactoring plugin.

So far it supports the following refactorings (v0.2.2):
* Extract Function,
* Extract Variable,
* Extract Type,
* Extract Getter & Extract Setter, _(it's more a generate than an extract actually)_
and the following languages: C, C++, Java, Pascal, VimL.

The list of languages supported can be extended (however some refactoring work in the plugin is required to simplify that part)

The complete documentation can be browsed [in the repository](doc/refactor.txt)

## Mappings
### Visual-mode Mappings (not available in Select-mode)
* `f` to eXtract a Function
* `v` to eXtract a Variable
* `t` to eXtract a Type
### Normal-mode Mappings
* `g` to eXtract a Getter, and `s` to eXtract a Setter
* `p` and `P` to Put back the definition that as been extracted

#### Note

The extraction refactorings don't put back anything. The position in the code
where the extracted things are to be placed are left to end-user appreciation.
This has to be done with `p` and `P`.

## Installation
* Requirements: Vim 7.+, [lh-vim-lib](, [lh-brackets](, [lh-dev]( (and thus [lh-tags](, and [lh-style](
* With [vim-addon-manager](, install lh-refactor. This is the preferred method because of the various dependencies.

ActivateAddons lh-refactor

* or you can clone the git repositories (expecting I haven't forgotten anything):

git clone [email protected]:LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib.git
git clone [email protected]:LucHermitte/lh-tags.git
git clone [email protected]:LucHermitte/lh-dev.git
git clone [email protected]:LucHermitte/lh-style.git
git clone [email protected]:LucHermitte/lh-brackets.git
git clone [email protected]:LucHermitte/vim-refactor.git

# For experimental function extraction
git clone [email protected]:LucHermitte/mu-template.git
git clone [email protected]:tomtom/stakeholders_vim.git

* or with Vundle/NeoBundle (expecting I haven't forgotten anything):

Bundle 'LucHermitte/lh-vim-lib'
Bundle 'LucHermitte/lh-tags'
Bundle 'LucHermitte/lh-dev'
Bundle 'LucHermitte/lh-style'
Bundle 'LucHermitte/lh-brackets'
Bundle 'LucHermitte/vim-refactor'

" For experimental function extraction
Bundle 'LucHermitte/mu-template'
Bundle 'tomtom/stakeholders_vim'

## See also
* Klaus Horsten's tip: [Vim as refactoring tool (with examples in C#)](
* [lh-cpp]( defines a few other refactoring-like functionalities:
* Generate accessor and mutator (`:ADDATTRIBUTE`),
* Generate default body given a function signature (`:GOTOIMPL`)
* [](