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GPT 3.5/4 with a Chat Web UI. No API key required. Web server developed with c++

chatgpt chatgpt-clone cpp20-coroutine freegpt gpt-3 gpt4 gpt4free openai-api openai-chatgpt website

Last synced: 13 days ago
JSON representation

GPT 3.5/4 with a Chat Web UI. No API key required. Web server developed with c++




# Cpp FreeGPT WebUI

[![](]( [![](]( [![](
)]( [![Docker Pulls](

## GPT 3.5/4


This project features a WebUI utilizing the [G4F API](

Experience the power of ChatGPT with a user-friendly interface, enhanced jailbreaks, and completely free.

## Support this repository:

- ⭐ **Star the project:** Star this. It means a lot to me! 💕

## Getting Started :white_check_mark:
To get started with this project, you'll need to clone the repository and have g++ >= 13.1 installed on your system.

### Cloning the Repository :inbox_tray:
Run the following command to clone the repository:

git clone

## Compile And Running the Application :rocket:
To run the application, run the following command:

1. Check local g++ version, need g++ version >= gcc version 13.1.0 (GCC)

2. install xmake
curl -kfsSL | bash -s v2.8.6
source ~/.xmake/profile

3. install libcurl-impersonate, ubuntu (apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev) centos7 (yum install libcurl-devel.x86_64)
sudo mv libcurl-impersonate-v0.6.0-alpha.1.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz /usr/lib64
cd /usr/lib64
sudo tar -xvf libcurl-impersonate-v0.6.0-alpha.1.x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz
export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64:$LIBRARY_PATH

4. Compiling
git clone
cd cpp-freegpt-webui
xmake build -v -y
xmake install -o .
cd bin
./cpp-freegpt-webui ../cfg/cpp-free-gpt.yml

Access the application in your browser using the URL:

### Running the Docker
Pull the Docker image from Docker Hub:
docker pull fantasypeak/freegpt:latest

Run the application using Docker:
docker run -it --rm \
-p 8858:8858 \
--name freegpt \
Run the application(use http proxy) using Docker:
docker run --rm -it \
--net=host \
--name freegpt \

Configurable environment variables
01. CHAT_PATH=/chat
03. PROVIDERS="[\"gpt-4-ChatgptAi\",\"gpt-3.5-turbo-stream-DeepAi\"]"
04. IP_WHITE_LIST="[\"\",\"\"]"
05. PORT=8858
06. HOST=
08. INTERVAL=300
09. ZEUS=

### Start the Zeus Service [optional]
This is not necessary, Zeus is a cpp-freegpt-webui auxiliary service, because some provider needs to perform specific operations such as get cookies and refreshing web pages etc.
If you need to use these specific providers, you need to start it(Zeus Docker)

Start zeus service
docker run -d \
--name=zeus \
-p 8860:8860 \
--rm \
Start the application
docker run -it --rm \
--net=host \
--name freegpt \

### Start the flaresolverr docker [optional]
This is not necessary, The some provider(aivvm,gptChatly) is enabled Cloudflare challenges, so we need use flaresolverr to solve it.
docker run -d \
--name=flaresolverr \
-p 8191:8191 \
-e LOG_LEVEL=info \
--restart unless-stopped \

### Call OpenAi Api
It supports calling OpenAI's API, but need set API_KEY
docker run --rm -it \
-p 8858:8858 \
--name freegpt \
-e API_KEY=a40f22f2-c1a2-4b1d-a47f-55ae1a7ddbed \

### WebUI
The application interface was incorporated from the [chatgpt-clone]( repository.

### API G4F
The free GPT-4 API was incorporated from the [GPT4Free]( repository.

## Star History Chart:

[![Star History Chart](](

## Legal Notice
This repository is _not_ associated with or endorsed by providers of the APIs contained in this GitHub repository. This
project is intended **for educational purposes only**. This is just a little personal project. Sites may contact me to
improve their security or request the removal of their site from this repository.

Please note the following:

1. **Disclaimer**: The APIs, services, and trademarks mentioned in this repository belong to their respective owners.
This project is _not_ claiming any right over them nor is it affiliated with or endorsed by any of the providers

2. **Responsibility**: The author of this repository is _not_ responsible for any consequences, damages, or losses
arising from the use or misuse of this repository or the content provided by the third-party APIs. Users are solely
responsible for their actions and any repercussions that may follow. We strongly recommend the users to follow the
TOS of the each Website.

3. **Educational Purposes Only**: This repository and its content are provided strictly for educational purposes. By
using the information and code provided, users acknowledge that they are using the APIs and models at their own risk
and agree to comply with any applicable laws and regulations.

4. **Copyright**: All content in this repository, including but not limited to code, images, and documentation, is the
intellectual property of the repository author, unless otherwise stated. Unauthorized copying, distribution, or use
of any content in this repository is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of the repository

5. **Indemnification**: Users agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the author of this repository from and
against any and all claims, liabilities, damages, losses, or expenses, including legal fees and costs, arising out of
or in any way connected with their use or misuse of this repository, its content, or related third-party APIs.

6. **Updates and Changes**: The author reserves the right to modify, update, or remove any content, information, or
features in this repository at any time without prior notice. Users are responsible for regularly reviewing the
content and any changes made to this repository.

By using this repository or any code related to it, you agree to these terms. The author is not responsible for any
copies, forks, or reuploads made by other users. This is the author's only account and repository. To prevent
impersonation or irresponsible actions, you may comply with the GNU GPL license this Repository uses.